
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Following A Nuthatch

The birds are coming out! This time of year is the beginning of me having an overwhelming amount photo opportunities with birds of all kinds. These sightings give me an unlimited amount of little adventures like the one with this white-breasted nuthatch.

Actually there were about three or four of these little birds running around the side of this tree. I had the luxury of picking one from the crowd to follow and then sticking with it. They all seemed to be chasing each other for some odd reason. Can you guess what that might be?

When I got to this part of the trail it seemed to be just full of life. There were birds singing from all directions. And some were flying quickly past me. Too fast for pictures. And then up ahead there was a chipmunk in the grass.

I tried to get pictures of the little chipmunk, but he quickly disappeared. I then saw movement to my right, and there all over the trees wer these little nuthatches. Usually they flee at the first sight of me, but they were much too occupied with each other to worry about some guy with a camera.

They did, after a few seconds, stop chasing each other in their mating frenzy to get down to the business of looking for food. Like I said before, I followed just one of the crowds. It was so much easier. But this gave me a wonderful chance to see what it was up to.

It seemed to be pecking at the tree almost like a woodpecker. It didn't make quite the same noise though. It wasn't very loud for one, but it did make a bit of noise. Just a very small tapping. I'm guessing it was looking for insects to eat.

The really cool thing about these little nuthatches is that they can run around a tree sideways and upside down. They stick to a tree just as well as any animal might. They can be fond in any position on a tree they like.

I finally lost track of this one because it was so quick. It was time for me to move on anyway. There were more birds for me to see elsewhere. Who knows what amazing thing I might see next. 

You may have noticed that I've been posting a lot more right now. This is almost back to my old schedule. I'll keep it up for as long as I can, but there is no guarantee. I'm not even sure I can be as entertaining as I used to be. I'm still a bit limited. We'll see what happens each day. See you next time.

There will be birds.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Are this shot taken by you bro?Then its superb and need some appreciation.Thanks for share the story of lovely bird.
    Thanks for your comments too bro,you would have 100 ec point sure from my entrecard account.have a nice day.

  2. Don't under-estimate yourself.

    You can be as entertaining as before.

    You are a clown. (grin).

  3. Your photographs of birds are getting better and better. I'm impressed with how much detail they show, and the habits that they reveal. Amazing!

  4. You are ALWAYS entertaining, Ratty!! Don't be so down on yourself!!!

    LOVE nuthatches! I love how they peep peep up and down the trees! I've been putting a fruit/nut mix in the feeder and they are really drawn to that. They grab a nut and take it to the tree to tap away at it. I think they are one of my favorite birds.

  5. Hi Ratty- great pictures and a great post. it's nice to see you back out and about again now and to be receiving my regular ratty updates :)

  6. The little nuthatches are so sweet. I really love seeing them.

  7. They remind me of little clowns of the forest. I can watch them forever. When banding birds I caught one three years in a row, it was like a reunion.

  8. Cute little birds. You have great shots and your posts are as entertaining as ever.
    See you next time. May the Force be with you. :)

  9. not as entertaining? nonsense. of course you're entertaining. Your pictures of the nuthatches are great too. I saw one of these for the first time in my front yard. They are fun to watch.

  10. @Blogging Park
    Yes, they sure are. All photos here were taken by me. Some are good and so0me are bad. :)

    Thanks. Now if I can only find my big floppy shoes. :)

    I think it was mostly luck this time. These birds happened to be very near when I discovered them.

    I'd love to be able to study them like that.

    I'll keep it up for as long as I can for you. :)

    Yeah, me too. I haven't seen them this close for awhile.

    @Out on the prairie
    That would be so cool getting the same one each time.

    @Con Artist Trickster
    Thanks. I try my best. :)

    The first time I ever saw one of these birds I couldn't believe how they climbed all over the tree like that.

  11. I adore this cool bird. Your photos Rock! also Rock!

  12. Very good photos of the nuthatches! They are quick! We have a lot of them here and I enjoy watching them too.

  13. You got some great pictures Ratty! I haven't been seeing any Nuthatches yet. They are cute birds and I love listening to their sounds. Glad you are seeing lots of critters again!! And am happy you are getting out a lot.

  14. I guess you have to be pretty fast to keep up with these little nuthatches! They are probably so happy that Spring has arrived, too, and are in a frenzy to get the first delectable bites of new bugs and yummy eats while you are busy with your camera.
