
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Flying Free

Starlings In Flight
I couldn't pass up the chance to bring this picture to you. I was hoping for better, but even getting this one picture was very difficult. I've been showing you very many pictures of the birds around my house, but until now they've all been sitting in the trees. Until now. This picture is what happens when I can catch them at the right time.

I happened to be standing out there watching a sparrow on the tree closest to me when I saw this flock of starlings come flying by overhead. I moved as quickly as I could, but I couldn't get a better shot of them. What I mostly ended up with was pictures of empty sky. I have to tell you, it's hard enough to get a picture of a bird in flight, but it's even harder to do it when you have a zoom lense on your camera.

Still, without the zoom lense, I wouldn't have gotten such close up pictures of the birds. Seeing this makes me wish I could fly. I don't think I wish to be a starling or any other bird though. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to be an otherwise normal human, but with the power of flight? I don't even think it would matter if anyone else noticed, but I guess that might be nice too. I wonder what I could accomplish with such a power. What would you do if you could fly?


  1. Good morning and happy Sunday my daily adventurer friend. It is real difficult to capture birds in flight, but you have done it.

    What if I can fly? I'll know if I can.

  2. Awesome shot Ratty! Don't think I'd do too well flying, though (I'm a-skeered of heights :o)

  3. Great capture, Ratty! If I could fly, I will go around the world.

  4. If I could fly I'd go north. When I got there I would go more north.


  5. I would soar and soar and soar....especially over the Grand Canyon.

  6. I would poop on my neighbors. Definitely.

  7. Whoa, motion shot! Beautiful, Ratty! Love it!

  8. I've tried taking pictures of birds in flight with the camera zoomed way in and I agree it's very difficult. I had the worst time trying to find them in the viewfinder

    If I could fly I think I would frequently visit some place that was warm.

  9. Just soar and look at the world so small below

  10. I've always wished I could fly.More so because of having such weak legs all my life. I used to have dreams of floating just above the floor. The dreams were so real that I really thought I had. This was when I was real young. Those guys that have those winged suits and fly amaze me. Nice clear photos Ratty! The sky has been blue here all week. So nice.

  11. Ratty, that is a fantastic motion photo, just amazing. You have to teach me how to take those photos one of these days. I would absolutely love to fly, maybe in another life.

  12. I have been noticing more birds around the area lately. such a happy sign of Spring.

  13. Indeed it is hard to get a nice close-up shot of bird. Especially when they are flying. If I can fly, I would fly to my favorite holiday destinations every weekend :)

  14. You're like a hunter...with a camera!! If I could fly...well funny thing is, I my dreams. And while there, I find it very useful to escape bad situations, to get places more quickly, and to get a different perspective!

  15. I already can fly! I fly across the house sometimes in the mornings, take flying leaps onto the dresser (where I'm not supposed to go), fly away from my human when she gets too grabby (I prefer to let her know when I want to be picked up), and fly down the hallway when I'm chasing one of my roommates (or vice versa). And honestly, that's all the flying I need.

  16. I was watching a hawk soar overhead the other day and thinking exactly the same thing. The hawk kept flying higher and higher, circling as she flew. That's my idea flying.

    Ratty, I just wanted to let you know I loved your photo of the deer for Joan's contest. What a beautiful shot that is, an amazing capture. When I saw it I thought for sure it would be the winner.
