
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What It's All About

This is what it's all about. Normally when I go hiking I search out as many animals as I can so that I can bring the pictures to you. That's only a part of what I do though. So, what else do I do while I'm out there? I live!!!

I like to just enjoy the peace and joy of my surroundings. Sometimes that might happen in the forest where it's dark and cool, and sometimes that could be at the edge of the forest on a lake that not many people know about. Today it's the lake I want to talk about.

The pictures you see were all taken from one spot. I usually tell you about a man-made viewing platform where I look out at this lake, but that's not where I was this time. Today I followed a hidden deer trail down a slope to the edge of the water. There is an old tree stump that leans over the water. I sat there and relaxed all alone while I took the pictures.

There is the fishing platform where most people like to see this lake from. It looks small from here, but it can easily hold twenty people. It also looks hidden by vegetation, but that's only from where I was sitting. You can see almost everything from that fishing platform. But you can't be truly alone.

That wall of trees in the above picture is a place where almost nobody can get to. I'm thinking of going there very soon. There is actually more water beyond those tall weeds in the foreground. I've never gone to the treeline beyond because I feel that it's a sanctuary for some of the wild animals. No human goes there.

For now, I'm content to sit at my little hidden place at the edge of the lake where I am. Most others would never consider coming down here. The small path down looks very wild, and it's kind of steep. But if you take it slow it's an easy trip down. And then at the bottom is this little clearing with a perfect place to sit and relax. It must have been made just for me.

A few weeks ago when it was very hot here I sat here for a very long time. The dark of the forest and the close water of the lake lowered the temperature in this particular spot to a very comfortable level. It was so nice that I didn't ever want to leave. But I knew I had to eventually continue my journey.

This is the perfect spot to gently observe nature and just let my mind wander. This is what all of us need. A place we can hide away and let the troubles of the world drift away into nothingness. It's only when we go back to civilization that those troubles latch onto us again with their evil tentacles. Until then, I'm content to stay right here in my hidden world. That's what it's all about.

Nature Center Magazine - Steve from Out On The Prairie is back to share with you some very good basic advice on preparing for a camping trip.This is the latest in a series of his excellent nature tips. Read it for the tips. Read it for the entertainment. Read it.


  1. Yes we do all need our own hidden world and yours is a lovely one

  2. How perfectly serene and gorgeous! It looks like you've found yourself the ultimate get away spot.

  3. Where water meets woods is usually a good place to see wildlife and plants. It looks like the perfect spot to enjoy a hot day. Sometimes staying still reveals the best kept secrets in the wild world.

  4. Beautiful photos and I feel the same way about nature. Getting out and enjoying the peace and beauty.

  5. Think you need a kayak to explore more.I use mine extensively.

  6. I have mine too.

    And I have need to have a few places.

    That's my private corners.

  7. That spot reminds me of one of our natural rivers in the Sacramento Valley. Your place looks like the Cosumnes River which is the only un-dammed river that flows to the delta.

    I could stay there for ages!

    Have a great day. :)

  8. These are wonderful images of sanctuary. I remember an early job I had that allowed me the opportunity to stop in a little park in Warrenville IL. Very few people knew about and it gave me a place of peace and reflection.

    There was a river with a waterfall at the spot where I would sit. But, what was amazing was the quiet. Very strange in today's world to have only the sounds of nature about you.

    One of my favorite days was when I was sitting looking over the river and I saw movement next to me. A nest of turtles had begun to hatch and make their way to the river. Truly amazing.

    Thanks for bringing back wonderful memories.

  9. A very beautiful and healing spot you have found. After years of traveling to such places, I am finally living in one.

  10. Ratty, hidden treasures are found at the end of forgotten paths. There is a refreshing and almost spiritual feeling I get when reading your words and I know that feeling. Your shots are beautiful.

  11. beautiful pictures, i understand why you can get lost there, yes, we all do need our space to get away, am glad you have a lot to go.

  12. These shots are almost foreboding, yet serene in a small sense . It may be the color of the water or that fact that the scenery reminds me of the amazon.

  13. It sure looks like a nice, peaceful place. I'm happy that you found that spot Ratty. I used to like nice, quiet spots when I could find them but not any more. My apartment is my sanctuary these days. I don't mind because I have all kinds of nature outside my window. Sure am glad I have this spot.

  14. I sooooo agree, Ratty...we have lots of little hidden "pockets" on our lake where we can take our small boat and we can fish and never see another person out there the whole time...HEAVEN!!!

  15. These are just breathtakingly gorgeous, peaceful views. Kind of makes me a little sad that I'm an indoor-only kitty. Except that there's nothing quite that peaceful within strolling distance... but there ARE a lot of coyotes. So I don't think I would feel all that peaceful hanging outside around here anyway.

  16. @Karen
    No, dragonflies don't sting. They can bite though, but they only do it if you are really rough with them. Generally they are gentle around humans. They are actually good creatures to have around because they hunt mosquitoes and biting flies.

  17. Beautiful vistas and a serene lake.. what a great place to relax.
