
Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Robin

A robin in the snow was what I was greeted with when I went to my nature park after the big snowstorm. It was happily eating something tasty from the snowy ground. I don't know whether it found a nice fat berry that had fallen from a tree or if it was just eating the snow for a bit of moisture.

I have to say while looking at the picture that it appears to be a bird sitting on a cloud. There is a similar view that some of us have of heaven. We think of angels with their large wings lounging around on clouds. They will sometimes fly back and forth from one cloud to another to have a pleasant conversation with each other.

I decided as soon as I saw what I had found that I just had to bring you a video of this little bird enjoying itself in the snow. This episode of Rat TV is a short one, but that's all that is needed for us to observe this little bird. See if you can tell what it is eating. I'm not sure myself.

This picture above is what I actually saw with my own eyes while I was there. I could never get much closer to a bird than this. I did my best to get as close as I could by trying to hide behind that tree that's just to the left of the bird. But I got no closer than this.


I really didn't know at first if it was a bird or a fallen leaf from a tree, but as I got closer I knew it was a bird. I guess it must have been the fact that it was moving that really tipped me off. Leaves haven't ever really been known to have little yellow beaks either, I guess. And that's another solved riddle from Ratty the super detective!

And here's a final look at the little robin. This is another scene that just wouldn't quite be the same in warmer weather. I'm telling you, if you dress warmly enough, going out for a winter stroll is one of the most exhilarating things you can do. The key is to cover your face a little bit. You'll be toasty warm the whole time your out.

If you go out often enough you'll get to see things like this little bird. It might even decide you are familiar enough to be a friend. You never know what might happen unless you try. And for those of you who just can't get out you can always come here, and I'll be your guide through all the lovely winter places.

That's all folks!

(I had big plans to be on the internet reading blogs all day yesterday, but my internet connection was unbearably slow. It was a big chore just trying to write this post. Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow. I'm missing all the good stuff!)


  1. Oh how lovely! You must be very quiet to see this robin like this..

  2. What a great shot! I'm sure Ann will be delighted to see that little guy - she said she's had more than enough of winter in her neck of the woods :o)

  3. I really liked the visual image of the robin sitting on a cloud! Thanks, once again.

  4. Nice shot of the robin and you are right, it totally looks like it could be a cloud.

  5. How neat! We never see Robins here in the winter. But it is such a thrill to see the first one in the spring. It gives me such exhileration and hope then! I love going out to get winter photos does feel great!

  6. I am impressed that it can stand the cold.

  7. How wonderful Ratty that you were able to capture this beautiful little critter on video. He may just be feasting on a twig or something. You are right, he looks as if he's perched on a cloud. I love this story.

  8. Good catch. I'm not sure I've seen a robin pecking through the deep snow before.

  9. A bird in a cloud! I love it :) Great pictures (as always).

    Happy weekend,

  10. Great picture of the robin. I always like to see Robins in the winter because that usually means Spring is not far behind. You did a great job of getting a picture of the robin. I am surprised there was only one robin there.

  11. I can't tell what it's eating but it sure does seem to be enjoying it..It does look like it's sitting on a cloud in the picture too.

  12. That cloud sitting robin is just so cool!! My guess on your bird would be either an early black bird or a crow--I've been seeing crows really active around here just lately---didn't these get that avian killer flu? Not sure, but if they did, they bounced back....

  13. I like the image of spring resting on the ever present symbol of winter. It is the yin and yang of where we are these days--ready for spring, but trapped in winter. Ugh.

  14. You managed to get a lot of that pretty little robin! I really enjoyed watching him have his lunch on video!

  15. Nice shots of the Robins Ratty, I really enjoyed the video. Enjoy the snow but stay warm. Most of the body's heat escapes from the top of your head, a cap will help you stay warm.

  16. Great pics!!I've been seeing Robins a lot this winter,but nver on the ground just in trees.especially berry trees.Keep Warm out there Ratty!!
