
Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Cardinal In The Water

I've been seeing so many birds lately, especially cardinals, but they've almost all been in trees or up high somewhere. Seeing this cardinal was a rare treat because it was on the ground splashing in the water. The only birds of this size I usually see on the ground are robins. Most birds don't seem very comfortable down this low.

When I found this cardinal, there were many more flying around and calling to each other through the trees. I saw this one swoop down out of a big tree and onto this small runoff stream. The stream becomes a small creek every spring, but then dries up for the rest of the year. It's one of the smaller sources for Carpenter Lake.

With all of the grass and weeds in the way, I couldn't get very good pictures of the cardinal. But they are still valuable to me because they capture the cardinal living its life. Anyone can get a good shot of a bird that is posed in a tree, but an action shot like this is a rare moment that really shows something interesting.

Something like this is almost as good as following it around to study its behavior. The behavior of an animal is what becomes the interesting part after you've seen them more than a few times. What motivates an animal? Why does it do what it does? That's what I like to see.

I featured this very subject about squirrels yesterday. Not many people would stop to think about squirrel behavior. Most want to look at big dangerous or exotic animals to study. But what about the animals that we can find by going out our own back door? They are easier for you and me to watch, and they are just as wild as any other animal. And every bit as interesting if you pay attention to them.

I watch these animals as if I were playing a video game. Have you ever seen those games where you walk around and shoot monsters or other strange creatures? I get to do the same thing, except I use a camera instead of a gun. I've faced creatures just as big as most video game monsters. I admit my game is more peaceful than a video game because I don't kill anything, but it's also more unpredictable. The best thing of all is that my game is real.

The cardinal in this picture is one of my prizes for playing the game. Most video gamers don't get to keep pictures of their conquered foes like this. The best thing is that I don't consider any of these animals my enemy. Each and every one is at the time my dearest friend. Every time an animal lets me take its picture, I make sure I thank it for the honor. Really!

I like video games, but I like nature even more. Nature is real. Nature is our life. Nature is what we are.

And I like experiencing nature in action, like this little cardinal splashing in the water.


  1. A lovely story Ratty..I had never really thought about what you do as a video game but it really does fit and it made me smile to think that every time you walk out your door with your camera you were entering your own personal game which you enjoy so much!!

  2. "Every time you walk out your door with your camera you were entering your own personal game which you enjoy so much". I like this.

    And you won't know what will happen next, you can just hope.

    Interesting and good post!!

  3. I like your comparison of your nature adventures to a video game. I do agree that while a video game can be quite entertaining your adventures are much more rewarding. Love the shots of the cardinal

  4. Beautiful cardinal! It's such a wonderful treat to see this bird having fun.

  5. Ratty what a fine coloured bird. Nice to get some shots in its natural surroundings.

  6. I also liked your comparison. It is a challenge to "capture" a wild animal with a camera. Thanking the bird or critter for the picture is something I do also.:) A very good post!

  7. You're right. Every day in the outdoors is an adventure and each experience is exciting if we take the time to explore it's real meaning and the context in which it occurs.

    This cardinal appears to be enjoying the water, perhaps getting a drink or bathing a little. It's amazing to see how much he can blend in despite the bright red color.

    Very nice.

  8. I'm not good at all at video games, so I like the outdoors one better! And we meet more new friends too.

  9. Nature is so much better than the video games. That is a pretty cardinal. It probably was having a little bath. The birds here come down to the ground to eat bugs plus the little devils take baths in the cats water dish. The cats don't seem to mind. And the amazing part is that the cats don't catch them. Have a great day.

  10. Nature is better than any game. You can interact with the animals and be a part of each others world. The coloring of this cardinal is so striking. Just beautiful and great photos Ratty.

  11. Oh, that is cool to see him splashing about! We only see the robins and sparrows doing that in the pond and birdbaths.

  12. Great photos Ratty! Cardinals don't stay on the ground long but I'm sure they enjoy taking a bath now and then.

  13. You know me...I LOVE Cardinals and rarely get to see them at home, so I am so pleased to see you getting shots of them..this is a great one of them on the ground, Ratty!

  14. Not often I saw this type of bird on the ground, injured maybe?
    When it come to shooting, at least we don't need to insert more coins when the game over :)

  15. Maybe the cardinal was playing in the water because there was so much plantlife surrounding him - he figured he was protected from most predators (and persistent nature photographers, too!)

  16. They are amazing photos. You really do have a good eye and these birds do so look lovely.

  17. A bird like that with such a bright crimson tone to be seen on the ground is indeed rare. Great shots Ratty! And what's more.. today's post is quite inspiring.

    PS: how about making your own video game one day..? A one that admires nature's lil wonders.. I'm sure it'll be a big hit. ^__^

  18. Hey Ratty. Those are excellent pictures. That Cardinal is absolutely gorgeous! I agree with what you say about getting the action shots too. I love watching birds in the water and playing and the like.
