
Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Best Black Squirrel Photos Ever

This is the very best look at a black squirrel I've ever had. These are my dream pictures. These are what I always wanted to get, but never thought I would. Black squirrels are so elusive where I live that I never get very close to them. In this faraway place the black squirrels are much more relaxed and friendly.

It was still the fox squirrels that came right up to me, but the black squirrels didn't run away. The gray squirrels still seemed to hang back a bit. They are all braver than they are in my forests, but the behavior compared to each other is still very similar to that of my familiar forest friends.

I took several pictures of this little guy, but I selected the two that I consider to be the best. They are all similar, so these two pretty much cover them all. I wish I had a cute little tale to go along with this account of this black squirrel, but I've already told you that story. I guess I'll just have to settle with the pictures and what I have here.

I'll tell you that these dark little squirrels seem so mysterious just from their appearance. I guess it's similar to the idea of a black cat for me. It's just that I never imagined that black squirrels existed until those now many years when I finally saw my first one. I was just so amazed and excited to see that dark little figure running around my new neighborhood so long ago.

The few days that took me to this far away place where I got these pictures also saw me with a little bit of trouble. It's been very hot up until yesterday. I was out a little too long and the heat got to me. I ended up sick from it, so I had to stay inside for awhile. That's just a warning that even if you're prepared, which I was, extreme heat can get the best of any of us.

I have another look at the place I was over at Nature Center Magazine. Photos like that will probably never find their way here. I was at the place where the Detroit River ends and Lake Erie begins. A very beautiful place. Our Great Lakes are so big that you can't see the opposite shore. Even with the heat, I had a wonderful time.


  1. Ratty superb photographs and what an attractive little animal. The background is just right.

  2. They are indeed awesome shots! I love that second one :o)

  3. fabulous shots of the black squirrel.

  4. Fantastic photos of the black squirrel, Ratty! We have so many of them around our neighborhood..

  5. Those are the essence of squirrel-ness! Great photos, Ratty. Hope you feel better now. Watch out for that heat, buddy.

  6. Great photos Ratty. They look like squirrels. They act like squirrels . . .

  7. In term of weather, I am luckier than you. There is neither extreme hot nor cold over here.

    You have your squirrels, big beautiful black squirrels, and I have my ants, and big mosquitoes.

  8. awesome photos, and he's looks so cute. i never saw any squirrel here. there is no squirrel in my place. :(

  9. No wonder you are happy. Those are wonderful captures of the exotic looking (to me)black squirrel.
    The heat got to me last week. Have to remember to hydrate better before working in my garden.

  10. We only have red and grey squirrels over here, first time I've seen a black one woo hoo.

  11. yes, i agree, best black squirrel photos I ever saw, not only from you, but from all of the web, these are gorgeous and very special.

  12. Wow, what beautiful pictures! I never knew there were any black squirrels

    Best wishes,

  13. I always drink a big glass of water before going out to work in my yard or hike.Never leave without water when hiking.If I am going to be in full sun all day, I throw a tsp of salt down also.Love these critters, don't have any real close.

  14. Envious!! I've heard many a tale of this mythical creature, yet have never had the pleasure of seeing one with my own eyes. Your beautiful close up shots will have to do for now. That is one gorgeous squirrel!

  15. I agree these photos are amazing... especially the last one... he looks so menacing

  16. he looks like a big rat, but more beautiful of course, first time to see one too. :)

  17. These are great photos - it's tough enough to photograph anything furry and black, not to mention that black squirrels are camera shy.

    Be careful out there in the heat!

  18. what a wonderful;'re right Ratty...these are your best ever. I know you have mentioned the black squirrel before and put up pictures but these show how truly jet they are...I never thought a squirrel would be as black as black. So glad you shared them.

  19. Better late than never with this answer I guess.

    @Sheila Sultani
    Yes, black squirrels can only be found in certain places, mostly in the northern part of the United States and Canada. They also stay in very small areas. You could live only a few miles away from them and never know they exist.
