
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Three In One

Today this very tired everyday adventurer is going to feature another one of his favorite pictures from the past. This one is from the end of July last summer. I really enjoyed getting this one, and it was a huge accomplishment for me at the time. I actually got a decent picture of three robins in one picture at the same time.

I remember walking down toward the lake when I heard these birds singing in the tree. I stopped to look where the sound was coming from, and saw these three sitting up there ignoring me. I hurried to get the shot just right, but soon realized there was no need to rush. They stayed there for several pictures. Only this one came out right, so I'm glad I got as many as I did.

As I was taking my last shots these birds all flew away as one. In all I got one good picture, six very blurry pictures, and two pictures of an empty tree branch. I'd say that's pretty good numbers. Usually my shots of empty branches far outnumbers my pictures of actual birds. This time I was lucky enough to get three birds in one picture.

And finally, just to update anyone who wants to know; my much too busy days should be ending soon, so I hope to be back on my regular schedule here in the world of blogging. Right now I have just enough time to write a post, and that's it. I miss being able to visit other blogs long enough to comment, but I'll be back doing that very soon now. That's all from a very exhausted Ratty.


  1. Awesome shot!! Here in the South we tend to do "twofers" on a regular basis (that'd be two-for-one, if your not from here). Kudos to you, Ratty, for managing to get a much coveted "threefer" :o)

  2. Three birds hiding in such a green canopy! Take care Ratty!

  3. They are plotting something I tell you...

  4. Wow... I don't think it would be possible to capture three European robins in one picture. Those European counterparts are very territorial, and don't allow another robin to come this close without fighting. I sometimes see two robins together (fighting of course) but never three...

  5. Thanks for taking us back to a bright sunny day when birds singing and warm temperatures filled the day. As I write this it is -5 degrees, the wind is blowing, and I'm getting ready to drill holes in the ice in pursuit of a few fish. While I'm out there I will think of your photo to keep me warm

  6. I try to follow the sound everytime I hear they sing. Those leaves in the jungle are simply to dense for me to trace my lovely birds.

    You are lucky to have three in one.

  7. It is so nice to see some green in the middle of winter. That is really neat that you got all three birds and they are all lined up. They must have been having a meeting.

  8. Great catch! I hear you. We've had company this week and there are only so many hours in the day.

  9. that is so great they were lined up. hope you feel more energized now.

  10. Three birds with one shots :) I believe your camera comes with " burst mode" You can try that feature next time you shoot moving object.

  11. Three birds is awesome...but wow, that lush green has REALLY got me wistful....

  12. Even though they were sitting there all in a row, they still made you work for that shot! Birds - they never give one a break.

  13. Lovely shot of the three robins and the green leaves. This time of the year it is nice to see a little green and remember what summer looks like.
