
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Raccoons And Rat Tails

See those raccoons? I met them about a year and a half ago on one of my favorite nature trails. There are six of them altogether, and they chased me through that nature park for about a quarter of a mile. Yes, they were about as close to me as the picture makes them seem. They got even closer that day.

I have thought about these six raccoons at least once a week ever since this happened. I've been back to that nature park several times since then, but I've never seen another trace of the raccoons. Some of you remember them, but even more of you have come here since then. So I've been wondering, since I have a lot of down time right now, if maybe it would be a good idea to bring this long, strange story of the raccoons back as sort of a repost.

I'm not sure if I can even describe today what a shock it was to see these six raccoons coming towards me on the trail. I thought they just didn't see me at first, but when they looked up at me they came on even faster. I thought at the time there was no way I could outrun them, but I did it. It took me a quarter of a mile up and down steep hills and I had to run across a creek, but I did it.

And now since I'm not able to go anywhere like the place with the raccoons, I've had to find other things to do. One thing I've been watching very closely is Blogger's new automatic comment filtering feature. You may have noticed that I haven't been using the old letter code "Captcha" feature for comments anymore. That's because of the new filter feature. It has been catching those evil spammers like a charm for me so far.

I also was able to write a new piece of fiction over at Rat Tales! I waited to post it until a little while ago though. I have to stagger any writing I do so I don't feel too sick from the exertion, so it's been hard having to wait. But I held it back until I could mention it here.

Before any of you decide to go and look at it though, I have to warn you. I said before that my thoughts have been kind of dark. You may feel kind of sick after reading this new story. Some of you may even come away from this one with a view of me that's not so positive. It might drive you away forever. But I think it's a good humorous Halloween style post anyway. I had much worse things involuntarily floating around in my mind, and I didn't even want to think about them, much less turn them into a story.

So if you have a relatively strong stomach go and take a look. Don't worry though. This bit of dark humor is more funny than it is disgusting. At least I hope so.

Nature Center Magazine - We're still rolling along. There is always something new and fun at Nature Center Magazine. This place is actually an extension of The Everyday Adventurer. It features many things that I have felt I couldn't do here. And I also have been featuring some of my old posts from here.


  1. It looks like you are getting stronger and stronger, and even come back with some black humors.

  2. I haven't been over to your other website Rat Tales to read your new story, and now I don't know if I dare! I'll check it out with a cautious eye.

    I know what you mean about raccoons being scary. I was attacked by a rabid raccoon on Christmas day a few years back. It bit me several times before I was able to return the favor. It made for an interesting story anyway, but the rabies treatments were not too much fun.

    Wishing you a happy recovery, and hope you return to a completely normal state in short order. Head injuries are not much fun, but I have faith that you will completely recover, especially with good medical care.

    Thanks for the post, Ratty.

  3. Think you are feeling a bit better, you never lost your wit.I posted a pic for you.

  4. That was one of my favorite stories about your raccoons. The raccoon that was here during the summer has not been around for a couple months. It's for the best because he was climbing up on my window and begging for food. I didn't need that to worry about..LOL I got bit by a rabid raccoon at the age of two way back in 1949. I'm glad I can't remember all those 14 shots in the belly every day for 14 days. Yikes! But I still love seeing raccoons. they are so cute. I watch other people's videos of them on Youtube sometimes. Now I have to go read your "Rat Tale"
    Take care Ratty. Get better fast.

  5. Oh wow, those raccoons would of frighten me also. Six..I could not handle.

  6. I can understand your being scared of a group of raccoons chasing you. I would be too. It's a dark day here so a dark tale would be very appropriate and I'm off to read your writings.

  7. I love the pictures of these raccoons...I think this post must have been before I found you so I am happy you did the re-post. We don't have raccoons in the uk and I always love the way they look and their mischievous nature when I see them on nature programmes!!

  8. Raccoons are awesome little animals. I don't know enough about them... are they really something you would run from? Would they willfully harm you for just being there? The most fun raccoon story I have is from camping in California at an old family favorite spot. Lake Cachuma. Anyway, at the showers someone told me their camp had some visitors that night. The raccoons had boosted the latch on their cooler, and had stolen all of their eggs! Little devils, I love them. So crafty.

  9. I would run from a gang of raccoons. I'm glad you took a moment and got their picture.
    I will check out your new story on Rat Tales...after I eat dinner. Thanks for the warning.

  10. Ratty- you are being chased by little masked demon! I know you will outrun them and be back to us as before.

  11. I wonder what made the raccoons chase after you like that? They sure can be clever and annoying little creatures. We used to have a family of them that would invade our garbage on a regular basis. We put it in a shed to keep them out of it and they figured out how to open the doors to get at it.
    I'll definitely check out your dark tale, looking forward to reading it.

  12. Ratty, I will go and take a look. In the meantime, I do remember that post about the raccoons and it scared me a bit. I'm not crazy about those critters so I would not have been a happy camper. Sometimes after feeding the squirrels I have a few of them chasing me and I often don't even like that :) Although they are my buddies. Now, I'm off to your story. Take care, my friend.

  13. Hm. I think we should trade recipes. I prefer rat tartare. ;-)

  14. I love your raccoons (well and also raccoons in general) :-) Thanks for sharing!

  15. Goodness, Ratty, I didn't see this post before - I can't imagine a half dozen raccoons in pursuit when you are merely out stretching your legs on the trail. Did they feel threatened in some way? That must have been quite a sight, you racing along with those critters right behind. Too bad there wasn't some other photographer out there to record that for posterity.

    I guess I'm going to have to mosey over to Nature Center Magazine to read your dark story!

  16. You are lucky to have seen this scene in real! I wonder if I can ever see raccoons like this in your photo too.

  17. I love raccoons! We have a family that comes onto our back porch every evening. They are so crafty, they get into everything with their long fingers. They love water. they are not afraid of us because humans have never hurt them; they are very curious of us. None of them are rabid, so I am not afraid of them, either!

  18. We have several of these brave little critters at the park I take my dogs. They are curiously too close for comfort though. I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well. I've been so out of the loop with school right now. Take care of yourself.

  19. I wonder if someone was feeding those little guys when they were younger and they came running thinking you were that person? It just seems odd to me that they all came running to you like that. They may have been hand-reared and released or something. Do you think?

  20. Are they dangerous? Like bites and claws? I only knew about their defense system from the rear...

  21. I'm impressed that you stuck around long enough to get these great pictures. Nice job.
