
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Computer Problems?

"Have I come to the wrong place?" That must be what you're asking yourself while looking at this picture at the top. Obviously it's not a picture of a squirrel or a robin or some other little creature of nature. In fact, it's not a nature picture at all! What's going on here!

Well, this is the maintenance crew of this nature preserve, and they're at the front entranceway. It seems there has been a problem with the park, and they've been working on it for a few days now. The main computer that powers the park is buried just to the left of those trucks, and they have to dig it up and fix a glitch in it.

I've been noticing some strangeness in this place for some time now, and it seems the computer is the cause of it all. The first problem was when the leaves all fell off the trees. Then the temperature began to drop throughout the park. It didn't seem to be too bad of a problem at first, but then the days became drastically shorter, and the lake froze over. They were hoping it would sort itself out but then a few days ago all hell broke loose!

For some odd reason it became difficult to get good photos of the animals, mostly the birds in flight. The deer disappeared completely, and all that was left of them were their tracks. Then the cloaking device on the black squirrels went down, and they were revealed for all the world to see.

If that's not enough, while I was in the forest yesterday morning, all of the animals seemed to have disappeared completely. I heard a few birds in the trees, but they seemed to be completely invisible. I'm really glad they were out there trying to fix things, but it just wasn't happening yet.

But after I was at the very back of the park, and making my way back out, I began to notice something. There was one lone squirrel running through the forest. It seems that they were making progress on the computer glitch. The weather has also been warming up a little bit, so they obviously have been getting that taken care of too. But all isn't fixed yet!

As I got to the front part of the forest I noticed something very strange going on. It seems that in their effort to restore the squirrel program they made a huge mistake. While they did get some of the squirrels back, it was almost all black squirrels! And not just a few!

It seems that they must have had to rebuild the squirrel program, and in the middle of their work they must have hit 300 instead of 30, because there were way too many black squirrels. And I have to tell you, when that many squirrels are created in one spot, they tend to go very crazy. When I saw all of those squirrels causing such a ruckus I had no idea what to do! I just stupidly stood there with my mouth hanging open!

That's my story. It may be strange, but it all happened... well, all of it except maybe the part with the computer. How would I know what they're working on up there? In fact, I don't really even care, so I just decided to make something up. My theory is better than reality anyway.

Visit These Comment Contest Winners:
Through Squirrel Eyes 


  1. *Laugh* Lucky you to have a high tech wood with its very own Matrix! (you had me going there for a minute :o)

  2. I second what Jen said..I was totally lost for a minute too :-)

  3. Laughing, what a great story. I notice the birds and animals have hankered down for the winter here. I usually see the Bunnies,but not this year and the birds, Well the geese are flying northwest, now what does that mean? And the seagulls are just gone.... very quite in Maryland.

  4. If it is yes, then I can help to key in any number for the robin, squirrel, or deer.

    What number do you want?

  5. It must be a virus. The computer that controls our neighborhood over here on the west side has been acting the same way. I hope they get it fixed. Soon.

  6. Captain Kirk! You'll find me on the halodeck.

  7. Hopefully those ninja squirrels are not computer-savvy. Now.. have you watched Alvin & the chipmunk 2? :D

  8. hehehe, loved this story, thanks for the giggles.

    have a great day...hugz!

  9. Careful Ratty, don't let the tech guys know you're on to them. Just go about your business and hope they don't notice you :-)

  10. Well I like your story. I was wondering how an underground computer was controlling all those

  11. Ratty, you are too funny and I am too gullible! I believed what you said until you disclosed it was fiction! So the abundance in black squirrels isn't that they are so happy in their locale that they have grown overly amorous?

  12. You are such a good "spinner of tales" Ratty..Ha! Ha!

  13. The computer seems to be working fine here in SoCal, but we have a terrible plumbing problem. Some main pipe seems to have broken, because there is water spilling all over the place. In fact, the water is rushing out so hard that the pipes are shaking and making thunderous noises! Fortunately, I am an indoor cat and all this is happening outside. Boy, is it wet out there!

  14. That was a great really got me going there with the computer part at it kept me glued to the page to the end. What fun!

  15. Ratty, you need to write a book. You are the master of storytelling :D

  16. hey ratty...been bust for a while but it was so good to come back to one of your great always grab my attention and bring a smile to my face so keep writing

  17. Oh Ratty, the preposterousness of your story! That was a hard word to work into a sentence, but maybe it's the hour of the morning. Cute story, it would make a good Twilight Zone episode.

  18. Thank you all for your comments. I'm glad so many of you liked this post. It's a little more like my older ones. I knew I had to use that picture of the maintenance crew for something. Before I answer a few questions, I want to continue my comment game today. Ping! I'll give you the word "Chromosome". All you have to do is mention that word, any way you want, in my next post, and I'll leave a link to your blog at the end of a post very soon after. That's it. Now I think I'll answer a few of your questions!

    @Auntie E
    Geese around here just love winter. Maybe they're looking for colder weather.

    The number I'll give you is 1382.

    I haven't seen that one yet, but I know I will soon.

    I think that your guess is the right one. The black squirrels seem to all be in love. I'll be telling that story very soon.

    @Poetic Shutterbug
    If I write a book it will definitely be a story about squirrels.
