
Thursday, May 19, 2011

I Met A Little Chipmunk

Chipmunks are some of the most wonderfully curious little creatures there are. I saw this one run behind a fallen tree while I was walking past. Knowing their curious nature, I stopped and waited for the little fellow to come back for a better look at me.

Sure enough, back he came! He popped right back up on the top of the log and stared right at me. From these pictures I now know that he also had a little snack there. But he was content to stare right into my camera. He never moved a bit while I took a few pictures.

The only problem was other people. After my third picture someone came walking past. Upon seeing this other person, the little chipmunk scampered away never to be seen again. I waited there in vain hoping for a return, but knowing it was not going to happen. A chipmunk is usually only curious once.

If you know the right way to react to wild animals you can get very many good pictures, even if you're not much of a photographer. Always stay calm, and move slowly. Stop if they see you or are looking in your direction. This works for all the little critters, and most of the big ones.

And never get too upset if you don't get the shot you wanted. There are always more animals. As you can see by these pictures of the chipmunk, I can get animals to come right up to me. It's all a matter of attitude. I use tricks like this that I've learned on all animals. All animals. They all come.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. You must have visited the jungle in the morning.

    I love the colors of the morning. So soft, feel so good.

  2. Love your pics! I used to have an awesome pic of a squirrel. Too bad it was on my other computer when it crashed :(

  3. I try to avoid eye contact also, it seems to be a good reason to flee.I notice this real big with predators like hawks.

  4. So cute - great shots!! I had a similar experiences with some birds lately and I very much enjoyed them - even though I didn't have my camera on me... :)

  5. Fantastic capture, Ratty, and I love the lighting in these photos.

    Where is the sun this last week? We had none!

  6. so love the lighting in this picture, so good to be starting early.

  7. what a cute little chipmunk. Too bad someone else had to come along and scare him off

  8. "They all come" Especially the mosquitoes!

  9. Aw..that's a cute chipmunk...haven't seen one yet.


  10. Good advice,Ratty! You obvious have this down pat. Your friend is a sweetie.

  11. By now, I think you are part woodland creature, Ratty!

  12. Chipmunks are so cute. We usually see them at the zoo and in the park walking through the woods. Thanks for the photo tip!

  13. Beautiful pictures with the sun on him like that. I love to take pictures like that. Shows their colors better.
