
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Time Butterfly

I saved this for six months all for you! Yup, I've been holding out on you. I have very many things I saw in warmer times that I saved for days just like this. It has been cold and windy here for the past few days, and I decided it was exactly the right time to break the mood, and bring you something warm and pleasant.

That's why I have this butterfly and these daisies for you. I had almost forgotten about them, but I have all of my old pictures set to come up randomly as my desktop wallpaper, and this one showed up to brighten my dark day. It looked so nice that I decided to share it with you.

Going back and looking at these again is almost like being able to have this adventure twice. As I was looking at these pictures I remembered something about this butterfly that should give you something to think about. It's something peculiar that I found out about butterflies. Have you ever just watched a buttefly when it lands on a flower?

I watched this butterfly, and I noticed that it didn't just sit there in one spot on the flower. The butterfly slowly turned in a complete circle as if it was looking for just the right spot. After seeing it do this peculiar thing, I watched other butterflies, and they did it too. Did you ever see a butterfly do this?

There you can see that the little butterfly found the right spot. If you look very closely you can see that it is eagerly sucking the nectar out of this flower. It stopped in this position long enough for me to get plenty of pictures. I think I like this one the most so I shared it with you.

I hope you liked this little break from the cold weather I would otherwise show you. If you still want to see more warm sights from this very same day I have something very special from back then. I saw this butterfly on the very same day that I had a close up encounter with six raccoons. You can find the link to the first post in a series about them here. For those of you who weren't here back then, go and take a look. It was a very odd and exciting adventure.

That's it for today. Tomorrow we'll come back to the present. I'll have something good for you, but it won't be about butterflies or daisies.


  1. It is indeed a very summer pictures. Glad you keep it for us Ratty :)

  2. Ratty, daisies are my favorite of all flowers, just because they are so bright and cheerful, with their sunny faces and white petals. You couldn't have given me a nicer surprise this early Saturday morning. I have been awake the entire night and am finally getting sleepy, as it nears 5AM so I will probably sleep most of the day...whacky girl, that I am.

    Off to be now.

  3. Great picture of the butterfly and daisy. And yes it is nice to see a flower. No, I have never watched a butterfly after it lands but I sure will do that next summer. Very interesting.

  4. Beautiful, bright, cheery, happiness, and warm to see this post! Need I say more :-) ?

  5. If you need warmer weather, you can see your past picture, or simply click the visit to my site. It is 30 degress C, warm enough to melt all the snow.

    And warm enough to have the butterflies fly high and low, for me to observe later on your finding.

  6. Very nice. I was thinking about a flower today too, but now the sun is out, so there may be sparkly things coming. I like it that you are showing us flowers now more than at first.

  7. Yeah, spring! THanks, Ratty. :)

  8. Hi- I have chosen this blog as one of the 20 Charter Inductees into a Favorite Nature Blog feed. I've been building it over the last few days, and plan to start promoting it tomorrow. See

    Over the next few months I would like to "interview" each of the bloggers, and do one post on each person.

    Hoping that this will bring a little more traffic your way.

    Celebrating Nature, sharkbytes

  9. These pictures bring a smile to my face! It's never too early to start wishing for spring.

  10. oh Ratty...after a sleepless night I really needed this little ray of sunshine in my day so thank you soooooo much!!

  11. The daisy is the flower of my BF and me. She died and left me with only daisies. Whenever I see one I am reminded she lives on and the joy she gave me for 33yrs. Two giggly girls making the longest daisy chain in the world.
    The weather has been horrible here and you brightened up my day Ratty, thanks.

    BTW did you see the video I put up for you and Sharkbytes on Scribbles blog? I am sure you will enjoy it.

  12. That's so nice (and seems like a distant memory!) I put a collage together the other night of all fresh spring flowers, for the same reason--it will show up on my blog in due time! And so nice to see: it worked! Your flashback photos cheered folks up.

  13. Butterflies and daisies are the perfect picture for me on this stormy cold day.

  14. Wow, this really was perfect timing. I just came in from hours and hours in the wind and cold (-5 degrees wind chill) and I was thinking about how different summer is from winter in the woods. There is so much activity in the summer and during the winter months the forest is so much quieter, very peaceful. Anyways I was thinking about flowers and butterflies and then I went to your post as I do almost every day and there it was. Wow, blew me away.

    Thank you.

  15. Thank you! Those are beautiful. Definitely warms the spirit on this super cold day! :-)

  16. That was a nice break, Ratty, thanks! When I get back from our trip to Florida, I hope to show you some tropical pictures too, so that the cold and snow outside will disappear from your thoughts.

  17. I thought it was a bit chilly for this type scene. Thanks for letting me know you've been saving it and i'm not crazy!

  18. Ah, a nice warm change of pace from all the snow Ratty. The daisy and butterfly are beautiful. I have watched butterflies do this too, they are looking for best place for the nectar I imagine. I posted snow yesterday, so tonight I'm doing a springtime flashback too. Warm is good.

  19. Wow! I didn't realize just how far behind I had gotten this time. Thank you all for your comments. I'm still wishing it was summer again. I'll probably be used to this cold weather when spring gets here.
