
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trees And Blue Skies

A little snow won't stop me any time soon! The day before my last post came out we had a huge snowstorm. I had been talking about spring coming ever closer, but then that happened. Was I wrong? No, I definitely was not wrong! These blue skies are my proof.

Yeah, yeah, I have to admit that I doctored the photos just a little bit. For shame! Really, all I did was enhance the color a tiny bit. I think they look a little more cheery this way. It was already a nice clear day with blue skies above, but snow can sometimes make things look more bleak than they actually are.

All of the snow you see in these pictures melted away to nothing in just a few days, only to be replaced a short time later with an equal amount. Winter still has a good grip on us, but it's beginning to loosen just a bit. Let's move on.

In the far background of the picture above are the trees I mentioned in my last post where birds like to hang around. Bill of Wildramblings asked a thought provoking question about my opinion of why the birds might like those trees so much. I explained in the comments section that I'm not very knowledgeable about trees yet, but I still have some thoughts on the subject.

The area there in the background is a small wetland. A vernal pond forms there in the spring which feeds a small creek that runs this way to the small footbridge that is almost concealed by the trees on the right. Many animals can be found from those far trees to the ones closer to the foreground. I think the far trees are attractive for being far away from human foot traffic.

Along with all of the water in the area are plenty of apple trees and some other trees and shrubs with berries that the birds like. I took this picture from the parking lot of the nature park. I was standing beside my truck at the time. You can see there are a lot of human tracks at this end of the park. Many birds that are near fly to the far trees when a human shows up.

This is another look at the robin from my last post. I think he was watching me as intensely as I was watching him. He seemed very uncomfortable when he noticed me, and kept leaping from tree to tree until he finally flew away.

The robins weren't nearly so shy last year. Back then I would routinely be surrounded by them as they gathered to eat berries from the trees that are closer to the nature trail. I don't think it was a lack of food last year that kept them close. There seemed to be more for them back then.

Here is another view of those same background trees from the other side of the footbridge. The parking lot is roughly off to the left. I keep taking pictures of all of these scenes, except the one with the bird of course. I just like the way these places look so much that I get a picture of each every time I'm here.

And lastly, you may have noticed that I've been trying to get back to a few things that have fallen by the wayside in the past. I've been answering your comments again for the last few posts. I've always thought the comments section is the best part of a blog. I've also begun writing my next story for my Rat Tales blog. And I have an article up at Nature Center Magazine today that actually began as a post for this site. It would have been good here, but I thought it fit there so well.

I'll be back next time with something I found in the tree that's barely sticking out on the left of this last picture above. See you then!

Nature Center Magazine - Winter's cold winds call me. They say, "Don't fly away..."


  1. It looks beautiful and blue but very cold, still!

  2. It is always good to doctor the photo in order to make the world good.

    We will be then feeling very very good.

  3. Such beautiful pictures Ratty...the sky is such a pretty colour against the backdrop of the snow!!

  4. I was waiting for those blue skies today and they ran away.The snow is returning here, with little evidence of it hanging around.

  5. Blue skies for the landscape, and hopefully for Ratty's woes! Good to see you out and here too.

  6. I love the deep blue skies at this time of year. We are having one of those days today. It was 9 below this morning but for the next few days it will be warmer and in the 30's but more snow and rain I guess. We have to enjoy the sunny days when we can. Glad you are getting out more Ratty. Take care.

  7. Maybe if there is less food this year, the birds are a little skittish because they are worried that you will take some of it. Just a thought.

  8. Beautiful blue skies and I love the picture with the bird. Winter is still holding on here but we do get teased occasionally with some spring like weather

  9. I believe many are expecting the clear and deep blue sky such as in your pictures.
    But all that snow still makes it looks cold for me.

  10. Good answer to my question Ratty! These trees are on the edge between two plant communities. This is called an ecotone. The area has plants from both plant communities and therefore more plants for animals to utilize. Ecotones are the best wildlife habitat.

    Your personal experience and sharp observational skills led you to the perfect conclusion. I am so impressed! You have some of the best observation skills I've seen.

  11. I like when you are back and posting, Ratty. :)

  12. @RNSANE
    Yeah, it's still cold here, but it's warming up fast. Rain is now washing away all that snow.

    You make it sound very good. Maybe I should doctor more of my photos. :)

    I sometimes think a clear winter sky is the most beautiful.

    @Out on the prairie
    Our snow came back a bit too, but now it's all rain.

    Blue skies always help. Hopefully there are many more.

    I'm now almost ready to see more rain than snow, but sunny skies are even better.

    That could be the answer. Maybe less food is why they haven't been around as much this year either.

    Those little teases of spring like weather mean spring is beginning to assert itself. It won't be long now.

    @Con Artist Trickster
    It won't stay cold much longer. And the snow can be fun too as long as we dress warmly.

    Thanks. I think you just ask the right questions. And thanks for the information. I can add that in next time I answer a similar question to yours.

    I like being back. I'm still not 100%, but I'm getting there.

  13. Great shots, looks great, we get very cold winters here in Canada too, nice blog keep up the great work.

  14. @Bart
    Thanks. I'm not so sure about that. Canada is just south of where I live. Well, at least Windsor is. Actually, I bet you will have snow longer than we will.
