
Monday, October 11, 2010

You Never Know

I've been much busier than I thought I would be for the past few days. Many of you already know that The Everyday Adventurer is not the only blog or website I maintain. But for those of you who don't, I also run a site called Nature Center Magazine. Obviously, it is all about nature. We have several different writers and even more contributors to that one. It's really a fun website to read, even for me, the person who runs it.

But did you know I have another blog that doesn't deal with nature at all? Really! It's called Rat Tales, and it contains fictional stories that I write whenever I get the chance. Most of the stories I write there are more than a bit on the dark side. Not at all like the things I do here. They are perfect for this time of year, with Halloween coming ever closer.

I'm not really in much of a condition to write any full stories right now, but I always have stories I'm working on there just waiting for finishing touches. In fact, I just finished what I think is my greatest story yet! It's called "Nothing At All", and it is about nothing at all, but also about the most important thing there can ever be! Take a look at it, or take a look at the link and summary in my sidebar just to the right of this post if you like scary stories.

You might notice that I'm sharing a picture of a dark forest above. My story at Rat Tales is about what someone might encounter in a dark forest. I'm glad to say that the things I usually encounter in the forest are a little more like what I have in the picture below.

Just an ordinary average little gray squirrel. Ah, but not for my forests. My ordinary squirrels are fox squirrels. This little gray was a pleasant surprise for me when I saw it because I almost never have the pleasure of meeting one of this kind. I still smile whenever I see these pictures of this one. Finding something rare on a nature walk is always such a pleasure.

There now, see that? I got through this post with barely a mention of my health... Oops! I guess I ruined that now, didn't I? Oh well. I'm still hoping that it won't be a factor at all very soon. I'll be back to sharing funny squirrel encounters with you, along with my daydreamed fantasies about the real odd things that happens while I'm out there. That's what fun is!

But for now I have any writing I can do when I feel okay, whether it's here or on one of my other two sites. And to remind you, if you like scary stories, go take a look at "Nothing At All" on my newly redesigned Rat Tales blog. I'm really proud of this one. It's about an old familiar legend, but you've never seen it done quite like this before. Can you tell yet how excited I am about it?

Maybe my excitement is a good sign for me. I still don't feel very well, bit I suddenly feel like writing more often. This is a feeling that I haven't been able to enjoy for a few weeks now. Now to catch up with a bit of blog reading. Some of my favorites await, and it's going to be fun to try and catch up a bit.


  1. I'm glad you're well enough to get out and enjoy nature a little bit. It's a beautiful time of the year..Your photos are wonderful as ever!

  2. Glad to hear your chat,I played outside for you all weekend.I think a fun story with your squirrels could be nice.Perhaps short episodes. There never is a required blog length.Niice to see you stop by my blog again.

  3. I think you are more normal right now.

    You are now hiking to a higher level of excitement.

  4. Hey, hey! You are sounding more like "our" Ratty. Good to see you. I'll go read your dark tale!

  5. Well form reading this post Ratty I can tell that even though you aren't totally better yet you are definitely having a good day as it has your usual quirkiness to it and seeing that come through in your writing makes me feel better as i know that you are getting better!!

  6. Alright, our Ratty is coming around. I guess I never paid close enough attention, although I knew about Nature Center Magazine I didn't know about Rat Tales. How the heck do you keep up with 3 blogs? I have trouble with one. I'll be checking out your dark story.

  7. Even if you still aren't feeling that great, you are definitely "coming back." I think your body will start coming around soon too.

    I'll send my human over to read your story - when I saw you quoted Concrete Blonde at the start, I knew it would be something that would appeal to her.

  8. This is cool. Will surely check your stories out leisurely. It's greatta know you've got a nice hobby to keep you occupied. The forest in the first pic is definitely worthy to be used in a horror story, it does give out creepy vibes.

    But the critter looks just too cute, though you never know if it might turn into a were-squirrel.. after dark. =D

  9. Glad to see you are feeling better Ratty. Pretty soon you will be back in the woods and on the hiking trails.

    A nice creepy Halloween tale is always welcome this time of the year. The dark forest photo is the perfect setting for your story.

  10. Nature is always a beautiful thing. Love the turning leaves and and warm sun and the cool breeze :)

  11. Thanks for all of your comments. Some days I feel a little better, and others are not so good still.

  12. I will check out Rat Tales soon! It is clear you are making progress, although it probably seems painfully slow to you. Autumn is in full swing, and winter is on its way!

  13. Ratty:
    I have not read my friends' blogs hardly at all this has handed me some busy times so I just had to give up reading them for a few months. I have intentions of going back and reading everyone's back posts as soon as deep winter hits here. I have been posting on my blog every other day, but that is it in the blogging world this summer. I haven't read your blog since your accident and you have been on my mind and I have been wondering how you are doing, so decided to stop by today to see if you have been posting. I was so happy to see you did...which is a good sign that you are slowly recovering. You are in my thoughts and before you know it you will be deluged with comments as I read your back blogposts...take care and I hope you recover fully as the winter progresses!

  14. I'm heading over to Rat Tales now Ratty.

  15. Ratty, that fact that you are excited over all of this means you are getting well. I am so happy to hear that and I will check out your links. That little gray cutie is a buddy of mine I sent your way :)

  16. I can see that you gears start to roll Ratty. Looking forward for more adventures!

  17. I'll check out your Rat Tales in a while. For now, I just want to leave a quick note to say that I hope you're now doing great now. Hope you're not stressing yourself too much, not yet Ratty.

    Have great weekend!

  18. Well, it sounds like you are coming along there, pally! I'm glad to see that you are writing more and posting squirrel photos--a sure sign that "normalcy" is returning! :) I'm glad you are back and posting a bit. We've all missed you.

  19. glad to know you are feeling a little bit better and getting more inspired writing
