
Friday, January 14, 2011

A Story Of Falling Snow

I'm gonna tell you a story. It's about falling snow. You could call it a big storm, but you might call it small. I got away without any harm, even though this one could have been quite a disaster for my poor unprotected camera. But many of you already know that.

It was already lightly snowing when I set out in my truck. The roads didn't have much snow on them, but there was enough that I figured this might be a good chance to find out how well the four wheel drive worked on my new truck. I really thought it wouldn't snow much longer.

But about a third of the way to my destination the snow began to fall much more heavily! The roads soon became covered in wet, slippery snow. But the truck performed even better than expected, which is much better than some of the cars around me did. The other cars made this a bit scary for me, but I wasn't about to turn back now. I wanted pictures of falling snow! And so I soon made it to my destination.

I began taking pictures soon after getting out of the truck at the nature park. But then I remembered my camera's handy dandy movie record button, so I pushed it with the intention of getting a nice little video of the falling snow. And that is what you see above, another episode of Rat TV!

It was at this quick point that I began to be concerned for my camera. I noticed that the snow was sticking to it a little too much. I had been out here in the falling snow before, so I hesitantly decided it would be fine. So I made my way for the walking trail.

After walking only a short distance and taking only a few pictures I noticed that the snow was a little wetter than most other times. It was falling hard now and melting all over my camera. The camera was just soaked now. I tried to cover it up the best I could, but it wasn't working. There was snow even piling up in front of the lens.

So in the end I had to turn back around, get in my truck, and go right back home. It all turned out to be a short trip, but a good one. I got some of the pictures I was hoping for, even though I didn't get the chance to meet any animals out there. But I'll be back. And then I know I'll see something I've never seen before.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature! Come get some.


  1. If you stand still, will you be covered up by the snow and become a snowman?

  2. Ratty, I guess you will have to build some sort of contraption for your camera to protect it from the elements and allow you to shoot at the same time. It does look pretty bleak and snowy, as though you are in the far north! Very different from rainfield's Malaysian climate!

  3. Ratty, it's good for me to know that you are well enough to get out in nature. Hopefully, your health returns to 100% soon.

  4. Some cameras do have a waterproof cover they make. I have a bag I used for a smaller camera kayaking. I dropped a camera in the water and they don't recover.The gall inthe camera store asked if I was Catholic.When I asked why,she said she could call a preist.

  5. You may not have seen anything exciting but I bet it felt great just to get out there. :O)

  6. Just like outside my window, right now! Glad you got out... maybe a short trip was good so that you didn't overdo. At any rate, I'm really happy to see new posts a little more often again.

  7. I would have been right there with you. The sounds in the video are so somber, almost soothing, although I'm sure it was quite chilly.

  8. The video is great Ratty and I am glad that I got to experience it with you...snow is not my favourite thing, however I do love it when it is falling...just not the slushy aftermath that is sure to follow eventually!!

  9. I liked watching the falling snow. It always looks prettier when it's falling somewhere other than here :)
    I don't blame you for ending the hike. I always worry about my camera when I'm out in weather like that.

  10. Your video could have been filmed in Georgia...last week.:)

  11. I enjoyed watching the snow fall. Of course, I live in southern California, so it's quite novel for me!

  12. Just being out in the snow is good enough! It's always refreshing. I love to be outside when it's snowing. I was today and it felt so good even though it was so cold. I'm glad you were out and about Ratty!

  13. I always want to experience falling snow. Something that quite impossible if living in tropical country.

  14. glad tosee you enjoying snow day and taking pictures, hope yu are 100% well now. I tried capturing snow days as well, but my snow flakes did not come out so well.

  15. Same here with VanillaSeven. I'm a tropical man who dreams of playing in the snow, though all those blizzard news kinda disconcert me.

  16. Awesome. I live in a tropical country, I haven't see the snow yeat =[

  17. The video of the snow falling was interesting. It looks like you sped it up but I think it is because it is snowing so hard. Great pictures. Glad you got out for a little while. Take care.

  18. For a moment I thought I was watching the Narnia webcam :-P

  19. I love the video. We don't have snow in my place because I live in a tropical country but I would love to experience having snow and build my snowman:).

  20. I always carry my camera in a case and only take it out when taking photos. I do so not only to protect it from the elements but to avoid flinging it when my arms flail about as I go about tripping through the woods. Snow getting on the lens is always a hassle.

    Truck? SUV or pick-up?
    I know putting 500 Lbs or so in the back of a pick-up might not be great for mileage but it sure beats having the rear end decide to take the lead on a slippery road.

  21. I also want to experience falling snow, but impossible cause we are near the tropic.
