
Monday, December 21, 2009

Ice Squirrel

I decided to bring you another picture of a squirrel wandering around out on the ice. I got this just yesterday in the morning, and the sun was shining down on him in just the right way. It made this squirrel seem as if he was glowing! I had to share this one just because of the way it came out. Click on it to see it bigger for the full effect.

I wonder if this was the same squirrel as the other one from a few days ago. I took this picture at almost the same place as the pictures of the squirrel I got a few days ago. This is the only one I got this time before the squirrel disappeared behind the tree, so if you want more pictures like this take a look at the other post of the squirrel, you'll like it.

This is a short post today because in case you haven't noticed my presence on the internet isn't what it should be right now. I've been very busy lately and I haven't had much of a chance to get on here for long enough to do much at all. Every time I get on for a few minutes I get interrupted by something. Hopefully everything will calm down after Christmas. I'll still work hard never to miss writing a post though, so I'll have my next one up bright and early tomorrow.


  1. Woo! Look at all the snow (and I was beginning to think you hadn't gotten any). I'm thinking this might be a different little dude than the squirrel in the other photo - his red looks like it's more spread out (although it could just be the angle of the sun).
    I know what you mean about busy (it's NUTS around here :o) I suffer from Projectus Interruptus on a regular basis (hee). Thanks for sharing your little friend!

  2. Take a break, Ratty. I'm finding it hard to squeeze in the dropping, reading, and commenting too. I have a feeling it is going to be a quiet week on the net.

  3. That was my first impression, and that's the squirrel is glowing.
    I can relate to your feeling about "sitting down and got interrupted"..That's what going on with me too!

  4. Looks like you are on the tree, and the squirrel is on the ground.

    What's a change in position.

    May see the squirrel starting to take your picture later.

  5. Nice capture. With the white background of the snow, and with the sunlight falling on him, this photo looks different and interesting. I like this.

  6. I don't know how you doing. If I were still working, being on call, going in to the ER at all hours of the day and night, not sleeping, there is no way I could keep it up...still I am trying to find work. It's impossible to live in the San Francisco area on a half time city/county retirement income.

    As for your glowing squirrel, he's beautiful. Maybe he's just decorated for Christmas!

  7. He is glowing, Ratty! Maybe he is just lit up for Christmas. h a

    I know how you feel about not being able to get on your blog...I can't wait until I get my computer back (hopefully this week) with my photography programs will be a lot of work to start over, but I am just hoping he saved MOST of my photos that were on it.

  8. Not only does he look like he's glowing, he looks huge. I wouldn't worry too much about not being around so much, it's that time of year and everyone is busy. Do what you can and don't worry about the rest.

  9. This is a wonderful shot....the squirrel looks so golden..I think it would be nice if you played around with this one in black and white.....or maybe sepia...I think it would look really stunning then...or maybe just ruin it?!?!?!

  10. that's a very beautiful picture, the squirrel looks radiant with the light of the sun on him, wonderful

  11. He looks like he is floating! Somehow I missed stopping by this morning. It was a very busy day here too. After the events on my blog I had yet another dinner to go to this evening. Urp.

  12. Ratty definitely in the spotlight. Nice balancing act too!

  13. Very nice capture of the squirrel in the sunlight. It does give a glow to his fur. Nothing can stop squirrels from exploring and checking things out, not even snow and ice.

  14. I love the way this photo came out Ratty!! Awesome!! Merry Christmas!!
