
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ungrateful Ducks

I'm gonna tell you a story. It happened just the other day. It's about this group of ducks. Just read what I have to say! You see, just yesterday I showed you a picture of this hole in the ice, but I saved the ducks around it for today. I heard them quacking from the other end of the lake, so I knew I'd get something good when I went down to approach them.

I walked down the path towards these ducks with confidence, and yes, a little bit of swagger. I was going to walk right up to these ducks and charm them. I do this kind of thing all the time. The deer come to greet me. The squirrels love me. The geese are my humble servants! Of course these ducks would be no different. After all, I'm Ratty the Great, The Everyday Adventurer.

I began taking pictures as soon as I saw them, but I still wasn't as close as I wanted to be. I needed to get closer, but I couldn't walk on the thin ice. I'm good, but not that good. So I figured I'd get as close as the viewing platform, which was very close anyway. I'd start out with these wider shots, and then get close enough to have them eating out of my hand. Yup!

Then I got to the viewing platform, and three of them up and flew away! Those ungrateful little creeps! Who did they think they were? I'd get pictures of the rest of them. I knew they loved me. They would know who I was. Then as I got closer they began quacking. Just a few at first. Then the rest joined in. What was this?

I stepped over to the railing where I could see the ducks better, and all of a sudden, as if they were one, the ducks began to waddle away from me. Then the flock of ducks leaped into the air and flew away as fast as they could go! Wait, come back! What's wrong with you! You were supposed to worship me! Don't you know who I am!

They didn't seem to hear me. Their loud quacking must have drowned out the sound of my voice. Yeah, that's it! And they kept flying towards the other end of the lake. I don't know what would be up there that's better than me. They should have recognized me. Why would they leave?

Who needs you anyway, you ungrateful little quackers...

Hey ducks! You hear me? Duuckiees! Come baack! Duckies? Please?


  1. Maybe they didn't want to be superstars without food anymore! You should have some bread crumbs in hands..The ducks and geese on Belle Isle love to get treated well!

  2. just seen Judy's selfish squirrel and now, your ungrateful ducks. lol!

    I agree with Icy, bread crumbs come in handy when dealing with ducks. ;)

  3. Indignant, aren't they? Keep trying Ratty, best friends are not usually the one's that come the easiest.

    Can't blame 'em for being shy. With time you will perservere.


  4. Food on your hand will work like a charm Ratty. Try that next time :)

  5. Bad duckies! I'm sure they know you. It might be the cold in the air that was affecting their eyesight that they did not recognize you. Give them another chance. :)

  6. I'm sure you will persevere and charm them eventually and I'm quite sure you will not give up you did at least get a couple shots.

  7. Poor, poor Everyday Adventurer... Maybe they just never got the memo.

  8. What a comedown for the great squirrel stalker. Now you'll have to become a duck stalker. I guess that's better than a stuck dalker.

  9. Well those rats, wait no, you're the rat. Well those dratted ducks just don't know what they are missing.

  10. They are tired of being second fiddle to the squirrels.

  11. They are a LOT more shy than the geese are, I have found that out too, Ratty. Besides, I think they are hunted more, so they have reason not to trust us humans....the trick is to show them your camera and tell them it doesn't have bullets. ha
    I will have a chat with them and tell them that Ratty's with cameras are sweet and not to worry, okay?????

  12. Ratty, I laughed throughout the entire story. My friend and I use that line all the time. Do you know who I am? :D I think next time you need to wear your press pass :)

  13. There can be only one explanation Ratty. These were obviously out of town ducks, how else could they not recognize Ratty the Great. Silly ducks, they will never know that they let fame slip right through their webbed toes.

  14. So funny. Maybe they wanted the paparazzi instead! :-)

  15. I am thinking those were "wild" ducks and not used to people. That's how the ducks at the wildlife refuges act around here. The ducks in town come running for handouts.

  16. Thanks to you all for your comments and suggestions. I think the ducks did the right thing by taking Ratty the Great down a peg.

  17. lol that was funny. =D It looks like they're yet to discover the greatness of Ratty. hehe.. oh but don't give up.. I'm sure they'd hear about you from their cousins (geese) and will return to you in no time. Nice pics by the way.
