
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Taking A Bath

I found this robin while she was right in the middle of her bath. I never interrupted her because I thought I'd just hang back and be polite. Animals like it that way much better than if I went charging up screaming, "Hey, can I take your picture?"

This robin seemed to really be enjoying herself in the water, so I just stood there and observed. I could see how happy she was, and a little of that happiness rubbed off on me. That is the kind of thing I like about nature.

This one little bird didn't have a care in the world, and as a good side effect, neither did I now. What a wonderful result of just taking a walk outside. Just thinking back on this little incident gives me a great feeling inside.

As you can see, I haven't posted anything in a few days. All I can say is that I simply forgot. I've been doing that a lot lately. One of you asked me if my forgetfulness was because of age or my accident. I don't remember who. I only remember that you are one of my favorite bloggers. It'll come to me one of these times.

Anyway, it is definitely because of the accident. I'm not really very old yet. My memory isn't totally lost. It's just that things, sometimes very important things, seem to routinely slide right out of my mind now. It's actually not always a bad thing. It gives me plenty of rest sometimes.

Don't take any of that wrongly. I don't feel too bad. It's just a bit of a status report and an answer to a question from an important person, and I just barely happened to remember it. Losing a bit of memory isn't too bad because you don't really remember what you've missed. And people can come up with good jokes to share with you. I just can't remember any right now. :D

Splashy splashy, little birdie!

Go read Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!

Oh, and Rat Tales too. There are little bits of me splattered all over that place.


  1. Sometimes, I just observed too and not bother with the camera. It's fun to see. Hope you feel better, Ratty!

  2. Nature! It's a great healer. I know what you mean about observing quietly Ratty. Keep well.

  3. What a fun post.Sitting and being at one is a part of me.

  4. You have found the "key" to embrace Nature. This may be the compensation to the temporary memory loss.

  5. How nice to come upon this Robin taking bath. Seldom see that.
    It's hotter than heck here today. In the 90's today and tomorrow. I'm staying inside!! Take care Ratty.

  6. there are a lot of times when I'm sitting in the back yard without my camera and birds will come to visit the bath. I love sitting there watching them. They look like they are totally enjoying it as much as I am enjoying watching them

  7. Ratty, Wouldn't it be nice if we all just "lived in the Moment" like your sweet Robin and all of wildlife? Don't their way of living. We all could learn from critters.JMHO...:)

  8. Ratty, this is how the kitty paparazzi should behave! With respect for their subjects instead of sticking cameras in our faces and bothering us all the time. All of us in the Cat Blogosphere complain about our annoying photographers. You have it right!

  9. How naughty, watching the birdie bathe. lol

  10. Birds can be so funny looking when they splash around. We finally got some much-needed rain tonight, so I hope the birds had some cleanup fun.

  11. I'm with you, Ratty..watching the birds happily splash without a care can truly make us feel better.
    Great captures.

  12. This is a lovely photo and memory to share Ratty. I have a little pond on my plot now and have enjoyed many a moment watching the birds coming for a drink and a bath on the rocks which I have placed in it...sometimes the simplest of things are the most treasured!

  13. i agree with you, sometimes to forget something (as long as not a matter of life and death) means a lot of rest for ourselves, and we do need rest too. hope you continue to get better. i love watching birds doing their routines too :)

  14. I wish I could be as carefree as that robin and just be able to bathe outdoors.

  15. Momentary lapses of memory come and go with me as well, but mostly because I get migraines. I can certainly relate. I love watching birds bath as well. It's almost as fun as taking a bath yourself. You're never too old for bubbles. lol

  16. I'm taking gingeng or gingko ( actually, I take both ) but one of them is supposed to help improve your memory. My sons tell me I need to triple the dose.
