
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Nothing On The Moon

One night ago I took this picture of the Moon. It looks like a full Moon, but I actually took it one night before the full Moon. I'm not sure I could tell the difference if the two were in front of me. I just thought it would be fun to practice taking Moon pictures again.

The last time I took pictures of the Moon was November 4th of last year. It was the first time I was able to get anything but a white blur in the sky. This one is even better than those. I think my last story might have had more good information than this one though. I include a link on how to do this in that post.

The thing I really thought was interesting this time though was the odd little dot that was moving around on the surface of the Moon. I keep wondering what it might be. I guess it was nothing...

No, really! It was nothing! I'm just kidding. There was nothing moving around on the Moon. Do you hear that, government people!! I saw nothing! Nothing at all!


  1. Please report to your nearest branch of The Lunar Construction Company for debriefing. Bring all digital images for inspection and pack for a long journey...

  2. Beautiful picture of the moon, Ratty! I can't take any of the moon pictures with my small camera.

  3. Nothing nicer than a good moon photo. Thanks.


  4. This moon is big enough to brighten up our night and our path. I remember the time when I was small, when I stayed in a village....

  5. I took my best moon photos by holding the camera (focus at infinity) to a telescope eyepiece. It really works.

  6. this is a very good moon picture, i have not practiced taking up close pictures of the moon yet, i will try to remember next time.

  7. One of the best Moon shots I have seen!

  8. Great photo Ratty!! No moon photos for me till my arm stops hurting.

  9. That is a fantastic shot. I can't get a good one with my new camera I just don't have the lens for it. I have to use my old one to get the zoom I need. Maybe one of these days I'll get a zoom lens for my new one.

  10. Amazing shot of the moon.

    I can see whether I can take a photograph with my digital camera.

    I feel the connection with the photo that you took of the moon, just by staring at it.

    Whenever the moon is out I always feel in the highest of frequency with it and the energy on a planetary level. In other words I feel more awake, connected and loving as I am already within earth. It's a good period to just be, and rest, and sometimes to release old wounds or patterns.

    The moon is feminine energy, and very important in it's role.

  11. Oh, Ratty, that is a beautiful picture of the moon. I hope you were out there with Mrs. Ratty or someone equally suitable if there isn't a Mrs. Ratty. It's a shame not to snuggle under a moon like that!

  12. Wow- that is great! I haven't tried anything like this with my camera yet. I have some crappy lunar eclipse shots that I took on film a while back. You can see that it happened, but no detail.

  13. That's a great moon photo! And I wasn't going to say anything, but uh, yeah, there is something moving around on the moon. We cats have set up a space station there, for when you humans finally go too far and really wreck the earth.

  14. A fantastic shot Ratty. I love the moon and did try taking photos of it when you last posted one...even with the link you gave me I couldn't get any decent pictures. I don't mind though as you share your wonderful pictures with us and I can keep trying for myself and maybe one day I will master it...and if not then I will always have your pics to look back on!!

    The only thing I miss about such good shots of the moon is that you lose the man....have you ever looked up on a starry night and seen that man in the moon??? No matter what stage the moon is at he is always there!!

  15. Thanks for all of your wonderful comments. I especially like the ones that played along with my awful humor this time. :)

    I was thinking the same thing about the Man in the Moon. I actually examined the picture several times looking for him. I found if you make the picture smaller he pops right out there.

  16. Wow.. that's such a beautiful full moon, even if it's a day earlier. =D It's so well detailed too. Something my humble cam can never imagine to do. T__T hehe..

    PS: I bet you really saw something moving. Cause Mulder always says, 'the truth is out there!'. lol
