
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Magical Doorway

You can find all sorts of fantastic things while you're hiking through nature. The first thing that comes to mind are the cool wild animals that are out there roaming around. Then there are all of the beautiful trees, flowers, and other plants. Not only are there the real features of nature, but also the imaginary.

Look at this top photo for instance. What do you see there? First there is the path covered in old leaves. Then there is a covering of bare branches. But what I see is a doorway. In my mind this doorway could lead to so many wonderful places. All I have to do is let my imagination go free and this doorway will take me there.

The doorway is always there, but it never takes me to the same place twice. I see this doorway every time I go to this place. It could lead to a colorful meadow, or a fantasy world full of magic and fun. I guess the doorway would lead to a different place for each person. Where would it lead to for you?

I specifically took this picture of this magical doorway the last time I was on this path. This whole section of the path just seems special to me. The strange thin is that the doorway wasn't always there. It was formed about a year ago. The conditions were about the same as they are in the picture.

That was a time when the trees were falling in this forest so much that they had to close the park at one point. I guess there is a reason for everything that happens, even the seeming natural destruction of a forest. It seemed like half the forest had fallen down, but then, as if by magic, things like this doorway were formed.

As I mentioned before, this doorway is always there now. here's the same doorway from all the way back in June. It looked a lot more inviting then, didn't it? Now maybe you can see a little bit of the magical realm beyond. In the first pictures maybe it lead to a witches house in an evil forest. Now in this picture it leads to a magical land of castles and fairies.

I guess only I know where it really leads, and it really is a fantastic place. There are a few dragons there, as well as the fairies, but I don't let them bother me. There is also a meadow full of birds and butterflies there. There is also a mysterious tree full of golden apples there that almost calls out to me, but I never touch it. Do you wonder what you would see?

I can hear the wind blowing outside my window as I write this. I wonder if it will blow trees down in this forest again. Will the doorway be there the next time I go back? Or will it disappear seemingly forever, only to reappear in another hundred years to lead another traveler to a fantastic meadow full of dragons and butterflies.


  1. That is really cool. It really is a doorway.

  2. A beautiful and magical doorway indeed. The one where it was covered in green was especially inviting. :)

  3. Thank you for posting this... Interesting to see the changes throughout the seasons!

  4. yes! a magical doorway that is only limited to your imagination. that is so very cool! through the doorway i will find a beautiful meadow full of wildflowers and lots of friendly animals. there will be a small stream flowing with a magnificent weeping willow standing proudly along its bank. i see magical beings playing in the tall grasses waiting for me to come join them.

    thanks ratty for the wonderful vision! have a great day...hugz!

  5. Of course! Magical doorways are, by nature ephemeral. But beware of both the dragons and the fairies—both are magical, beautiful, and dangerous!

    I just discovered this blog and subscribed immediately. I'm back-reading now and enjoying your entries a lot. Thanks.

  6. I can find many of this kind in my jungle. They lead me to any places I want to, of course, with my imagination.

    I remembered I found Wonderland at one time.

  7. Beautiful pictures of a magical and fantasy world, Ratty! It's so inviting, and I'm glad you've found it!

  8. Really cool doorway, maybe you should put a sign there in case you never returned to the same place :)

  9. Love the doorway! And it looks so different in summer. I didn't expect it would look so good. Not all of those bent and fallen trees are dead! Good stuff.

  10. Ratty, both are inviting in their own way. While the second one is lush and green the first one presents as a winter doorway with some enchanted winter fairies waiting on the other side. I like both.

  11. What is really on the other side of this magic doorway? I mean in your imagination?


  12. Oh how lucky you are to have your very own magical doorway. I think that I will start keeping my eyes open and see if I can discover one of my own. Wonderful post, truly enjoyed it and the pictures are great.

  13. I LOVE this shot and the doorway...I can see how it spurs on your imagination. Nature's entrance..what could be better?

  14. So very beautiful--both as photos and a space AND as a metaphor....inspiring images!

  15. I was hiking today and saw a white squirrel. Took several pictures but none turned out very well. The telephoto doesn't work all that well with this kodak point and shoot. Was thinking about you and really wanted to get a good photo. Maybe next time

  16. It really does look magical! Irresistable, you simply must go and see what is on the other side.

  17. Very cool Ratty, your magical doorway looks like it could lead to great adventures. I have one or two as well, where would they lead me? It depends on the day and how the stars align.

  18. Gosh! That looks so fairy-take like. How far is this place from your house? I love both scenes... but I would prefer going thru the green magical doorway. I don't fancy being face to face with witches!

  19. Nature's full of mysteries but this doorway is full of magic.. Cool captures Ratty! My favorite is the 3rd one.

  20. I just want to thank you all for your comments. I got behind again, so I'll just answer a few questions. It seems like that keeps happening. One question for you. Who enjoys reading the comments, other than me? Let me know who you are; I like to give special treatment when I can.

    @Joann Ballbach
    I'm glad you like it here. I hope to see your name in the comments list often.

    @Jen Chandler
    I see dragons around here all the time. You can have any that want, there's plenty.

    The things on the other side of the doorway change in my imagination from minuter to minute. Take a look at my Rat Tales blog and you'll see a few of them.

    @Joe Todd
    Post those pictures anyway! I'd still love to see them even if it's only a flash of white. I'll do it here if you want.

    It's good to see your name here again. :)
