
Friday, January 8, 2010

Snowy Black Squirrel

There is something really great about hiking in the snow that you just can't find otherwise. It's the really cool pictures you get. Without the snow, some of these pictures would be just ordinary. But with it, anything you get seems to have a special quality to it.

I found this black squirrel sitting in this tree eating an acorn. The snow was falling all around, and it seemed to highlight him around the edges. And just seeing the little animal out there in the snow seemed to give the whole scene a magical quality.

I think that without the snow I might not have ever shown you these pictures. The squirrel is little more than a silhouette. I'm really glad I went out there, because I think I'm enjoying my winter hikes this year. It wasn't nearly as fun last year, maybe because I didn't have the same variety of places to go yet.

Now I can go to a few places that aren't quite as big, just in case the weather is bad. Some of the places I went last year were a little more dangerous than I like to go very often. I visited one of those recently and almost injured myself again. This year I can play it safe when I want, and I can see cool little critters like this black squirrel!

Until tomorrow, The Winter Adventurer, signing off.


  1. The snow really makes the shot Ratty, great photos. The squirrel is really enjoying his acorn. It is fun to get out in the woods this time of the year but you are right that it is more dangerous, be careful.

    Speaking of snow, have you seen the video I posted yesterday on The Road to Here?

  2. You're an adventurer, indeed..I freeze easily, so I just have to make short trip. Great pictures!

  3. You are a winter adventurer.

    The black squirrel is also the same. It has to be for not gathering enough acorn for hibernation.

    I think it has too much fun with you during the last fall.

  4. Oh how I miss hiking! You're right. Hiking in the snow is another world all of it's own. Enjoy your time out in it!

    Happy weekend,

  5. I like taking winter photographs, too. The snow makes everything "pop" and the light is so much better--always from the side instead of almost direct like in summer. The problem with taking pictures in winter is the batteries! I've learned to take an extra set to carry in my inside pocket so I can switch them out.

    The snow blower wouldn't start today, so I hand shoveled. The squirrels and birds still came to the feeder and kept me company. That was my winter adventure for the day! (And the forecast looks like I'll have the same one tomorrow...)

  6. i love the photos of the black squirrel. since i have never seen one these photos allows me to experience him with you. thanks ratty...hugz!

  7. Hiking in the winter is great! It is immensely quiet and very intriguing. In these parts the snow is deep so we use snow shoes whenever we are off-trail. There are fewer animals to see but the tracks are more evident. Great post.

  8. Those are great pictures and the snow does make things look better since it is winter. I do like squirrels even though they are a pain to some people. I used to have all kinds of trouble with them in my bird feeders. But they have to eat too.

  9. I found your journal through Blog Dumps. Very nice! Black squirrels are ever so cool!

  10. You are lucky to be able to get out there with nature Ratty. Winter is so pretty at times and all the little critters just make it even more enjoyable.

  11. He sure is cute. I have never seen a black squirrel up here..I have kept my eyes open, but not seen one! They are very neat looking!! I am glad you get to visit them in the winter...
    Ebony and Ivory.....

  12. Love the shots. I would try and get out more and in the winter if it wasn't for the fact that I hate to be cold. I'm such a wimp when it comes to winter.

  13. Catching up on your posts. Lovely collection of pictures!

  14. He looks like he's enjoying himself.

  15. He sure is fluffed up to keep warm! Glad you are enjoying the winter walks!

  16. Thank you all for your comments. I appreciate every one of them. Since I'm finding myself with a serious lack of time in a day, but I still would like to acknowledge all of you, I'll answer a few questions this time.

    I haven't seen your video yet because I didn't have a chance to get on here yesterday, but your site is one of the first ones I'm planning to visit. Thanks for telling me about it. :)

    @Joann Ballbach
    I usually take several packs of spares with me now. I can go through three sets a day before I'm done.

    I'm glad you like it here! I hope I did well enough for your future visits. Thanks.

  17. Ratty, you certainly are a hearty one. That is such a cool shot with the snow and the squirrel looks as if he is enjoying every minute of it.

  18. Ratty, don't know how I missed this post. That little black squirrel is a beauty with the snow flurries all around. I wonder how much they feel the cold. That coat just doesn't seem enough to keep them warm! I guess if you're hungry, though, it's worth venturing out for a yummy acorn! I'd need a macadamia nut to tempt me, I think.
