
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Beauty Of Nature

I have something to tell you that I've just found out again for myself. This is the original message that I wanted to convey with this blog. I said it at the beginning, and I'm saying it again now. If you find that your life is becoming too busy with tedious everyday things, there is nothing better than making some time for nature to relieve your weary soul.

I've recently found my time constricted to almost nothing for myself. My time in this blogging world has been down to what seemed like less than nothing. I enjoy writing this blog and visiting others, but I've barely had time to write my posts. Anything else has been out of the question. My lack of time had become almost unbearable.

But now I've received a small break. The first thing I did was to head out to a hiking trail and just enjoy the pleasure of being one with nature. Where before I was exhausted, now I feel re-energized and happy again. My time is still restricted right now, but it's easing up and it will be back to normal soon. But it's nature that has made my recent heavy load bearable. Just remember this message for yourself. Nature is there for you.

The picture above was taken at the top of a hill at the beginning of a hiking trail where I took my very first pictures for this blog. This picture was taken yesterday. This was the first time I've visited this place since last spring. After going there yesterday I wonder why it took me so long to go back. Even a short hike is good. I really love nature. This trip to this place has helped me feel much better.


  1. Lovely post. I felt exactly the same yesterday while on my first outing for weeks.

  2. Hi Ratty. Sorry haven't been by for a while- I do subscribe to your posts so have been seeing them just haven't been spending a lot of time on the old blogosphere lately. I have started to do 'nature' walks every week now and I have to say it is fast becoming the highlight of my week! I feel great when out and about- I see so many wonderful creatures. It is great. I have even started taking photos again :)

  3. Always good for once awhile to take a break and look back on how far we have traveled.

  4. Just be out and about in nature does a body good..Glad that you're re-energized!

  5. Awww... The healing power of Nature! Do more!

  6. And that IS what it's all about for some of us. Great message!

  7. Ratty,

    I can sympathize. I used to live outdoors but lately, life has shoved me inside. Not to mention where I live there is nothing save the city park to get outside in. But this weekend I'm going hiking with some friends. Even if it rains (as the weather channel is predicting) I'm going. A little mud never did anyone any harm. Here's to things slowing down soon!


  8. I couldn't agree with you more. I can relate to feeling like there is no time for yourself and it doesn't make for a very happy camper.

  9. Ratty, I'm happy you were able to get a good dose of nature. For you, I can't imagine you can endure long without it. And we can't endure long without your wonderful pictures and posts!

  10. Isn't it nice to get back to what is real?? It is a busy time of year and hard to get it all in. Life is busy, isn't it?

  11. Glad you found time today to enjoy your part of the world outside. I loved when I lived in the mountains, lots to explore and I always had plenty of time.

  12. Ratty that's a great shot. I know exactly how you feel. I have to get out in nature at least three times a week in order to feel refreshed and invigorated in both body and spirit. Even if it's just for a short while.

  13. Today I broke out of the house and went for a short hike. I walked to Borders Books. Hey it's L.A. Didn't feel like driving to where I could be in the real nature. I kind of miss my old home in East Tennessee sometimes.

  14. You said what is true so well and succinctly. Moments outside really make all the difference.

    Hope all else lightens for you.
