
Monday, May 31, 2010

Game - Where Is The Critter?

It's game time once again! Today's game is much the same as most of my other games. Only this time, the game is the lead in to a fun multi-part story with many twists and turns. In this first part of the story, I'll ask you to find the hidden critter in this picture, and it is really hiding! In the days to come, I'll reveal why it is hiding. On to the game!

There is a critter of some sort hiding in this picture somewhere. The critter could be big or small. It could be anywhere. One clue for you is that this critter is one of my favorites. It can be found if you really try. My games are always easy. And cheating is okay if you can figure out how to do it. Now on to the rules.

All you have to do is find out where the critter is and also guess what the critter might be. Then when you think you have found it, or even if you just have a guess, describe to me in the comments section below where you think the critter is hiding and then tell its identity. Make your guess even if you think someone else has already made the same one. You both may be wrong! 

This game is all just for fun. Sometimes I give an acknowledgment to the winner, but not always. It depends on my mood. I'll reveal the location of this critter tomorrow in a bigger post about the animal, along with some very fun pictures. You won't want to miss the pictures. Happy hunting!!!

Nature Center Magazine - I'm a fan of monkeys. Are you? Today we have a video of something that happened when humans influenced the habitat of one type of monkey. This one is falling down fun!


  1. I looked and looked and I just can't find a critter. Whatever it is it's hiding pretty good.

  2. He is standing taking the picture.Glad you liked my bobber tree, it was a great find.

  3. Got me stumped!

  4. I'm guessing it is a deer standing in the woods above the right side of the bench.

  5. Wow Ratty this is the toughest game so far! I strained my eyes across every centimeter (prolly millimeter!) and found around 4 silhouettes that shapes into critters of some sort. =D

    So here's what I found..
    Critter 1 = Squirrel (a gray one)
    On the magnified pic you can see it hanging on top of a tree trunk upside down, about 7.5 cm from left and 0.5cm from top.

    Critter 2 = birdie (a bright green one)
    On the magnified pic, about 16cm from right and 4cm from top.

    Critter 3 = lizard (dark gray one with a long slim tail)
    This one camouflages well with its surrounding, the texture of the tree bark, but it seems to lift its head and turn towards you so it does stick out. =D This one stands on a tree trunk right side up, about 6cm from right and 1.3cm from top.

    Critter 4 = deer (a young one)
    I could see a big patch of beige brown about 7cm from right and 8cm from top. Can see tiny ears sticking out and a darkened snout the shape of a deer. I could also see some sticky legs but maybe.. I'm hallucinating too much already! lol

    Ok.. these are my guesses. ^__^ And I got the help of a ruler to describe the positions with precision. lol But ya, this is tooooo tough. *phew*

  6. I can't see a thing this time Ratty..Ha! So I will wait till you tell us.

  7. Even these country eyes can't see your critter.

  8. It is hiding inside the picture. You have to go to the back of the screen in order to see the critter.

  9. Ratty got it this time. You put the camera on a tripod pressed the self timer and hid behind the third tree from the left.

  10. Is it a black squirrel on a branch almost in the center of the photo but a little higher than center?

  11. wonderful, it's got be stumped, but it's such fun.

  12. I think it is on the floor near the long tuft of grass on the right hand side...Can't wait to see how wrong I am!!

  13. Now that my eyes are completely strained the only thing I sort of see is towards the middle of the photo. If you look at the right edge of the bench at the top and look about a couple of inches right above the bench in that green tree it looks like some sort of bird or something fat. Maybe a fat squirrel? It doesn't look like any of the other leaves so it may be something. Cool pic, though, I like it.

  14. Ratty, you're a rat and that's that. Even with a magnifier, I am only seeing a mass of green leaves, the bench, and no critters. I know there must be something there but the critter must have been through Special Forces training and have graduated magna cum laude in the camouflage class.

  15. Ok, I tried to zoom in and I think in the center possibly a squirrel. Or, it on the back of the bench? A bird on the bench. I'm lost!

  16. I saw a deer shadow...or it is not?

  17. It's me! It's me! The secret is... I'm actually NOT in the photo at all!

    Actually, even I, with my extra-sharp, predatory feline vision, can't find this creature! So I'm stumped too.

  18. I looked and looked, but couldn't find anything either.

  19. There is an ant under the bench! You really do need to make this harder next time, Ratty. :)
