
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Peeking Into Paradise

There was a drop off of about thirty feet(9 meters) right in front of my feet. The only thing that could have stopped my fall was the thick bushes that grew on that steep slope. The bushes also blocked my view into the open area that I could barely see there in front of me. But what I saw through a small opening looked like a fantasy paradise.

At the bottom of that steep slope was nothing but flowing water. The water and the plants seemed to surround this hidden paradise. I walked to three sides of this hidden place, but I never could find a way in. This one little window was also the only place I found that I could even get a peek into this hidden Utopia.

How could I get in there? I'd like to find the way in and never come out again. This place must have everything. I can just imagine that the tree on that far island is just full of juicy delicious apples; all I can eat! My imagination makes the water fresh and clean. I would never need anything else.

This is what I imagined while I was peeking into paradise.

Nature Center Magazine today has a new article by Copas. This time he's going to take us on a tour through the state of Florida. And a great tour it will be. Florida is considered to be a paradise by a great many people too.


  1. I'm amazed at how much energy you bring to all of us through your eyes on Everyday Adventurer. I just wanted to say thank you. Given you have hundreds of daily followers that enjoy reading your daily posts I think we should all show a little appreciation for your gigantic efforts.

  2. Isn't it neat to make a discovery like this? Your own fantasy world. Delicious.

  3. A bit of fantasy, a bit of fun, The Everyday Adventurer, on the run.Great capture!

  4. That is really wonderful. It doesn't look too much like Tank Creek headwaters, but it reminded me of it because it is sort of "hidden" with no real trail to it. I love those kinds of places. I've scheduled a post about my latest adventure there for while I'm gone.

  5. It looks beautiful, and I hope you will find your way just to have a moment of paradise!

  6. A bite of the apple may end up with a dasaster.

    Remember about Adam and Eve? and Snow White?

  7. what a wonderful place to a secret garden...there must be a secret door somewhere to get inside HAVE to go back and find it Ratty!!

  8. i like to find places like this where i would feel like it is my own and be in dreamland also for a while :) beautiful picture, looks very serene.

  9. It sure looks idyllic, it's all that dreams are made of.

  10. I love finding places like that. You can let your imagination run wild and the possibilities are endless. I hope you find an entrance.

  11. You have quite the imagination Ratty..Ha! It does look pretty. You be careful out there all alone. You might just fall through that window..

  12. Please bring friends and mobile phone if you thinking to enter there Ratty

  13. Such an enchanted afternoon. I can see the paradise through the bushes and tree limbs. It is gorgeous, Ratty!

  14. Very cool! Although sometimes my idea of paradise is the king-sized bed all to myself, with no other cats napping.;-)

  15. It looks like an undiscovered, beautiful, pristine place - how nice if it could always stay that way, Ratty.

    My book is out, at last!!

    Carmen Henesy: Life's Journey is available now at and will be on in about a week or less.
    Life's Journey
    Poems about the things that have been important to me in my journey through life, some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well.

  16. Great photo Ratty. This is pure paradise and I'll tell you why. There are no palm trees and humidity. Clean water, fresh air, and trees greener than the eyes can see.

  17. Wow.. such a picturesque spot so well hidden. It sure is a lil paradise the nature wants to keep away from humans. =D Lucky that you found it.
