
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Watched By A Robin

Even though I have so many other things to show you, I decided that today was the day to show you a very close up picture of this American robin. Even though he might look a little bit closer than I really was to him, I was actually very close to this bird.

American robins like to dig around in wet grass looking for what I would guess to be worms. Since it's been raining for the past few days around here, the worms have been coming to the surface, giving the robins a feast of epic proportions. As you can see by the picture above, this robin hasn't missed any meals in quite some time.

Another thing you can see is that the robin was looking right at me when I took this photo. These are very brave little birds. They don't mind humans very much at all. As long as we keep at least a few feet away, a robin will go about his business as if we aren't even there. Even if we scare them away they don't feel the need to go very far.

I decided to back off just a little bit for you so you can see what he was doing a little bit better. He was pecking at the ground in between hopping small distances. I guess he was looking for just the right spots to check for his tasty little prey.

Many of you know that I share a lot of pictures of robins, but this is the very best one I've shared of a robin on the ground. I'm not sure I can top this one. Well, maybe if I get one to spread his wings for me one day. That would really be something, wouldn't it? Spread your wings little robin!

One last note. I mentioned several months back that I had an exciting new project in the works. It's almost ready! This is something I hope will benefit all of us nature lovers here on the internet. I will have a big announcement at the end of this month!


  1. I always think of Robin Hood every time I read about your Robin. Anyway, both are Robin.

    Looking forward for your announcement.
    (Will I hear something about Robin Hood?)

  2. Awesome close-up! He is quite puffy..Looking forward to hear your announcement

  3. Very nice robin photo. I was surprised to learn that your worms were already rising to the surface-meaning there is no frost in the ground. My personal definition of spring is frost free ground. Congratulations!


  4. That puppy sure looks like he eats good.

  5. Hiya Ratty. What an awesome photograph of im looking at you- it looks like he's got lovely fake eyelashes on though! Lol!
    The robins over here in the UK, even though they are not of the same family of yours, are well renowned for being friendly brave birds. They will sit on your garden fork beside you when you've been digging the garden, or on the fence waiting for you to dig up worms for them. I have one that 'protects' my bird feeder from any other bird- unfortunately for me! I think he is just a bully though.
    I look forward to hearing your anouncement- sounds exciting!

  6. P.s, Spring starts (at least here) on March 21st- my birthday!

  7. Great shots of the robin. He looks all puffed up.

  8. He sure is a nice, fat one! great photos Ratty. I haven't spotted any here yet.

  9. That is one beautiful creature u managed to capture there..........

  10. That is such a good picture of a robin. Good job getting so close to it. And it does look like it hasn't missed a meal at all. We have lots of robins here now. Have a great day.

  11. He is gorgeous Ratty and what a beautiful color. He's a little chunky too :) I can't wait for your announcement.

  12. That is the plumpest little robing I have ever seen. Robins are the one bird that I actually have managed to get a good picture of. I'll sit on my back steps and watch them and they don't seem to mind that I'm there, except for when they had a nest in my bushes, that bothered them when I got too close.

  13. A very plump Robin indeed! :) Must be after winter effect. This is the closest you had captured Ratty. Well done!

  14. Very cool shots! I'm not sure that it's looking at you in the first one though. They don't have binocular vision except in a tiny space.

    Will anticipate your announcement!

  15. You have me so curious about your new project, Ratty!

    That robin is so cute. I am still waiting up here to see my first spring robin up here...we are getting unusually warm weather in the U.P. and the snow is melting fast so they might come soon...but up here we are sure to get a few more snowfalls before true spring gets here!

  16. Are you starting a squirrel-watching blog perhaps??? LOL!! GREAT robin photo, Ratty. I saw the red-wing blackbirds out and about the other day--that is the true sign of spring to me. Hooray!

  17. Robins aren't dumb - they know if some human tries to mess with them, they can always fly away. That's why they aren't that scared of humans. Looking forward to your announcement!

    BTW, I'm kind of sorry I said something about earthquakes in yesterday's comment here because the next morning, we had one! Me and the other cats went flying! But no damage was done and soon we were all back asleep.

  18. Goodness, he needs a bit of TaeBo. He's so chubby, I love it.
