
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Orange Lily

Sometimes you see something that just makes you stop and want to take its picture. That's what happened with this Lily. Since I'm not very good at identifying plants, I'm not really sure what kind this is except that it is a lily. From the the things I've read, I think it is what is called an Orange Daylily. There are also other names for it too. I could be completely wrong though.

Even if I'm wrong, it is really the pictures that I wanted to share. The one at the top was taken only a week ago, but the bottom two were taken about a month ago. I didn't share them until now because I wasn't sure of what kind they were. They also may be different than the first. I just decided I like them too much to keep them to myself.

These flowers are growing wild all over Island Lake State Recreation Area. I've since seen them growing as part of organized gardens everywhere I go. I may be becoming obsessed with these flowers. I also think I'm becoming obsessed with Island Lake.

Island Lake is somewhat close to where I live, but not quite close enough to leave me with any extra time. But I still have been spending most of my time there. All of the places around my house have gone without my frequent visits these past few months. This place also leaves me with little time for anything else.

I got home tonight and began reading some of my favorite blogs, but I soon fell fast asleep at my chair. So many of you have not seen as much of me in your comments sections recently. I think it might have to remain this way for me until my obsession fades a bit. I know eventually I'll be back to haunting my old favorite parks, but I first have to let my obsession with this one run its course.

In the meantime I hope you just enjoy these pictures of this lily with me. They are now beginning to fade, as is my little obsession. Both actually very good things, but very distracting. Do you have an obsession that has driven you to distraction? Have you ever had one? How did you get over it?

I guess time is maybe the only thing that can change things. Soon I will either find something nearer to home that I want to see. Or maybe I will begin traveling the country like a vagabond, looking for nature parks everywhere I go. Today my little corner of Michigan, tomorrow the world! Mwa ha ha haaaa!!!

Nature Center Magazine - Do you want to know what the state of Kansas has to offer for a nature lover? Come on over to find out.


  1. Of course your are right these are orange day lilies. See you are getting very good at identifying plants! I'm amazed how quickly you learn. When you spend a lot of energy on something it pays off, and for you your daily walks and learning about what you see each day has made you into naturalist.

  2. I can't think of a better obsession, Ratty. I think it is perfectly healthy to be outside walking and enjoying nature rather than sitting inside on your computer. Enjoy, pally!

  3. Beautiful photos of "Hemerocallis fulva," Orange Daylily, aka. "Ditch Lily." Some folks near me call them, "Mud Lilies." The top picture is a double flowered sport that just crops up now and again. By the way, the tubers make for good eating either raw, boiled or roasted. The buds can be fried. Yummy!

    As for obsessions, well...they do eventually fade. Forcing them to go away never seems to work.


  4. Yup... both are orange day lilies or meadow lilies. The top one is just double. So common, but they are good. Try those lily parts slowly. TOo many of the shoots in salad at one time gave me diarrhea.

    Obsessions? I don't have any. Nah, not me.

  5. I love day lilies--mostly because they are summer time flowers. We have at least three varieties here on our plot of land in west Michigan.

  6. Here in Georgia we call them Ditch Lilies. Splendid captures of these pretty flowers!
    We need you to be Obsessed. :)

  7. Like that Jean offerd her name, after I heard that I think of her eveytime I see them. I often wonder if there was a homestead at one time when you see them in the middle of nothing,perhaps a concerned gardener tended them faithfully.

  8. I love orange lillys or tiger lillys. They grow all over the place around here.

  9. Then it would not be surprised to see you at Cerok Tokun one day.

    See you.......

  10. These are stunning photos! I like looking at pictures of lilies. I am not allowed to look at them in person because they are deadly toxic to kitties and I tend to chew on plants.

  11. Michigan must be a beautiful part of the US based on the photos you share with us, have you tried eating the lillies Ratty?

  12. Yes orange day lilies is exactly what they are. They have also been called ditch lilies because they are so frequently seen growing in ditches along the side of the roads. Your obsession is perfectly understandable and I don't blame you one bit. Enjoy.

  13. I also have been "missing in action" reading other's blogs, including yours...we have had company here for over a week, so I haven't gone near my computer! I prepublished my posts and answered a few comments but that is about it...guess sometimes life has to take priority, right?

  14. yes, those are day lily, we have some of them in our garden too

  15. Ratty, lillies or every species I think are the most exquisite of flowers. These are exceptionally beautiful.

  16. Wild flowers have a beauty of their own. This one's a good example.
