
Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Hungry Squirrel

Why is this little Red Squirrel standing there so expectantly? It saw humans on this busy park walkway and thought there would be a free meal of piles and piles of sunflower seeds. And did the little squirrel get that expected meal? Yes, but not from me.

It seems that the squirrels at this section of Kensington Metropark are fed regularly by the humans that walk by. Not only the squirrels, but chipmunks and birds are fed as well. So you might guess what kind of behavior we get to see out of these normally wild creatures.

This is what you get. These creatures have decided that humans are a good thing to have around. They come running right up when they see someone slow down on the trail at this section. They know exactly what kind of human behavior to watch for.

There were at least a dozen animals that came right up to me and begged for food. This squirrel was just one of several other red squirrels that came right up to me, begging at my feet. The Chipmunks were just as bold. There was at least one Nuthatch that wanted in on the action as well, hopping along on the ground with the others.

There are so many of these animals, and some waited so patiently, that I have plenty of video for you from this adventure. So this episode of Rat TV is of a chubby little red squirrel that kept coming right up to me begging and pleading for seeds.

There are more videos, of course. One of which is the Cool Nature Video over at Nature Center Magazine today. The squirrels in that video aren't peaceful and happy at all. No, they are very angry little monsters. They won't tolerate any other animals coming near them, growling at all that are near. They even get angry at one another. They actually begin brawling right there on the sidewalk!

But here's little chubby again, happily coming over to hopefully beg for seeds. This little squirrel is either pregnant or is just getting more than its share of seeds that are thrown down. You can see what I'm talking about more clearly in the video. It is a cute little guy though. I like squirrels.

I got a lot of video this time, maybe more than even the pictures. There were just so many animals here, and they were all moving around so fast. Fast is usually easy for me, but not when the animals are running around my feet like bratty little children. The bratty kind are the best, you know.

Nature Center Magazine - Come see a video game style brawl, as it's one squirrel versus another. Watch as the champion takes on all challengers in this knock down drag out fight to the finish! LLLet's Get Ready To Squirrelll!!!


  1. Aw she is a little cutie! Definitely one that is used to being fed by humans. Our largest park frowns on feeding the animals, there are signs everywhere saying "don't feed". A few people do occasionally but most of the squirrels here aren't that brazenly bold.

  2. What a cutie squirrel you've gotten there, Ratty! I like its red tail..

  3. Hard to resist but the problem with feeding most wildlife is that they become human dependent, overlooking natural supplies of food, which can upset the apple cart. For instance, some plants depend upon squirrels and others for seed dispersal and that doesn't happen when wildlife gets all of its food from people. Not an earth shaking problem most of the time, but still, food for thought.

  4. I think they add to their diet, otherwise when lots of people aren't there you would see them starve.The bad thing is they do drop their guard with predators.Coloration is a bit different from here.

  5. On the outside it looks cute, but it's really a bit depressing. Of course, most people don't see anything except the cuteness... This is a nice example of how humans with good intentions can easily screw things up.

  6. That is a cute and chubby squirrel you encountered. I agree that it is cause for concern for not only their well-being but also someone who feeds them. Squirrels will bite.

  7. Red Squirrels are so cute!! Love your photos and video!!

  8. I am happy to know that you make a point of never feeding your little friends. Those who do feed them provided you with a great photo opportunity though. As always, great adventure!

  9. The pictures are fabulous and I loved the video. I liked it when he pulled his front paws into his belly like he was saying "I'm starving do you have anything to give me"

  10. As cute as they are, I hate to see them so willing to approach humans. Not everyone is so kind to animals and this behavior puts them at risk. Run, Squirelly, RUN!!

  11. I feel a little bad for the red squirrels too. Food you get yourself really does taste better than food you've begged. That's why I like crickets and moths so much - they are better than any preformed cat treat.

  12. cute Squirell.
    Just love to see its hands look like asking you for foods.
    Hahahaha..., so kawai.

  13. He is such a cutie. I'd be showering him with seeds and peanuts, I'm sure. I'm a sucker for a pretty face.

  14. I love, love, love squirrels! We have one that visits in the tree outside my window every day at exactly 6 p.m. When I babysit for grandkitty, she comes here to stay and the two have a staring contest . . . Most squirrels seems to have no fear of humans . . . too many of them and too many of us, I guess. We have to live in peace.
