
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sometimes They Look Back

So there I was minding my own business... Well, I was actually spying on this little red dragonfly. So I guess what I was really doing was minding the dragonfly's business. Sometimes when we look at a wild animal it decides to look right back at us.

Out of all the animals, bugs of any kind seem like the most alien creatures to us. We never expect them to notice anything we do. We humans think we can walk right up to them, and they never even know we exist. Oh sure, they will try to get away from us, or in some cases they will bite or sting. But look back at us? Bugs? Sometimes they look back.

Anyway, I was standing there taking pictures of this little red dragonfly. I've done this many times before. There are a lot of dragonflies when you are out at a place that is so full of nature. Dragonflies are some of the bigger bugs you might find. They can bite, but they are mostly harmless.

So, what makes this particular time any more special than all the others? Go on, take a guess.

Too easy! The dragonfly looked right back up at me. I'm sure that it probably didn't need to move its head up to see me, but I guess it must have wanted a really good look at the big creature that was paying such special attention to it.

As I said before, compared to most other creatures, bugs seem very alien to us. It can be very startling if we se them look right at us. Why? Maybe it's because that makes them seem a bit more like us. Maybe it shows an intelligence in these alien creatures that we don't want to think about or didn't realize existed. We wonder what this creature is thinking about when it focuses so closely on us. What will it do about this?

What do you think about this? What would you do if a big bug suddenly turned and looked right at you?

Nature Center Magazine - Today we will show you how to make a pine cone bird feeder.


  1. Given the bug is so friendly you might have asked him over for dinner. Not sure what you would have served though, perhaps an entre of baked mosquitoes?

  2. I think they observe us many times, but more in a predator/prey role.

  3. If a big bug suddenly turned and looked right at me, I'll smile and greet him good morning.

  4. I never thought about bugs looking right at me. If it was a dragonfly, that would be great. I would back off and give it some room so I didn't scare it. Those really are great pictures.
    Have a super day.

  5. I don't think I have ever seen a red dragonfly but have seen and photographed blue ones. These are two nice photos with lots of interesting details and light and dark shadows.

  6. I don't know if they have the optical perspective/acuity to actually "see" us as a large animal being entity. Good question.

  7. I have had the pleasure of noticing a few dragonflies and praying mantis checking me out while I was checking them out. I agree that it does make them appear human-like, intelligent and always wondered what they thought of this two legged creature.
    Your photos are terrific!

  8. Ratty, hmmm, I guess it depends on the bug. I like dragonflies so I probably would do anything if it turned and locked eyes with me, however I did not know until just now, that they sometimes but. So, I'd probably step away :) She may have just been posing for you.

  9. I'd stick my camera in it's face :)

  10. I can't help but wonder what we look like through a bugs eye

  11. I saw my FIRST red dragonfly just this last week..I was so amazed at his color that I snapped a bunch of photos of him too...sadly, I didn't notice if he was looking back...I will have to look at my photos when I post them. LOL

  12. This is very creepy. Good thing it is only a small bug. I can't imagine bigger creature stared me back.

  13. having the bug look at you is really an awesome feeling, i had a similar encounter with a ladybug before, maybe I am imagining it, but I will never forget its eyes staring at me and it felt so special.

  14. That sounds kind of creepy. But at the same time, humans probably look pretty alien to bugs. I get the feeling if a bug looked at me, it would probably fly off pretty fast - it would sense it was prey to me. Not so with you. The dragonfly probably knew you weren't going to eat it or use it as a toy.

  15. Same thing I have always done, get a little closer and take its picture. I have had yellows jackets turn and look straight at me, but the whole body turned. Grasshoppers will also appear to be watching you. What I really like is the praying mantis, they will literally turn their heads to follow movement. The turning of the head is so cool.

  16. Back to catching up with the missed posts. ^__^

    Great captures! Bugs do give off this alien vibe even if we've seen them a hundred times. And it's such an unusual experience to be glared by them. It's more like the world suddenly reversed, and we become small and they become larger than life.. or something. =D
