
Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Bug And The Flower

I've decided to bring you something from the past. I got these pictures in early fall last year. I honestly forgot I had them. I knew I had very many pictures of this plant, but I had no idea the bug was anywhere in my archives. That whole day's worth of photos have been lost to the past, and I had some good stuf from then.

Now I'm sure you're wondering by now what the identities are of the bug and the flower. Well, guess what! I can tell you about both of them. And I'm going to do that if you read along with the post, but first I'm going to drag this out a bit, just for my own devilish amusement. ...Okay, that's enough.

The flower is known as Jewelweed (impatiens capensis). It has become a favorite of mine since it was first introduced to me by WiseAcre quite some time ago. His blog is a very valuable source of information. The reason I like this plant is because of its other name, touch-me-not, which is because of a peculiar surprise it gives when you try to touch it. I won't tell you more about that just yet. That will come another day.

What I want to tell you about today is the identity of the bug. This bug seems to be an Aphid. Many of you have already heard of these tiny critters. If not, just follow the link I just gave you! They are small plant-eating insects. They are some of the most destructive insects in existence for cultivated plants.

A big coincidence is that I just saw a show on TV today that showed certain types of ants actually keep some aphids like we humans keep livestock. In other words, they're farm animals for ants. That's one of the strangest things I've ever heard. It's the first time I ever heard that any other animal besides humans did this.

 I mostly brought these pictures to you because I like the way the water droplets are hanging there on the plant in the first picture. The aphid and the jewelweed are somewhat of a bonus. I hope you like the whole package.

That's it for this unexpected post. This was almost a replacement for my normally scheduled post a few days ago. That one almost had to be delayed because the stunning new episode of Rat TV that it contains wasn't ready on YouTube yet. Everything worked out okay at the last minute, but I already wrote this post as a backup. Since I thought this one was still a fun enough post, I decided to bring it to you now. So here it is! I hope you like it!

Visit These Winners:
Through Squirrel Eyes


  1. Great pictures. I have never seen an impatient that looks like that. Really nice. And the bug sure looks like a grasshopper but I guess it is a cousin of some sort. Really interesting pictures.

  2. Loved these pictures. It was like seeing sunshine when I got here today with that big yellow flower. I don't know if I can wait for the future post on what the flower does when you try and touch it. I may have to go research that myself :) Interesting fact about the ants and aphids too.

  3. Interesting post and I love the pics.

  4. I thought spring has returned at the first glance.

    Flowers, bug, greenery, and beautiful water droplets form a good post.

  5. Beautiful flowers (we needed a bit of spring with all this nasty winter weather :o) We have aphids here in the South, and boy are they destructive little guys! I can't wait to hear why you shouldn't touch that flower though...
    I have given you an award, which is on my blog if you like to come and pick it up (in a manner of speaking, that is).

  6. you did an awesome job in capturing the details of these photos! i also didn't know that ants keep other insects as workers. very interesting.

    have a wonderful day...hugz!

  7. i am glad you did, that's awesome, the combination of the flower, the water drops and the bug. and the photo is so beautiful.

  8. Nice posting mate. The pictures are really very cute

  9. Ratty, that is a VERY cool picture, but I think the insect is too big for an aphid. They are usually only about 1/8" long at most

  10. The bug look like it is thinking or examining the flower. Great vibrant color of the flower :)

  11. Those aphids are useless - certainly not a yummy mouthful for us kitties. I'm glad that ants get some use out of them. I also hear that ladybugs like to eat them. There are rosebushes growing outside my favorite window. The aphids love them. My human loves ladybugs.

  12. That's a fantastic photo Ratty, but I don't think it's an aphid. We have two species here and they're both tiny.

  13. It was a refreshing change, Ratty. Squirrels are boring in comparison to bugs!

  14. Beautiful photos, Ratty! This is exactly what I need to see today..

  15. Great shots Ratty, two of my favorite subjects are flowers and bugs. Insects are fascinating but some can be a little Complicated. The Spotted Jewelweed is beautiful, I have seen them but I won't give away the ending. I'm sorry but I have to agree with Sharkbytes, the bug is way too big to be an Aphid.

    I will be up a little later tonight than usual, I will try to make one of the first comments on your new post with a reference to the comment game, maybe that will help.

  16. Thanks for the comments, everybody! I knew I was right about the jewelweed, but after reading a few of your comments I'll have to do a little bit of research on the bug. I was never too sure about it anyway, but that's okay. Maybe I'll figure it out one of these days. It looks like only you, SquirrelQueen are a winner in the game once again.

    Now for another game today. I'm still not sure if I'll do them every day, but I'll continue the game today. The word for today's game is "Rotating". Mention that word in a comment in my next post, and you'll win a link at the end of one of my next posts.

  17. Well, Ratty, I don't think I've ever seen an aphid up close and personal but I've certainly seen what the little monsters have done to my rose bushes. I don't like them at all but you've done a great job of photographing this one. I hope he's not going to make a big meal of this lovely flower, bright and beautiful as it is. The drops of water just add to the jewel-like quality of the picture.

  18. Wow Ratty, the last pic is perfection. The colors contrast so beautifully, even though that Aphid might be enjoying a bit of a snack.

  19. The pictures are beautiful. Reminds me of walks in my mom's garden in the spring :)


  20. Complicated relationship, that of the ant and aphid, no?
    Great shots...loved the water droplets, too!
