
Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Cowbird And The Golden Idol

What can I say about this Brown-Headed Cowbird? I don't honestly remember taking these pictures, but I know I did. I mean, it must have been me that did this because they were on my camera. Who else could have done it? And I like the pictures, so that's how I know I'm the one who did this. And that's why I'm sharing them with you.

Here is the part where I usually tell you of the little adventure I had when I took the pictures of this bird. But I can't really do that, now can I? So what do I do when I have no story to tell you? That's easy. I make one up! The most preposterous tale I can think of. So here goes!

It all started after I stole the Golden Idol from the Troll King (He stole it first!). I was running out the back way of their cave with about four hundred angry trolls chasing me. This place happened to be high up on a mountain, and the opening I was headed for only led to the sheer face of the side of the cliff. The only way to go was down or sideways along a long ledge. I obviously chose sideways. I soon found myself standing next to a waterfall, but about halfway down. I was going to have to jump.

I made my leap of faith and found myself extremely lucky to be alive at the bottom, but I was also extremely wet. Meanwhile, the fifty trolls that still followed were all standing on that ledge afraid to jump. I made it! I had escaped! Now I could take the idol and go home. But wait. Where was it? I had lost it in the jump!

I slogged out of the water dejectedly, and headed for home. On my way past several trees I saw this brown-headed cowbird. I quickly pulled out my camera which was surprisingly dry (Hey! This is my story, and I'll tell it as I wish!), and I began taking pictures of this lone cowbird.

I made it home safely from my arduous adventure, but without the idol. I would have shared the pictures with you! Honest! But at least I'm able to share these pictures of this cowbird. It's almost as good. And I guess you can understand why I forgot taking these pictures after going through all of that.


  1. Wonderful story, and I hope you go back one day to get the golden idol :-)

  2. Maybe you've been taking your nature hikes in your sleep. Have you been waking up extra tired lately? Maybe you should check under your pillow, you might find the idol there. Great story.

  3. Nice shots Ratty. Cowbird are neat. We have a couple of pair that nest near the red-winged blackbirds. Are you sure your winged friend didn't show you path so that you could get back home safely?

  4. Your story gets a Big Smile from me!

  5. Saw 2 pair of grasshopper sparrows each with a baby cowbird in tow. It even mimiced their cricket style call, following eager to be given a treat. Cowbirds drop an egg in other nests so in this case the bigger baby knocked the others out. These poor parents were good hunters , since both youngsters appeared healthy.Some birders describe the cowbird as a egg factory.Are you sure your Golden wasn't an American Idol?LOL

  6. I would give you an A in storytelling but an F in retrieving golden idols. Maybe that sounds harsh, but we kitties are tough graders!

  7. The golden idol was melted down by the sun and is spread across the tops of trees every night just before dusk. You have no memory of part of the adventure because the sun bathed you in memory loss rays just before it stole the idol.

  8. hehe.. You should often do stories of this sort. It was quite amusing. ^__^

    Nice birdie.. who looks like a lil cousin of a crow. =D

  9. The cowbird must have known the Asian Koel over here. They are equally Black, but the later can sing "koel, koel, koel" repeatedly.

    Maybe it sings in such a way to guide me to my golden idol, a Malaysian Idol.
