
Friday, March 5, 2010

A Surprise From Above

I've been taking a lot of pictures of birds right outside my house the last couple of weeks. The opportunity presented itself, so I have naturally been taking it. The only problem is that the only birds out there are either sparrows or starlings. They're both fun to look at, but I only need so many pictures at a time.

That's why when I went out and saw the sun shining off of this bird I almost left it alone. I figured the sun must be illuminating another sparrow for me. Even though I almost turned away, I realized that this shining bright sight was almost begging me to take a picture. How could I say no to that?

That's why when I got back home from the hike I had been headed for, I was very surprised when I looked at the pictures of my shining bird. It wasn't a sparrow at all. It turned out to be a mourning dove! This is now the second time I've been able to get a picture of one of these birds. And while I know they are also very common, this is the first one I've seen outside my house.

I guess this is another example of why you should always expect the unexpected. Once, I assumed the only birds where I lived were sparrows. Then I thought I would only ever see robins with my camera. Now I'm learning that there are so many different birds out there to see. I just had to open my eyes to them.

Are your eyes truly opened to all that nature has to offer? I don't think we can ever be finished discovering all there is to see. I know I've said this before, but even living in the middle of a city isn't a death sentence to nature. You don't even have to leave your house to see nature. I know of one person who sees more nature out her window than most people do living in the country. Check my links to find her.

Just stepping out my front door I found this mourning dove waiting for me. I almost let the opportunity go, but something told me to grab it while it was there. Now I have several beautiful pictures of this mourning dove. I gladly share them with you. My stories and pictures are another way for you to find nature too. Just reach out and take them.


  1. You should open your house are for public sightseeing or bird watch area Ratty :) Lovely bird.

  2. All the birds will in one day fly into your house.

    You will then have a bird park, and will not need to leave your house to see nature.


  3. The mourning dove song is very peaceful. Whenever I experience the call I am awed by this beautiful sound.


  4. Hi Ratty, what a lovely picture. I've not seen a mourning dove before- only your pictures. We have a pair of collared doves that come to my garden for the feed. I am always surprised what I see around my garden. I live in a suburban area, just outside the town centre, and my boyfriend saw a sparrow hawk eating something it had caught in my next door neighbours garden! I was gutted I didn't see it, but wow! Right in the middle of town- definitely unexpected! I know what you mean about opening your eyes to nature- I see so much more now that I am looking for it. Great post today :)

  5. In the last couple of weeks, I've been seeing mourning doves around our bird feeder. Mostly they feed on seeds that have fallen to the ground. Can spring be far away?

  6. How funny Ratty, I just took some shots of Mourning Doves the other day and have them set up to publish in a few days from now.Great minds think alike,right?
    They are so beautiful and peaceful...many states HUNT them. It makes me sad...their faces look so calming.

  7. Great photos. That first one the dove seems to be looking down at you asking if you are going to take it's picture. :) I wonder what kind of bird you will find next right outside your house. Maybe they are all flocking to your doorstep to get a chance at becoming the next star on the everyday adventurer.

  8. Oh, Ratty, I thought of you yesterday! There was a loud bird yacking it up in a high tree yesterday and I went out to see what he was yelling about. It was the hawk that has been stalking my birdfeeder this winter and he was MAD! I figured out why--Grace and Hobbes were out in the yard and he wanted to come by and snag a birdie from my feeder. Ugh. So, there he sat, screaming at my two tubbies who were completely oblivious to his complaints. You would have loved it!

  9. Ratty good advice about keeping your eyes open. I know you are not a birder but I do think they make good subject for photographs. Nice to see you including some in recent posts.

  10. It's always nice to see the unexpected right out our door.

    New Jersey Campgrounds

  11. The mourning dove is beautiful Ratty, great shots. You are so right about nature being just outside your door. In my backyard today were juncos, flickers and robins. Above my backyard and in the trees were crows and hawks. There were a few others that were too far away to identify.

  12. you are right, the beauty and wonderful gifts of nature is all around us, we just have to stop and appreciate them and grab the gift, thanks for sharing your gift.

  13. I wish some of those mourning doves would come out my way! But it's been raining here, so the bird feeder has been full of water instead of seed. I can't wait for a few weeks of dry weather so my human can fill it up again and bring the birds back to my window!
