
Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Rat TV Snowstorm

I've been trying to avoid showing you too many winter scenes, but this one is fun. I went out for a short hike yesterday just so I could take pictures of a winter snowstorm. One of my first big triumphs with a camera was to take pictures of falling snow, so I do it as much as I can.

If you would like to know how to do it, all you really have to do is turn on the flash on your camera. You can still get snow in the picture without it, but the flash makes the snow glow. You can also play with a few more settings to get it to work just a little bit better, but that's up to you to do. I'm happy with what I have here.

Photos of snowfall aren't the only thing I have though. This time I have video!

I've been trying to remember to get some video of a snowstorm since winter began. I routinely go out in storms like the one I'm showing you here, but I'm so busy trying to get pictures that I completely forget the video. This time I didn't forget, so now I have a good snowstorm episode of Rat TV for you. I hope you like it.

There's one thing about a good snowstorm. Even if you don't like winter, studying a good snowstorm can be very interesting. A long time ago I brought you pictures of a snowstorm. Now I'm able to bring you full video and sound. The only thing left is to give you a blast of cold winter air when you visit here. One day it will be possible. Beware... Beware!!!


  1. Loved the video Ratty, but I'm glad the snow is there and not here. We've had an unusually mild winter and I'm enjoying it for a change. Just remember to send that blast of cold air southward, it gets cold enough here.

  2. Fantastic video. It looks wild and desolate, the perfect place to explore :-)

  3. Great video, ratty! I have tried to take pictures of snow falling too, but not very successful like you did with you first pic..

  4. I love winter, we have picked up many feet of snow in last 4 days. Making up for lost time I guess. Nice video, by the way.

  5. Those still pics of falling snow are problematic. When spring comes this year, I'll be ready.

  6. Very cool look. I will have to try that, Although I hope it will be next year, we have had enough snow,lol.

  7. Hey Ratty,
    You call THAT a snowstorm?????? You can still see the trees!???
    C'mon up to the U.P.....we will show you what a snowstorm is. ha
    Thanks for the tip on using your flash on still shots of the snow, I will try that next time....

  8. It looks like there is a competition on who are having the biggest snowstorm.

    Can I join with my thunderstorm?

  9. Good pictures of the snowstorm. I have never tried to take a picture of snow falling. And the video is wonderful. Good job all the way around. But enough of snow. Time for flowers.

  10. Ratty, I love the video. Only once was I caught in the snow which was decades ago up in Nevada so I really never experienced a snowstorm until now with your video and it is so beautiful. I know that may sound weird but when you never experience snow, you love it. Fantastic Video, Ratty, thank you

  11. Will you quit with the snow already, Ratty???! Let's think spring and flowers with green grass. I miss it so.

  12. I love your photos, I enjoy your videos immensely and I'm intrigued by your tip for photographing a snowfall BUT if you start blasting us with cold air I mean it, I'm only going to visit you in the

  13. beautiful photos and video Ratty, however, I only love playing with snow when the sky is already blue and the sun is all out :) haha!

  14. Your video made me feel cold! But being a southern California kitty, I'm afraid I'm a bit spoiled by the usually-sunny weather (although it was rainy today).

    Loved the tip on photographing falling snow - will have to pass that one along to my human. She will be delighted to try it out next time she's back east during a snowstorm!

  15. Exquisite, Ratty. I haven't been in snow in quite awhile. This made me want to snuggle up by a roaring fire, with a hot buttered rum, with a good book or someone who has read one.

  16. Well, no offense, but somehow more snow doesn't excite even me this week! Did a lot of driving in it and then some more waiting for others who were driving in it so that we could get to Philly.
