
Friday, December 10, 2010

The Hungry Goldfinch

I've had a lot of time to go through my archives lately, and I have found some surprising things. I really forgot I took these pictures back in May. There were just so many things to see back then that this exciting event was swept by the wayside. How could I have done that?

The bird in these pictures is called an American Goldfinch. They are maybe my very favorite type of bird because of their bright yellow color. The first time I ever saw one I was amazed by that bright color. I never knew that a bird could look like that outside of a tropical climate. I've learned a lot of things since that time long ago.

"But what is this bird doing," you may be asking yourself. Well, it's eating the seeds from what looks like possibly a dandelion. It may be some other type of plant because it is so tall, but I'm just not sure. I am sure that this little bird was a very hungry goldfinch.

The goldfinch was so hungry that I was able to get very many pictures while I observed him eating his meal. I have several identical pictures of each of these. He would dig into that plant and then pull out a mouthful each time. It really was fascinating to be able to watch him for so long.

Here you can see the seed stem in his mouth as he pulls it from the plant. One of the things I really like in these pictures is his tail. I don't think I've ever had this good of a look at a Goldfinch's tail before; probably not even when I first took these pictures. I was just so busy finding new conquests back then. Now I'm able to go back and look fondly upon all of it. There is so much!

I want to pause right here to mention that even though I still am not feeling well, I will not be talking about it anymore. This blog has always been intended to be a happy place to talk about nature and my everyday adventures. It was never intended to talk about me, and I am uncomfortable doing so. The nature stories are so much more fun anyway, so that's what my subject will be from here on out until I have something good to say about the other. So let's move on back to the goldfinches.

There were so many goldfinches that day. They really love that park. The one in this last picture is a female. You can easily tell them apart because the male has a black cap and mask, while the female does not. She is all yellow on her head.

They are both very beautiful, and also a fun subject on this cold winter day. I'll have some wintery pictures coming soon too, but these fun warm weather pictures help take the bite from the cold weather. Cold is something that I'm not quite as prepared for this year, but I'll be out there.

Nature Center Magazine - There have been a few changes at Nature Center Magazine, and there will be many more coming. We are always striving to become a valuable resource for all bloggers who are interested in nature.


  1. You are now a Goldfinch, telling the story of the Nature to us.

    Be good, and be healthy.

  2. Ratty- What a nice sunny surprise on a cold, icy day! OK... you don't have to dwell on your health, but you have to tell us how you are doing from time to time. We care about you as well as the birds and squirrels.

  3. First of all I agree with Joan about your health. We will worry if you don't at least update us every once in a while.

    Wow, this was a wonderful surprise to see these beautiful birds. I love them too and it is incredible just how very bright there colors are.

    You got some good shots and remembering spring and summer this morning is just wonderful!!

    Happy weekend Ratty!

  4. I'll make sure I give at least some small health updates halfway often. I just felt like my posts were becoming dominated by them instead of nature. I don't want the blog to become too depressing for everyone. And maybe writing about more cheerful things will help me keep a more positive frame of mind.

  5. Ratty,

    Good to see you back. I know what you mean about how you're feeling. It has been 18 months since I discovered I had a serious heart issue. I just totally lost my desire to write. Now that I'm back, it's "let's move forward!" Please do keep us up to date occasionally.

  6. Glad to see you and your goldfinch today Ratty.
    The goldfinch is a beautiful bird. I also was fascinated the first time I saw one.
    I'm with the others, keep us updated on how you are doing. All your bloggy pals are worried about you :)

  7. Dearest Ratty,
    We do need to hear how you are doing! I have had such a collection of medical problems of late, if I didn't talk about them, I'd have little else about which to talk.
    I am so sorry that you are progressing slowly but I do hope that, eventually, you'll be a healthy rat.
    I love these beautiful yellow goldfinch pictures. They cheer me up so much!!!

  8. We have these beauties too, but I've never captured such great photos

  9. Like everyone else, I do want to know how you are doing. You don't have to go on about it (we cats don't like to dwell on our physical problems either), but just enough to let us know you are getting better, however slowly.

    Thanks for the goldfinch photos! They are definitely eye candy to my feline eyes.

  10. Hey Ratty, Nice to see you posting again. I love the pictures of the goldfinch...we have quite a few finches that frequent our garden but UK finches are on the smaller side and have less of the bright colours!

  11. Great photos of the Goldfinch working the seed off the flower. This is the reason I don't groom my spent flowers.:)

  12. The goldfinch is an amazingly rugged bird. Not only are they beautiful in the summer, but when they turn colors in the fall to an olive green they are quite intriguing. These beauties brave the coldest weather offered without a flinch, or perhaps some would say finch.

  13. the bird is unaware of what is happening around, very much busy in its own little world.

  14. It's so good to see the gold finch this morning, and reminds me of a warmer time.

  15. WEll I have to agree with everyone, that we do like updates every once in awhile about your health. We all have to worry about something and it might as well be you.
    Those goldfinches are gorgeous. I think I had some come to my bird feeder a couple of years ago. Don't have the bird feeder out any more because of all the cats.

  16. Hail the goldfinches! They at least try to keep our weeds back by eating their seeds- they also go to town on thistles.

  17. Great shots, it's always fun to look through pictures. Especially forgotten ones!
