
Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Adventure Continues

I still haven't found them. The geese are still missing from my little world. Oh sure, I still see a few every now and then. But for the most part, the huge flocks of hundreds must have decided that they like it somewhere else just a little bit better. I know I talked about this on Tuesday already, but I really do miss them.

Last year at this time I was busy making friends with the geese. I had seen them before, but I was beginning to finally get close to them. They, and the squirrels, became a sentimental favorite of mine. Last year was the year that I was finally getting close to the animals, and really getting to know them.

I noticed then that their numbers were decreasing around here, but there were still a lot of them. And some of the geese even began to think of me as a friend. I liked when these wild Canada geese would eagerly come to me. And now I miss them so much that I went looking for them at the place where they flocked in their greatest numbers. But look what I found. Less than a dozen.

This is Heritage Park. Earlier in the year there was fake wolves put out to scare the vast numbers of geese away from here. Maybe they also noticed that it worked too well. They have since taken down the fake wolves, and a few of the geese have returned. I guess these low numbers still qualify as a genuine gaggle of geese.

This is all bittersweet for me. A few short years ago the geese used to fight and play right outside my bedroom window early every morning. They always made as much noise as they possibly could make. Now that they're gone, I'm beginning to miss all of that comical commotion. But I hated it when they used to wake me up every weekend.

Maybe this is all for the best. The geese were a fun part of my everyday adventures in years past. Now, maybe it's time to move on to new adventures. Geese can always remain as fond memories for me, and they can even make occasional reappearances, but there are new and exciting things to see today and in the future. My adventures must continue, and I'm excited to see where they might take me next.


  1. It's nice that you miss them, Ratty. I know some folks who complain about the presence of geese in the parks. I know you'll find some other critters to add to your favorites and you'll give us lots of photos to enjoy!

  2. I like the geese. I know the parks by me are trying to reduce them. New stricter rules on not feeding them, etc. I like them though. At least you can sleep in now on the weekends. :-)

  3. I was just reading on another blog yesterday about birds that are returning in smaller numbers than usual. At least you still have a few to keep you entertained while still allowing you the luxury of sleeping later on the weekends.

  4. The chances are good they will return in the future. In the meantime you have at least a billion other things to explore, and we all look forward to the posts about these new findings.!

  5. Feed me, is all they look at rather than being fed to a wolf. Scared them but I am sure they will be back.

  6. Ratty, I'm sure they will be back at some point. I know here they were out and about in droves a few months ago and now I don't see them at all. Maybe they just like to play hide n seek :)

  7. There are always somethings registered in our memories along our journey.

    And we keep going on, new things keep coming up, but old friends remain silently somewhere in our mind.

  8. Well I am sad the geese are gone but you are right...there will always be something for you to capture a photo of.

  9. I look forward to seeing your new adventures too!

  10. I love this picture. Peaceful. Thank you! Fine post too.

  11. Well, If I wax philosophically the gaggle's absence is probably for the better as it will push you to find new adventures without them. . . But it is still sad to not see those creatures you are fond of.

  12. I have a hard time being too sorry that there aren't thousands of them. They make such a mess. The birds are late returning here this year, so they may show up yet.

  13. those are gorgeous pictures of geese wandering in the meadows, lovely.

  14. My human loves geese. You are lucky to have at least a few - we don't get any out here!

  15. Your pictures of the geese on the nice cut grass look so serene and beautiful.

  16. come up to the U.P...we have plenty here..more than usual...that is probably where they all went. ha
