
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Glowing Alien Mushrooms

I don't usually post pictures of mushrooms, but sometimes there are things that just seem to jump right out at me, so I feel that I have to share them. While I was on a short hike at a nearby nature hike I saw an orange glow off to my left in the forest.

As I looked closer that glow seemed to be coming from a tree stump. In fact, the glow was not one solid glow, but several orange glows. I wondered what it could be, but it was really too far for me to figure it out by myself. I used my camera to try and find out, and the picture above is the result. I still couldn't figure it out at the time though.

I began to suspect what was making this eerie glow in the forest, but I decided that maybe I should make sure by getting a closer look. Besides, I thought this little adventure might just make a good story for you. I think I was right, but there's something you may be thinking right now.

Usually when a guy who is all alone in the forest decides to get a closer look at a strange far off glow it doesn't end well for him. That's how it is in any movie you might see anyway. What would usually happen is that he would find out that it was an evil skin eating alien from Uranus, or something or other like that.

I remember seeing a movie where people were stranded on a strange planet and eventually ran out of food. The only things that looked like they might be edible were some strange mushrooms. Wouldn't you know it, one of them decided to eat a few. Guess what happened.

That first person began to turn into a mushroom creature. The rest of them locked themselves in the ship for awhile, but eventually ventured out again. You know what happens in a movie like that. Each of them one by one decided to sample the mushrooms for themselves, don't ask me why, and turned into mushroom creatures.

Finally the last guy was left. He was the narrator of the movie. He resisted for a very long time. Too long in a bad movie that was done being entertaining long ago. Finally he succumbed to hunger. The last lines the narrator spoke were, "I ate them!!!" Then they showed his face. He was a mushroom creature.

I guess that's why you shouldn't eat strange mushrooms that you find somewhere. Or any other strange plant. I always assume that if I don't know what it is then it is probably poisonous. And sometimes even if I think it's fine, then it's still poisonous. Remember that.

But it doesn't really hurt to get a closer look at something. Chances are it won't be a souls sucking alien from Crapton 7. As long as you look but don't touch you should be just fine. And watch where you step too! There was poison ivy where I was when I saw these mushrooms. And remember that snakes could be lurking near too.

As long as you're careful the forest can be your friend. But if you don't pay attention to where you are going or what you touch you could find your worst enemy. Don't ever make an enemy out of your best friend. All it takes is a little thought. Or you could find yourself in the evil clutches of glowing alien mushrooms. It's your choice.

They are kind of beautiful though, aren't they.

Nature Center Magazine - Emma has another Nature Site Of The Week today. This week she is featuring one of my newest friends. Go take a look.


  1. They are most incredible, Ratty, especially for their orange color. I LOVE mushrooms and have collected them since I first married. I have plaques I've decoupaged, needlework I've done and ceramic and pottery mushrooms I've collected here and there my whole life. They decorate my kitchen and dining area. I also love to eat them. I would imagine these are poisonous but they look wonderful.

  2. I love taking pictures of mushrooms! These are amazing mushrooms and super pictures! I've never seen such brightly colored mushrooms before. Such a great story. It made me smile! :D

  3. The color on these mushrooms is beautiful, Ratty! Wonder what I would do if I was starving and see these mushrooms..

  4. Mushrooms do inspire us. You have a great story on mushroom.

    They must be more to come. They are there to lead you through the hike.

  5. Wonderful photos, but the closeup is exquisite. Thanks for sharing these, you never do know where you will find your next adventure do you. I'm very glad you did not find out the orange mystery was an evil alien from Uranus or Crapton 7.

  6. Yes they are beautiful. These mushrooms... the forest... - they are a part of nature - and nature is always beautiful. And you're right about it, all it takes is just a little thought to befriend nature and work with it hand in hand. Too bad, it's not been the case all over the world lately.

  7. Love the photos, I've noticed some of them do have a glow I wonder what causes it? What kind of snakes do you have?

  8. oh, love your mushrooms, and yes, when I do not know if it is edible, then, it will just simply be for picture :)

  9. Great shots and loved the story. Glad you are still with us.I always like to examine them closer. The macro underneath was fun.

  10. I love photographing mushrooms, especially the ones that grow out of the sides of trees! They can be gorgeous both in color and textures....these are great, need to take more photos of mushrooms. ha

  11. Love the pictures. Those are really great. You do find the most interesting things on your adventures.

  12. @Country Mouse Studio -
    We mostly have just harmless garter snakes here. I've seen them in this place. One place I have been frequenting also has poisonous massasauga rattlesnakes though. They are considered to be endangered here in Michigan, but the place I go has been known to have a lot of them.

  13. It looks lovely, though especially on the close-up picture. I so love mushrooms but I will never eat such one...

  14. I love the closeup! I'm not good enough on mushroom ID to eat very many, and the results of eating bad ones can be really horrific... like they digest your liver slowly until you die. Yuk

  15. Cool photos! I am betting your story is better than the movie.:)

  16. Alien Fire Mushrooms! They look pretty, but they don't look like something edible. Even my mushroom-loving human isn't tempted.

  17. That's too creepy, turning into mushroom creatures. lol These mushrooms do look exotic with that unusual color. It prolly is a warning sign, since most luminous and warm toned plants and animals are said to be poisonous.
