
Monday, July 5, 2010

Foreign Squirrels Are Strange

I saw something very odd today.It was maybe even more amusing than it was odd though. It was squirrels, a whole tribe of them. I know a group of squirrels isn't normally an odd thing, that is, unless you're an everyday adventurer, like me. The things I've seen. Let me explain further about what happened.

I have to tell you right away that I unfortunately didn't have my camera with me. This was a completely unplanned adventure, and I was very far away from my normal environment. So I guess you might say that I was a stranger in a strange land. It was a place where the squirrels were very different than the squirrels I know.

There is a small island along the Detroit River that I've only ever visited twice before. It's very far away from where I live now so I don't get much of a chance to visit it more often. And besides, there are no nature trails there. It is a public park though, and I was searching in vain for a hidden trail or two. I only found water, picnic areas and people, and those squirrels.

I drove in a circle around the small island, and I was almost back out of the place when I saw them. It was almost two dozen squirrels. They were all lounging along the side of the road! There were people everywhere, but the squirrels didn't care one bit! I guess it was only natural because the people were doing the same on this scorching hot day. The people out lounging in the park, and the squirrels looking much the same. All together!

And it wasn't just one kind of squirrel! There were at least two different kinds, living in harmony. I saw fox squirrels and black squirrels in this tightly knit group. They were definitely together. They really appeared to be just out there lazily enjoying the crowded park, just like the humans! It was almost as if a family of humans out for a picnic were momentarily transformed into squirrels. The strange way they sat there!

I plan on soon making the long drive back to this place, this time with my camera in hand. I hope to see this sight again, but I probably won't. Maybe I'll get lucky though. I hope I do. Then I can prove the strange thing I saw. This one seemed even stranger than all of the tall tales I've been telling lately. I guess truth really is stranger than fiction.

Nature Center Magazine - Today is the day I bring you the Cool Nature Video. Come over and see what it is this time!


  1. I try to remember to always have my camera on hand just in case. It always seems though that the one time I see something really cool is the time I forgot to take the camera.

  2. I hate this when it happens, when you return to a photo idea it usually doesn't happen again as well.Like the 1st shot.

  3. I cannot believe you didn't have your camera with you Ratty!! Shame on you! As far as all those squirrels. I am guessing they are very used to people leaving scraps for them and since there is enough food then all kinds will get along. I have had the gray and red ones here together and the chipmunks, all eating at the same time right next to each other. I hope you do get to see that again someday so you can get some photos.

  4. Very cool! different squirrels living in harmony. :-)

  5. I always seem to leave my camera behind when I need it the most. That group of squirrels does sound weird because they were lying around with all the people there. Usually squirrels are very busy. I don't think I have ever seen squirrels lounging around but maybe because it was so hot.
    Have a great week.

  6. wow..the squirrels were either very hot or very comfortable...or maybe it really was a family of humans which had been bewitched for a while?!?!?!

    I really hope you mange to see this again with camera ready.

  7. I always carry my camera with me now wherever I go. So many missed opportunities without it. Your post brought a question to me. Do different species of squirrels normally get along well together? I've only seen one type of squirrel here so I don't know much about different ones. Love the one in your photo, he is so cute.

  8. Were these chilled out squirrels smoking anything suspicious or relaxing in a mushroom field by any chance?

  9. Sometimes the universe gangs up on a photographer to offer up an interesting scene when a camera ISN'T available. That happens here a lot to my human, except it's not the universe ganging up on her, but us cats. We always try to be at our best when she doesn't have her camera close by!

  10. I think you are getting hotter weather than we are, and it's bad enough here. If so, I'm sure no one wants to do anything except lie around, man or beast!

  11. Wouldn't "horde" or "mob" be a more descriptive term for squirrels? I think they look more like a mob.

  12. @Poetic Shutterbug
    I have read that different squirrel species don't get along, but I see them together quite often. I watched them team up against a hawk once. I've never seen them hanging out together like this though. Usually they don't stay together for very long.

    They did seem rather mellow.

    I got your message even though it hasn't shown up here on the blog for some reason. Yeah, most of the time a group of squirrels does seem like a mob. But in this case they were much too relaxed.

  13. Good thing the squirrel only holding acorn this time. If her holding a camera, most probably I will see your face on Squirrel's blog :)

  14. There is a rule of the universe that if you leave your camera behind there will be a really great photo opportunity. Mine is always with me.

    Could it be that what you saw was a black fox squirrel? That would account for the two colors in one group. There are variations of the fox squirrel that you and I normally see, a good example is Sherman's Fox squirrel. It would be fantastic if you could get a shot of a black fox squirrel.

  15. What a bummer, Ratty, to have all these squirrels gather when you don't have your camera handy!! Isn't that just the way it always happens!

  16. I have been to this park many times. The squirrels are usually there. They are so cute! It's best to go during the week because weekends get too crowded with people. I love the zoo there. We live quite a distance now but love to go down to Greektown and eat at the Parthenon, ride the ppl mover, check out Hart Plaza, etc.
