
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Suburban Adventure

Not all of you know that the majority of the places I get these pictures is right in the middle of the city. Well, actually suburbs of Detroit. I don't make it a secret though. In fact, that's really what The Everyday Adventurer is all about.. Little adventures that are a normal everyday thing for me. I try to show that everyone can do this.

Also, the city of Detroit doesn't have a very good reputation around the United States. People from other places think it's a scary and violent place where you can get murdered by just entering the city. That's not nearly as true as many people think. But it can happen here, or in any other large city anywhere in the world. That's just a fact of life when so many people are crowded together. I can think of a few other cities I would be more worried about.

My stories and pictures are proof that there is also the beauty of nature here around Detroit. And there will be more every day. There are already plans set for more places to be nature parks here. The future of nature is doing very well here in my little part of the world. I'm glad I live in this place.

Maybe you're wondering why I'm writing about this right now. Well, there is a bit of a negative reason. On my hike from where I got these pictures there was something that happened. At the very back of this particular nature park, which is the smallest one I travel, there is a row of houses on a small suburban street.

The back fence of the park goes right to their backyards. While I was at the back of this park I heard the sounds of a loud speaker. I soon found out that it was the police. There was a problem at one of the houses. The police were trying to get someone to come out. I heard this several times. I knew there was danger so I hurried out of that area of the park.

I don't know if the problem was resolved, or how big or small the problem was. Most likely it was a domestic disturbance of some kind. Hopefully there was no violence. But this is something that happens anywhere, especially where there are so many people. It didn't faze me, and I knew what to do, get out of there, but it was unusual.

Such a peaceful looking place has a city around it. This is a small slice of paradise here. Usually my adventures are just about nature, but when I am still in an urban area the adventures can be about other things too, good and bad.

I guess this is why I love nature so much. It is not there when I look out my window, but I can find it very close to me. Maybe you can too. It doesn't matter what size of city you live in. I live in one of the biggest cities in the world and I find nature on a routine everyday basis. So get out there and find your little slice of paradise.

Nature Center Magazine


  1. You are right, Ratty, sometimes we have to search a little more for it but there is always nature, sometimes on the periphery of our city homes, sometimes in a city park site. It is definitely worth the effort to seek it out as you do!!

  2. I believe that the reason your website is so popular is that you show others how to appreciate the natural world.

    It's proof that it is no where you live but how you live, and for that we are all thankful, Ratty!

  3. Thank heavens the cities keep some nature for people. But sad when you have to hear the city so close to it. It must scare some of the animals too.

  4. It is hard to get totally away from the sounds of populace.

  5. I love the way you put our world into perspective.

  6. This is your paradise, and your playground as well.

    Just like Cerok Tokun to me.

  7. What blows me away is the number of birds I see when I visit Atlanta. It is wonderful that cities and towns are seeing the value of having spaces for us to enjoy nature.
    You make a great point!

  8. I used to take care of my granddaughter a couple of days during the week while her parents worked and her brother was in school. On those mornings, after we had something to eat, we would go out and explore her yard. We usually did the front yard first, then around the side to the back yard. We noticed the differences in the plants during different seasons. Occasionally, a small animal might show up. We might even find a treasure such as a seed from a tree or make a snowman. She lived in an urban area but all we had to do was look around her yard at the nature there. Everyday adventures can be some of the best.

  9. Very true Ratty. Even if you live in a big city you can find a little bit of nature and little bit of adventure. Just open your eyes your mind and your imagination.

  10. Detroit is underrated when it comes to nature and you show us the true beauty behind its reputation. My mom lives in Michigan and I can't think of a more beautiful place during the summers.

  11. like you, I live in a city, and whenever there is a chance I can get to find nature such as these, becomes my treat and delight. I hope other cities will not wall off nature from them.

  12. Every city has its dangers and joys. I grew up in Brooklyn and there were a lot of natural habitats to roam and discover. I'm glad you have wonderful places to go to for your nature walks and grateful that you are willing to share your advenures, Ratty. What a blessing you are ...
