
Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Kind Of Magic

There I was walking through the forest yesterday when a strange feeling suddenly overcame me. There was a kind of magic in the air. I knew there were no other humans in this forest with me, but I wasn't alone at all. Now you may thin I am referring to the presence of all of the little forest creatures like the squirrels, but that's not what I mean at all.

It was the trees! All of a sudden I had an overwhelming feeling that the trees were communicating with me. I could hear them in my mind whispering to me. They were telling me that I was their friend and I was welcome here. It gave me a feeling of utter peace and contentment. It was more intense than I've ever felt in my entire life.

These two pictures I'm showing you now were taken in that exact spot at that exact moment. At that moment I understood the trees as much as I've ever understood anyone who has spoken to me. They were all my friends and I was completely surrounded by them. I had to stop for over five minutes so I could listen to them talk to me.

How can I explain the things they said? They weren't speaking any kind of human language, and the only translation that exists is, "Welcome friend." I don't claim to actually know any more of nature than anyone else except through my past couple of years experience, but I am claiming that this really happened to me. Maybe it can happen to you too.

What I am saying to you now is stop and listen to the trees. A few of you already have done this, but I want even you to listen again. Maybe there really are a kind of tree spirits. Maybe it was only my own fanciful imagination. If it was just my imagination I'm glad to have it. If they are really tree spirits I just want to thank them for being my new friends.


  1. Can't say I believe in tree spirits, but I do agree wholeheartedly that there is something utterly peaceful about walking through the woods (gives a lovely feeling of serenity, doesn't it? :o)

  2. The feeling of peace and happiness is what matters the most. So whether it be a tree spirit or your imagination is up to you, go with whatever version suits you best. Have a great day

  3. If I'm totally alone, like you, in the woods, I would be scared and get out..Too many bad memories, but I try to listen to trees, flowers, and things around me.

  4. wow...feels like someone following me in here....hehehe nice photos...

    have a wonderful sunday!

  5. We have a small patch of forest behind our house where my grandson and I go to hunt for evidence of dinosaurs. We have done this since he was 3 and he still looks forward to doing this.

  6. My trees are not satisfied in only talking to me. They want to show me evidence, to help me solving my problem.

    I had this experience this morning while you were talking to their counterparts.

  7. Very cool, Ratty. I once dreamed that I was a tree.

  8. i believe in all kinds of spirits and have listened to the trees before. it is a very magical time. have a great day...hugz!

  9. This is a wonderful story...I love to go out on my own and just listen to the world around me and there is no better place to do this than in the woods or by running water....I don't think enough people take the time out to listen to the wildlife!!

  10. Ratty, I know exactly what you mean. When I am on that redwood trail in the gardens I feel not only that they are speaking to me but that they are protecting me. It's a feeling that I have nowhere else other than in those gardens. I completely understand and isn't it a wonderful feeling?

  11. Well, they are living things!! Just be careful Ratty if one tries to hug you..Ha! Ha! I wish I could walk in the woods all alone with the trees. I'd really enjoy that. love your posts Ratty! Always entertaining. Happy New Year!

  12. i love walking in the woods as well, and I always feel i am protected by the trees, and i love looking at their characters, the faces they show in their trunks and branches

  13. I had a similar experience in the fall on some property that we own. I was walking further up the road looking at the colored leaves, which were gorgeous. Something made me stop dead in my tracks. I didn't hear anything, but I felt it.
    I just froze and really looked at each and every tree, closely.
    A peace definitely came over me.
