
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Walking In Heaven

What else could it be? I made a comparison the other day about a little bird that looked like it was standing on a cloud. But little birds aren't the only ones that can walk through the clouds. We usually have images of people or angels when we think of the guys that sit around on the clouds of Heaven.

But what if Heaven came down to Earth? What would it look like? Now before anybody gets too excited, I just want to say that I'm talking about the cartoonish Heaven of TV or fantasy, not the religious one. I'm not sure any of us could even begin to imagine that one. But what about the place where angels float on clouds? What would we see?

Just imagine if the clouds all floated down to Earth, and we were able to walk upon them and see some of the most amazing creatures walking or flying there. I guess it would turn the ground silvery white and fluffy looking, with a little bit of mist floating around. Some of the cloud stuff would even stick to the trees and anything else that's around.

There wouldn't be crowds of people, because in Heaven there is plenty of room for everyone. And it wouldn't be completely empty, of course. There would be a few other travelers of the clouds to talk to every so often. And there would be plenty of fun hidden places to explore. Some of those places would open up into great meadows where little white fairies flutter by.

What an amazing thing to see if Heaven came right down to me. I'd be happy all the time, but only as long as I dressed correctly. I'd be so embarrassed to be seen there looking too out of place. Of course, nobody would judge me for it. They would just simply try to help me find the right heavenly garb, because it really is more fun if you dress the part while you're in Heaven.

But I guess none of that could ever really happen, could it? I guess it's just an odd fantasy by an everyday adventurer looking for Heaven.


  1. That first photo definitely looks like your own little slice of "heaven on earth"; so pristine!

  2. Ratty, I think you've already found your heaven on earth and you share a piece of it with us every day. Guess that makes you our little ratty
    Happy Valentines Day to you

  3. I heart this post! Great thoughts, and yes I believe there is heaven on earth if one chooses to think so.

  4. Sometimes when I am out in nature, Ratty, like at a waterfall or out in the autumn woods next to a babbling brook, I think it IS glimpses of heaven for sure....

  5. Hey- if we get to have green on the trees at the same time, I like it!

  6. I would love to think heaven on Earth, lovely pictures.

  7. What an amazingly poetic and beautiful post! I love those photos and think they look precisely what it would look like to have heaven come down on earth.

    You're just missing a couple of angels playing harps and golden halos and white togas.

  8. I think you're onto something there....

  9. A wonderful post Ratty and the photos are beautiful. One of the things I enjoy most about snow is how it muffles sounds and makes everything so quiet. for instance, the traffic in the distance will not be as loud. That way I can hear more of the forest whispers.

  10. Well Ratty, you may have just found your heaven. I've always believed that Heaven exists right here on earth, as does the other place down South. Gorgeous pics.
