
Friday, June 4, 2010

The Truth About The Red Squirrel

This is the day we wrap up this little story about the mean little red squirrel and the brave little chipmunk. We already saw how a cute little red squirrel turned out to be an evil seed hoarder that wouldn't share with her deserving neighbors, especially the brave Chippy the Chipmunk. Chippy tried his best to get the seeds but was driven off every time.

There was a secret to the evil method of the mean red squirrel that was yet to be revealed. Well that's an easy one to reveal. It's simple. I hooked electrodes to her and zapped her a bunch of times to make her mean... Okay, okay, I'm just joking!!! What I really did was hit her over and over with a little stick.

Oh, you still don't believe me? That's because I was lying again. That's why you should never trust a rat. But since I'm only a fake rat I'll go ahead and reveal the real truth as long as you keep reading. Go ahead. It'll be fun.

Take a very close look at her, especially the white part of her fur. What do you see? That's right! Some of you guessed it already. She's not just an angry red squirrel. She's an angry red squirrel that also happens to be a mother, with hungry little babies to feed.

So it appears that the red squirrel was only protecting her own seeds. They were in her territory after all. It was Chippy the chipmunk that was the real bad guy! Chippy was invading her territory after being a glutton and devouring all of his seeds first. Then he set his sights on her seeds too. She was just trying to keep that little varmint at bay.

If you go back and watch the video from yesterday, Rebecca Red Squirrel never once chased the red-winged blackbird away. She was perfectly willing to share when a reasonable request was made for just a few seeds. But Chippy and his hungry hoard wanted to steal all of her seeds away. How else was she going to protect herself and her little ones?

So now you know. The source of Rebecca's evil power was her love for her children. Plus, and I have to say this just to stay honest, red squirrels are some of the feistiest little creatures you might ever meet. It was in her nature twofold to chase away every other critter that threatened her seeds.

This is the end of the story. Most of it was very true. Some of it came from the evil imagination of a fake rat, especially any obnoxious embellishments. All names were changed to protect the innocent, except for Chippy and Rebecca. They have no other names that we humans would understand. The End.

Nature Center Magazine - The time has come for another Free Wallpaper. You just might like this one very much, but first you have to actually go see it.


  1. You are quite a story teller - so enjoying and even a little suspense along the way. Your photos are wonderful.

  2. Well after all, what's a mother to do?? Obviously she has to take care of her little family first :o) Great photos Ratty!

  3. Great post and I'm happy to hear the cute squirrel isn't a big meanie but instead a good mommy! :-) Have a great weekend!

  4. Ah.......that explains it all!

  5. Another exciting adventure in the everyday world. Thanks!

    Today, I have an award for you on Secondary Roads. Please stop by.

  6. I hope you get to see her babies. I have seen little ones and they are adorable.

  7. So Mother Squirrel was looking out for those
    youngsters,something the chipmunk really didn't care about.I think you have the start for a childrens book.Great post!Rainfield today feels he has found a life sign with an animal, maybe yours is not the rat.

  8. I enjoyed this adventure. Your pictures and video backed up the story wonderfully!

  9. A rat, a squirrel and a chipmunk are relatives. If a rat starts talking about the bad of the other two, it is actually talking about himself.

  10. so glad for all the moms who really take care and protect their babies, love this story, am glad the squirrel is able to protect her seeds.

  11. A moms gotta do what a moms gotta do. I did notice yesterday that Rebecca was not bothered by the bird in the video. Chippy should be ashamed of himself.

  12. I get Mom Squirrel. I mean, I fight for my kids and I think you have to these days. Seems like every bleeding heart is for the little guy and your kids get overlooked. Good for her!

  13. I knew she was a mom squirrel! I wonder where her babies are. On second thought, considering how fierce she is, I would not want to go within ten yards of those babies!

  14. squirells are super cute! nice shots!

  15. Great pictures of Mother squirrel, Ratty! She naturally has to protect her seeds.

  16. Aww.. what a story! Ratty.. you gave one of the best plot twists I've come across in a while. @ Rebbeca the Red squirrel: Sowwie for calling you a meanie. -__-

    I was wondering if it was pregnant, cuz cats usually become aggressive around that time so thought squirrels were the same. So it is a mom already.. how wonderful nature can be. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story Ratty!

  17. Hey, she has to protect her young. I'm glad to hear this because thinking of a squirrel as a meanie goes against the grain. This story is now very heartwarming.

  18. A lovely story...and I am glad that Rebecca manged to save the seeds for her babies!!

  19. Goodness, Ratty, I just wrote a whole post, did the word verification and somehow, it disappeared into the ozone. I really HATE computers, sometime.

    You are really in your element in the forest. The squirrels seem to perform especially for you. As for the groundhog, he doesn't seem to have that much personality.

  20. Squirrel will take care of their young no matter what, I'm glad your story had a happy ending. Great posts Ratty.
