
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

In The Center Of Nature

With warmer weather comes more birds. I see these birds outside every day now. I wanted a little bit better picture of a house sparrow to show you, and I was able to get this one. After getting most of our snow of the winter just last week, as typical of our weather around here it has warmed up greatly and the snow is melting fast.

We still have some time to go but it's beginning to really feel like spring at times. Even when the days are cloudy it doesn't seem quite as dark as it did when winter was in full swing. Most of our days there is at least a few hours of sunshine now. And anyone in the United States who likes our favorite warm weather sport, baseball, knows that spring training season has started, so baseball is almost back.

Baseball is maybe a better sign of spring here than seeing a spring robin. Especially since I've been showing you robins all winter long. But we're not really here to talk about baseball, mostly, but we're here to talk about this little bird in the picture. As I said yesterday, I'm pretty sure it's a kind of sparrow, and it appears to be a house sparrow, but I'm still new to identifying sparrows.

I don't really have to go far to get these pictures of sparrows. They feel as comfortable around my house as I do. It seems house sparrows like the area around houses and urban areas better than they like my woodland nature trails, so I guess this is the only place I'm going to see them anyway.

You can sit on your porch or even look out your window to see nature or wild animals. I like going out to the wilderness to do my nature watching most of the time, but it's not necessary for nature watching. I would bet there are at least birds flying around the largest cities in the world. Even with all of those tall buildings you can find yourself right in the center of nature. Nature is everywhere. It's up to you to see it.


  1. Another great observation Ratty, nature is everywhere, and it is just waiting for us to discover its beauties and mysteries.

  2. The pictures are fantastic Ratty! You're right, I can see birds all around now too..

  3. Nature surrounds and is ever present. One has but to open eyes and see, to open ears and hear and to sniff and smell its very scent. Yes, out here in the country, the first traces of skunk can be detected on the breeze.

  4. Nature is everywhere. I can see flocks of crows and Mynas everywhere, but only sparrows are lovely.

  5. I get really bored with some of the sparrows, but others are not so ordinary and I'm really happy when I find them.

  6. WE have lots of sparrows around here. They built a nest in a rose bush right next to my house and they had children and it was really funny when the whole family would gather and line up on the roof next to the rose bush. Those a super pictures.

  7. In San Francisco, I see trees, squirrels, pigeons, and seagulls.

  8. You keep giving me more and more hope that spring is just around the corner.

  9. We are just starting to see some new birds returning, but it is still pretty snowy here for all the spring birds to return yet...but I can't wait. I actually saw BUDS on one tree here a few days ago...I hope to take a macro of them to prove it on my blog. ha

  10. Yesterday it snowed pretty heavily. My husband replenished the bird feeders and about 50 little birds came and had a feast. Later on a couple of small birds came, they were brown but the top looked a bit burgundy in color. I don’t know what kind they were. I like to read your posts because you know so much about birds. I have some bird books but by the time I finally open the pages the birds are gone.

  11. Spring is already here in Florida. I have so many different species of bird in the forest behind my apartment, I can never get any work done. They're always rustling around in the trees and teasing the squirrels.

  12. Being an indoor-only cat, I have to either look out the window, or wait for nature to come indoors to me. I especially like the latter, since it usually involves something edible like a cricket or moth. For some bizarre reason, however, when nature comes indoors, it doesn't thrill my human quite as much.

  13. Nature is indeed everywhere Ratty, all we have to do is look and listen. Excellent post.
