
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Lovely Little Damsel

It's time for me to get small again. After yesterday's bit of insanity, I'm back to the normal world. But it seems the normal world has been a bit on the buggy side for me lately, and today is no exception. That's why I'm featuring these pictures of this Damselfly I was lucky enough to get recently.

I've been specifically watching for bugs on my recent hikes because they are some of nature's sometimes unappreciated creatures. Besides, I've been seeing so many of them. It seems only right that I get as many pictures of these small animals as I can while I have the chance.

These may be my most excellent bug photos yet. I'm very proud of them. As with all of my pictures, you can click on them to see them at full size. You may use them for your own personal use, as long as you don't alter them in any way. These aren't the original photos, but the originals are sometimes available upon request. Requested photos will possibly be made available as Free Wallpaper at Nature Center Magazine.

When I was taking the pictures of this lovely little damselfly, I noticed that it was looking right back at me a lot of the time. It can be kind of disturbing to have an insect turning its gaze on you, but it's also very interesting when they do it. And I guess they are probably disturbed when they see a human so focused on them as well.

Oh, a small bit of info on these little creatures. Many people get Damselflies confused with Dragonflies, which can be quite understandable. They really do look similar. I'll give you the easiest way to tell the difference. When they land, a dragonfly holds its wings out from its body, to make the shape of a little cross. A damselfly holds its wings in the same direction as its body. You can see in the picture that the wings run parallel along the back end of this damselfly. Pretty easy, huh?

Notice how I even got some pictures from the other side of this little beauty? It's still looking at me too. This damselfly was very interested in these leaves that it kept landing on, and it was willing to risk my presence to stay on them. I got to walk all the way around this cool critter while it kept coming back.

The last thing I want to bring to your attention about creatures like this is the cool metallic look they have. I always thought it makes them look like something robotic from a science fiction movie when you see them up close. Wouldn't it be something if there was a little man in there flying this creature?

Check out Nature Center Magazine today for a bit of interesting nature news.


  1. You have a face-to-face interaction with this little critter.

    It must be a very interesting expereince.

  2. Fabulous photos - isn't she lovely? Thought about you yesterday when I took a picture of two little wild rabbits that are living up the hill behind our house (of course my camera phone sure doesn't take pictures like that! :o)

  3. OMG you made her go all bug eyed with your good looks :)

  4. I've never seen one of those. How fascinating. You got some great shots of it too. I wonder just what that little man inside flying that thing would look like

  5. What a fantastic capture, that is just beautiful, Ratty.

  6. It is beautiful Ratty, and the colors are awesome!

  7. I remember your tip from last year on how to tell them apart from dragonflies..and I thank you for that, because now when I see one, I know the difference. Great photos, RAtty!

  8. My human spent a long time admiring your damselfly photos! She was quite impressed. Just shows what a talented photographer can do with a good camera to support him! I'm also glad the damselfly didn't pull out a camera and start taking pictures of you! In the last photo, she looked like she was thinking of doing that.

  9. Ratty nice close-ups, some excellent detail and colour.

  10. Lots of bugs are about these days. I've noticed lots around the yard and pond!

  11. She looks like wearing a dark emerald dress. Beautiful!

  12. I often get so engrossed in the picture taking, it's a wonder I don't get stung by bees or run into disaster. In fact, I had a camera in my hand, looking at the ocean, when I fell two weeks ago and nearly broke my leg! I think I need a sign that says, "Danger, photographer at work!"

  13. Awesome pictures Ratty! Really great shots of such a beautiful little creature :)
