
Monday, August 30, 2010

Back To The Bugs

I have some bugs here just for you. Isn't that a present you've always wanted? Well, actually they're just bees. I couldn't afford any of the other kinds of bugs, being that they are so expensive this year. I had the money for them, but I just couldn't bear to part with it. I really love money.

And I like bees more than most bugs, so these are better anyway. It's either these bees or a handful of cockroaches. I think we'll just do the bees. And no, don't ask for cockroach pictures. I don't really have any pictures. A bumblebee in mid-flight is much better anyway. Trust me!

By the way, that plant with the fern-like leaves is called Partridge Pea. I'll tell you all about them in a future post. They really had me confused for awhile. I don't know a lot about plants, and these looked like the leaves of ferns, but I was very skeptical. And now I know I was right to be, because they're not ferns.

And here is another bumblebee sucking the nectar out of one of the flowers of the partridge pea. Take a close look at the front of the bee's head. You can see him drinking it up. Cool! Just like a butterfly. Bees just love these plants, and the plants need the bees to help them reproduce. A perfect pairing.

In the same meadow I found another bumblebee. But this time it was all over this coneflower. I have a slightly clearer picture than this, but I like this one better. There are so many different flowers in the meadow here, but the city government seems to be very controlling with what grows here.

Last year there were daisies and coneflowers, and a few other very similar kinds. Some of those have survived to this year, but now the meadow is dominated by the partridge pea. They keep coming and mowing the place. It takes awhile for things to start growing again, and the bigger animals that live here have a bit more trouble hiding when they do that. Luckily the forest is all around.

Speaking of bigger animals, I think I might bring you one of those very soon. Don't worry, I have plenty more bug pictures! But while I was on my latest bug hunt in this meadow I was delighted to get some video of something that crossed right in front of me. The tall plants here concealed me from its view pretty good. See you next time!

Nature Center Magazine - We have a Cool Nature Video today from somebody that many of you know very well. No, it's not me! Come on over and find out who it is. And watch the video.


  1. partridge pea sounds your crystal clear shots!

  2. Hi Ratty, nice photographs. Talking about cockroaches(see above) I was in a bat cave yesterday........they were huge!

  3. I like taking pictures of bugs. I'm not a big fan of them really I just like taking their picture :) Very nice shots.

  4. Ratty, I'll have to draw the line at cockroaches! As fond of you as I am, I would not even get through that post. Growing up in the South ( remember I'm a Georgia girl ), and going to school in New Orleans where I had my first apartment after I finished nursing school, I had my fill of roaches. That little N. O. apartment was cute but very damp all the time and roaches flourished though I scrubbed it and kept it spotless. At night was horrible. I'd get up and turn on the kitchen light and hundreds of roaches would go scurrying. My poor collie would become almost psychotic scurrying after them!

    Funny, in the 33 years I've lived out here, I haven't even seen one!


  5. Bees are wonderful, but ants are too common to be neglected.

    I love to picture ants...

  6. Beautiful yellow flower and the name "partridge pea" is very interesting to know..

  7. thanks for posting these pictures about nature ratty. they are really nice. i wonder what kind of camera your using. i bet it's quite expensive for it to capture such wonderful details of your subjects. have a great week ahead!

  8. Wonderful photographs of bees on flowers. As you know bees are one of our most important insects (and animals) as they are partially responsible for the pollination of all many of our beautiful flowers and what would life be without these marvelous inspirations that grace our fields, woods, and gardens?

  9. @Gee -
    My camera is a Canon PowerShot SX20 IS. It's not a DSLR, but it's the best of its kind. It cost quite a bit, but not much for a good camera.

  10. You got some wonderful bee photos here! My human says that your closeup work keeps getting better and better. She is impressed.

  11. Interesting. I don't think we get much of the partridge pea up here.

  12. They looks like wearing a furry coat. I love the contrast of the flower :)

  13. Wonderful shots f the bugs. I love the way they hover over the flowers.

  14. I love I am very happy with todays post :-)

  15. Ratty, that bee on the coneflower is magnificent. It is one of if not, you're best. Just perfect.
