
Sunday, January 24, 2010

It Won't Be Long Now...

I've been looking back at some of my photos from last year. No, they haven't been destroyed in my hard drive crash. All of my nature stuff is very safe. Anyway, I decided to remind myself what things looked like a year ago. Last year at this time there was much more snow on the ground than there is now, but it wasn't long before it would be melting fast.

This winter has been much milder here than it was last year. We had two or three huge snowstorms then that made it impossible to go out on those days. This year none of our snowfall has been very bad at all. There's no was anyone can predict the future, but last year's hard winter ended abruptly. Can this year be the same?

This is what it looked like in the my favorite park over this past year. This picture is from only my second trip through there.This was from February 27. The snow never really came back. That date is only a little over a month from now. Could it look like this soon this year. The weather forecast for today is warm and rainy. Rain washes away a lot of snow.

I have really enjoyed the winter this year. But for all of you who haven't, maybe it will look like this very soon. And then spring is just around the corner. I don't know about you, but I'm going to miss the winter. I don't want it to go quite yet. Give me just a little more time.


  1. I'm ready for the winter to go and the spring arrive...I'm a grower of things and nothing is growing in the winter and although for a short while the break of hard work is nice I am soon itching for the spring to arrive so that I can get on with things again!!

  2. While most of the UK is celebrating the absence of snow, I kind of miss it. It made mountain hikes utterly bewitching.

    That said, I am looking forward to seeing the spring migrants. ^_^

  3. I just did the same thing the other day. It looks like we had the same kind of heavy snowfall last year but it came about a week or two later than what it was this year. Lets hope for an early spring and a long summer

  4. Yes, we have a very mild winter so far, and you might still get your wish for longer cold weather. We have another two months to go yet..

  5. I rather prefer to join you in the winter through you blog.

    Winter is too cold and dry to me.

  6. That first photo is absolutely breathtaking! I must admit, though, that the winter has been a bit over the top this year. I think I'll be very glad to see spring arrive (and here's hoping Phil is willing to oblige us on February 2nd :o)

  7. Thank God that your nature photos are mostly saved. I am personally prefer warm than cold. So like rainfield, I rather enjoy winter from your blog :)

  8. I'm ready for spring. There has been a lot of snow and ice. The snow is mostly melted and it's raining today but it's supposed to get cold and all turn to ice so that is no good. your photos are pretty and I have had some luck with photos. Winter gave me ice coated trees, snow and some really amazing frozen frost. but I still await spring. Enjoy the rest of your winter.

  9. I am just glad that so far we haven't had an ice storm. And I am ready for spring. I am a little tired of being cold all the time. Loved the picture of the snow all smooth. Good one.

  10. It's only January! How can we be talking about spring? I'm ready for some more winter... however, we are getting rain all day today.

  11. Winter cannot last too long from my point of view. On the other hand Spring yields new life, and what could be better that that.

  12. We are supposed to get a bunch of started out with fat huge snowflakes but it quickly turned to light rain and then abruptly stopped....but up here , we usually get a LOT of snow in February. It will be interesting to see what this winter has yet in store for us here too.

  13. Beautiful pics Ratty. While I love Spring I'm not quite ready to give up winter. We have had very little snow but lots of rain. Over the last two weeks we have had temps in the sixties. The problem is we have very little in the way of snow pack on our mountains. If this keeps up we will have water shortages come summer. Let it snow!

  14. Beautiful pictures!
    We live in Sweden and have had lots of snow so far this winter and in a couple of days the forecast says we will get more! Still that means good skiing and skating, but It will be wonderful when the ice melts and the sea comes to life again.
