
Thursday, July 28, 2011

On The Deer Trail

It has been awhile since I've visited my old favorite place, Woodland Hills Nature Park. I love going back there because it's not very far from home, and it is a nice and quiet place to hike. Most people don't like this place because they can't take their animals, and it is more nature than park.

There aren't usually many animals to see at this place unless you know what you're doing. Almost everyone stays on the main paths, which are still kind of rough compared to most normal walking parks. But I look for the out of the way places. I look to explore the trails where no other humans go. I look for the deer trails.

Deer make their own trails that sometimes criss-cross the human trails. I immediately upon arriving on the human trail decided to move to the first deer trail I saw. And around the first bend I encountered exactly what I was looking for. This white-tailed deer was staring back at me as if it couldn't believe I was really there.

I made sure I chose the right body language to keep it there long enough to get several pictures to share with you. But then I had an even better idea. I should get a little bit of video. I haven't had an episode of Rat TV in a very long time.

The problem with the video is that the deer wanted to keep standing there staring at me. So I had to slightly shift the way I appeared to her so that she would decide it wasn't such a good idea to be there anymore. I did it because I knew you would want a little bit of an action video.  Of course I didn't want to scare her too much though. Let's watch the video.

The sounds you hear in the video are the freeway that is not too far from this park. The trees muffle most of that noise, but sometimes, like in a video, it can sound very loud. The animals are used to it by now though. And this park is a good enough size that they can hide from most humans pretty well.

I'm not going to share any blogging tips this time. As I  write this, I'm not sure if anyone cares about them yet. I'll still put them out there when I think of something cool. But nature is cool too. And I just went on this trip that I am extremely excited about. This deer wasn't the only thing I found. See ya!

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. To see the deer around this part of our State is always an amazing thing for me! She is so beautiful in your wonderful photo, Ratty!

  2. Love her pretty red summer coat..and great video, Ratty!

  3. You will be a deer while trekking on the deer trails.

  4. love the pictures, it is always great to see some wildlife in our hikes.

  5. I liked the "deer" tip and the video. Any blogging tips would be appreciated by me.

  6. Whitetails are always wonderful to see aren't they! I love following deer trails too.

  7. I can't wait to see what else you encountered! The deer was already pretty cool. We live just down the hill from a freeway and my human has seen deer wandering near the underpass.

  8. Very nice to share, I had a buck run in front of us yesterday, I wondered what it thought of all the crazies on bikes.

  9. Really nice photos Ratty! I really enjoyed the video as well. Proof that you can have as many adventures close to home (as can we all) as you want! Thanks.

  10. Really nice photos Ratty! I really enjoyed the video as well. Proof that you can have as many adventures close to home (as can we all) as you want! Thanks.

  11. Awww! She is beautiful!! I love how she moved her tail as she was getting ready to leave. perfect lighting too!!

  12. Love the pictures. I never see deer when I'm out walking. She looks like she's quite curious about you in that picture.
