
Monday, July 12, 2010

Domestic Ducks

Along with the beggar squirrels and the goat the park where they all live also contains these domestic ducks and about two dozen Canada geese. And it makes perfect sense to have so many water birds because there is so much water.

A part of me wishes I lived closer to that place so I could explore it further, but most of me still loves my big hiking and nature parks with their wonderful forests. I think I feel the most at home inside a deep dark forest. Still, seeing all of these friendly animals that aren't afraid is a soothing sight to me.

That peaceful stream looks perfect for ducks and geese to swim around in. I didn't check but I'm pretty sure this little river opens up into the big Detroit River as it circles around the island. The grass here looks like it is routinely mowed and manicured to seem inviting to most people.

It does all seem peaceful and calming but I still prefer wilder areas. It may seem a little more inviting to me personally if I knew this place didn't draw such huge crowds of people every day. I guess some people like to be around a lot of other people more than I do. My preference is to be alone more often.

I guess it might seem by what I've been saying that I don't like this place very much, but I actually enjoyed myself a lot while I was here. This is a nice change of pace from my usual adventures. I've often admired seeing places that looked similar presented by other people in their pictures. This place comes close to what I sometimes see from them.

It's just that my favorite places as a kid were where I could explore forests and hidden creeks. Now I get to do that again every day. It's like being able to regain some of my lost childhood. This is as good as a fountain of youth.

I guess it doesn't matter what kind of place you find, as long as it has some nature there. These are places where you can go and all your troubles just melt away. As adults we have all placed heavy burdens on our shoulders. It's nice to shrug them off for at least a little while sometimes.

Nature Center Magazine - We have five more little ducks for you in this week's Cool Nature Video.


  1. It's nice, I think, to have a little change of scenery and a bit of variety in your wildlife. You know your wonderful forested areas will be there waiting for you though your squirrel pals may wonder whether you've abandoned them, Ratty!!

  2. It's great to see a variety of critters, and ducks are fun to watch.

  3. It's great to see any form of nature from the more domesticated to the wilder parts. Nice photos.

  4. You've got that right, Ratty! In almost every corner of this planet there are miracles to witness. Although we may prefer the wilder areas, its amazing to witness creatures that make home in humanized environments. In my opinion we should take time to appreciate all that is life, and you have consistently done a good job with that.

  5. I prefer the wilder areas but agree the park-like settings have much to offer. I like your insights on how nature can lift your troubles.

  6. Love these photos. They are adorable! :-) What a great day.

  7. I'm like you and avoid the "people" places. I go to the local state park only in the off season. But, as you say, there are interesting things where the people have changed the ecosystem too.

  8. I prefer the quieter places too however there are days that I also purposely go to city's places to also observe and learn from what is in there.

  9. It does look like a very peaceful place. I think for me though the big crowds would spoil the appeal of it.

  10. That's a very peaceful looking spot and I love the ducks. Crowds always do spoil the mood though. I much prefer being one with nature.

  11. Always good to go hiking and enjoy the nature :)

  12. There's a saying (that I just made up) that every cat has a touch of the feral. I did not think that applied to humans, but I do think in your case it's true. I can totally relate to your preference for the wild.

    And I just want to say that the first Word Verification that came up for this comment was "cated," so it must be true!

  13. I know what you mean Ratty, I prefer to get off the beaten path and explore the wild country. But here places like that are not all that close with the exception of a couple of small areas.

    But then urban exploration does offer some exciting moments too. I visit the parks during the week while there are few people around.

  14. Watching the ducks is so peaceful. You are lucky to have such a nice spot to visit.
