
Monday, February 14, 2011

Back On The Trail

I'm here again with some better news this time! My health has taken a dramatic turn for the better! So maybe now I can begin writing a few normal posts here and there. It seems like after I made a big point of writing that obnoxious "ATTENTION" statement over on the right I've written almost nothing but things about my health. This will be another one, but hopefully that's about to change.

I left you last time after telling you of serious problems with chest pains I was having, and a related problem while I was on a nature trail trying to get back to my adventuring ways. I went to the doctor for many many tests where they couldn't find anything wrong, again. I routinely visit more than three different doctors since the car accident.

After the visit where I had the tests my chest was hurting more than ever. Then for some reason I was struck by a very odd thought. Maybe it was some of the medicine I was given. There is a particular pill they give me to help me sleep. The pain in my head makes sleeping difficult. I thought maybe it was the culprit. Sure enough, the next time I took one of those pills the chest pain increased again!

So I stopped taking them. These particular pills had been prescribed by my neurologist, so I called him to find a solution. I was given a rush appointment and prescribed a different medication. It turns out that a rare side effect for these pills is chest pain and trouble breathing. That was my exact problem. And now, after about a week of not taking those old pills, I feel much better.

Of course, the other problems are still there, and I'm still recovering from the accident. But it's much easier now that I can breath with ease and there are no intense chest pains to deal with. With my new found better health I was able to go back out for another short hike. The pictures today are from this newest trip.

The biggest improvement is that the joy I feel while in the middle of nature is back! It is a particular feeling that hits me when I realize I'm fully in the heart of nature and all alone. It's the good feeling that everyone should be able to know as often as possible. The feeling makes me think that everything is in its rightful place and any problems will be alright. Nothing better than that.

While taking those bad pills, all I felt was bad while I was out there and I just wanted to go back home. The most disappointing thing was the loss of that good feeling I already described. I thought maybe it would never return. I may experience similar thoughts in the future, but I hope they don't come anytime soon.

But like I said before, that wonderful feeling of joy is back, so now maybe I can slowly get back to telling a few better stories. I have exactly three blog type websites right now, and they have all suffered because of one car accident. Nature Center Magazine has been seeing steady updates because of other writers, but no improvement from me personally. That has now changed. Rat Tales was moving along okay until my chest pains brought it to an abrupt halt, so I hope to be able to begin writing the next episode of my current serial fiction story there now. And The Everyday Adventure has suffered the most because I can't go outside like I want to do. I hope that will get better as time goes on now.

I'll be back tomorrow with something more fun than this, but in the meantime go ahead and enjoy the pictures from today.

Nature Center Magazine - A seahorse giving birth? Yup, that's our video for this week. Quick and educational entertainment. And it's free too!


  1. Lovely pictures Ratty..and fantastic news that you are starting to feel better. I'm glad you got your medication sorted and I look forward to reading tomorrows post!!

  2. Lovely pictures and fantastic news. Happy Valentines day to you

  3. Awesome! Thanks for the update and pix, but mostly I'm just glad that you are feeling better and enjoying getting out again.

  4. What a wonderful discovery, you really have to be your own advocate when your health is involved. I'm so happy for you and look forward to upcoming posts. I certainly know how you feel about time in nature.

  5. Good stuff, Ratty!
    Glad you're back at it!

  6. That's real good news! I am happy no more chest pains for you. It pays to look after your own health.

  7. Yay! Finally you've turned a corner in your recovery! I am not surprised that something that was supposed to help you was making you sicker - it happens a lot in complex situations like what you are going through. I am looking forward to seeing more adventures again! :)

  8. Just in time for some warm weather, hopefully.

  9. I am so happy to hear you are feeling better. Those darn medications! You never know what they are going to do to you but I'm sure glad you recognized the problem and they dealt with it fast. I love your winter photos. The woods look so peaceful and it's fun to come across tracks in the snow. Hope you will now be able to get out more Ratty. Take care.

  10. I'm glad that you are starting to feel better. Life does have a way of getting in the way of our blogging and it's no wonder you haven't been able to update all your blogs as often as you'd like. Hopefully things will be returning to a more normal state for you soon. Take care

  11. What wonderful news Ratty! I'm looking forward to your return to full good health.

  12. This is the best news I've had all day. I am so happy you are coming around. I know its different for everyone but I'm negatively impacted by any pharmaceutical medication. I don't know why but now I avoid them all like the plague. Of course, I know these are miraculous for some whose very health depends on these drugs. Evidently they are just not for me.

  13. Splendid news, Ratty. to watch the side effects of meds. Glad you are feeling better.I will look forward to your future posts!

  14. It's good to hear you're feeling better. Hopefully your adventures will soon be back to a daily routine and brighten your spirit.

  15. So happy to hear the good news that it was the meds and not another problem. Look forward to seeing your pictures of the outdoors and so glad your feeling of JOY is back! Take care my friend! :)
