
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Squirrel Mob Is Back!

Well, they are a mob of squirrels, and they are from the same park, but these are actually a whole different group of squirrels! I told you a couple of days ago about a park I went to where there was a crowd of squirrels lounging around right along with the crowds of people. I didn't get any pictures, but I promised you I would go back. I went back!

I didn't find that huge group of squirrels, but I found several smaller groups. These squirrels don't mind people at all, or each other, or birds, or cars, or much of anything. I have to say I was a little worried when they would come right up to me begging for food. I'm too used to the angry forest squirrels to feel comfortable with these moochers being so close.

For instance, these four above seem to be plotting against me. I know they're up to know good. It clearly looks as if there is some kind of conspiracy going on. They're obviously good friends and partners in crime. You might also be interested to know that there are really more than four squirrels here. There are at least two just outside of camera range.

There is another thing I found very interesting here. I was asked a few questions during after my other post about the squirrels at this park. One question by Poetic Shutterbug was interesting and applies here very well. She asked if different species of squirrel normally get along well together. Keep reading for a definite answer.

This picture above shows four squirrels, the same squirrels as in most of the pictures today. The squirrel at the top left of the group is a fox squirrel. His reddish tail gives him away. The one in front of him on the left that is facing the camera more is a gray squirrel. His white belly gives him away. The two squirrels on the right are both black squirrels, variations of grays, but quite different from them. The black fur obviously gives them away.

They seem to have no problem whatsoever with each other. As I said earlier, they in fact seem to be conspiring against any human that comes by that might have a few scraps of food to share. And they are not one bit shy about walking right up and blatantly begging or even demanding that the food be shared.

Speaking of demanding. Here's a fox squirrel that walked over to me to tell me it wants my food. I would swear that the look on its face said, "Your food or your life!" I didn't want to stick around too long to find out if that threat was real or imagined. These squirrels are a startling change from my shy forest dwellers.

Think about it. Have you ever had what appeared to be a homeless person walk up and ask you for money? I have. Most of us feel bad for them. But what if that person clearly didn't need it? And then another of those joined him. What would you think them? And then what would you think if a third and even a fourth joined them, all closely surrounding you? Would you begin to be just a little afraid?

I had to clap my hands together and yell at these squirrels, "Back off you little beggars!!!" Take a close look. They're all nice and fat. There are plenty of trees where they would normally find food. These squirrels are spoiled by humans. I'm sure they also do just fine without us, but begging is so much easier. But I wasn't used to this at all. When asked that squirrely question from before, I chose my life and fled the park. But not before getting lots of pictures.

Nature Center Magazine - We have information about another Online Field Guide for you today. This third one in our series is the best one yet.


  1. So it's a squirrel version of a gang then. You were probably very wise to flee the scene and even wiser to get their pictures just in case you needed to identify them later.

  2. You have the "ivory and ebony" staying together peacefully, but the monkeys at my place never seem to mix around.

    They have their own territories.

    By the way, it is fun to see so many of them meet together. Just be careful, you are only one, but they are many.....

  3. Whoa..a group of gangster squirrels! I really have to say it's neat to see all different colors of squirrels in one group like this though.

  4. Better get some peanuts, like to watch them chisel through them.I had thought the black was a fox variety.

  5. Yes, they sure can be very demanding when used to people. The squirrels I picture at my friend Ellen's house are usually a black and gray that seem to be fast friends.

  6. Wew have squirrels like that in Richmond Park in London (and several other London parks), except that they are all grey squirrels. When I was there a few years ago, one came up and put its front paws on my leg demanding to be fed. When I held a nut down it grabbed it so roughly that the skin of my finger was torn.

  7. Oh my gosh, you have lots of them!

  8. My neighbour always feeds the squirrels and they've become so used to people that they'll not only walk right up to you, they'll also walk right into your house! We had left our kitchen door open one hot day and when I walked into the kitchen, there was a squirrel - bold as can be! He didn't even scurry off when I came in!

  9. Ha! Ha! They are quite different than your forest ones. I know just how you feel and what you mean by having them come up to you and beg. Mine are on my windows all the time and I hate to think what would happen if I ever stopped feeding them. Yikes! Great post Ratty! Love how you tell the story!!

  10. The squirrels at my university are pleasantly plump. Oh, and they'll sit right next to you on the benches and stare you down until you give up some food. I had one jump on my lap and one grabbed my finger. These little duds are nuts-no pun intended lol.

  11. Look at those squirrels hanging out together. It answers the question "Can't we all just get along?". Yep. Apparently we can.

  12. Squirrels may want to rule the world, but we cats have taken over the internet.

  13. I'm curious if they try the same tactics to everyone who sits at the park to watch them.

  14. Such cute pictures, 'just hanging out with my buddies' :)

  15. The squirrel gang. They look like they are doing some sort of dance in the first photo :D They are adorable.
