
Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Just when I thought I had seen it all, I met a new squirrel in the forest! I guess I'll have to name him Baldilocks because of his huge bald spot. He doesn't seem very happy about his baldness either. I feel for him, but he didn't have to take it out on me. I'll tell you what happened.

It was the last day when all of the snow was still on the ground. I was happily walking through the forest not really expecting to see any animals because everything was so quiet. That's when it happened! On the tree just to my left a squirrel came around the side of the trunk right for me! It was very angry because I was so close.

I learned a long time ago never to run from an animal, but I always remain very careful. The key is to never make any sudden moves either way. I was still well within jumping range of this furious little baldy. You may notice black edges around the corners of my pictures. That's because I was too close for my zoom lense attachment.

I already had my camera up and ready, and when I saw what looked at the time like a possible injury on this squirrel's back I had to get some pictures before it was too late. As I began to take my pictures I also started slowly backing away. First, I had to get out of jumping range of this hostile little guy, and second, I needed to get better range for my lense.

I had no idea why he was missing the fur on his back, but I wanted to get plenty of pictures so I could examine them later. I ended up with exactly 125 pictures of him! Yes, you read that right! I would show them all to you, but I don't think you'd have time to look at them all, so I'll just show you these five.

I'm happy to say that after examining all of the pictures that whatever the problem is with his back, he seems to be just fine. There is no sign of injury or disease anymore, just a lot of wrinkly, bald squirrel skin. I guess the only problem he has right now isa case of wounded pride from not having all of his hair.

You know, I can't say I understand the experience of going bald, like this squirrel, or some men. I have a very full head of hair. I have two uncles who are quite bald though. It took me quite awhile to understand what some bald men feel about it. It's not always fun for them.

Years ago when my youngest uncle, who is like an older brother to me, began to seriously lose his hair I used to playfully tease him about it. He wasn't even thirty years old yet. I thought he was fine with the teasing, and I thought he was too confident as a person for it to be a problem. Besides, he always gave better than he got. 

But one day he got angry with me, and I saw that it was because I seriously hurt his feelings. I felt horrible about it. I never realized it would make him feel bad. That was the last time I ever said anything about it to him. We still tease each other about everything, but I keep that off limits.

Back to the main story. I had no idea how many pictures I had of Baldilocks the squirrel, but I knew I had plenty, so I went on my way. I still couldn't resist taking more pictures as I left him behind. He was determined to keep his spot on that tree, and to send me away. He got his wish. He was still there the last time I saw him from very far away.

Baldilocks the squirrel was angry with me for being there, but I was just glad to discover later that he seemed to be healthy. I have found another unique squirrel in the forest. I was worried about him at first, but now I think he's going to be just fine.


  1. Having been bald myself (thankfully temporary due to cancer and chemo) I can definitely vouch for it being no fun. I imagine he is feeling quite a draft, which can't be too comfortable in the wintertime - poor little man (maybe his cranky nature will disappear when his fur returns :o)

  2. Hopefully, his fur will return! That's a unique little squirrel, and very daring to stare back at you.

  3. Awww, I hope he's not cold in the winter. Could it be allergies or something I wonder.

  4. Hey Baldilock, I do not want to be offensive. I prefer to be silent.

  5. This is really interesting. I wonder what would have caused that? Is the skin thick and scarred like his fur won't grow back? Infection, parasite, injury? Seems like it would be a permanent cold spot for the little guy/gal.

  6. oh, he does look angry. my mind is filled with all kinds of scenarios as to how he got bald. i am happy that he is all right. have a great day ratty...hugz!

  7. I have seen hawks come down and rip skin off rabbits and squirrels like that so maybe that is what happened to him. They heal but the fur sometimes don't grow back. Poor thing. I always worry about them in the cold weather.

  8. Yikes. Wonder if there is Rogaine for Squirrels???? Of course, you would have to find a way to get it on his head. ha

  9. Poor little guy. We had a squirrel who lost his tail once, and I always felt sorry for it. They manage somehow.

  10. Poor little thing. I hope he's not too cold without the fur. I have a problem with alapecia areata which means that I lose hair in spots. It does grow back but I've gone to a dermatologist to get shots in my head to encourage regrowth. Maybe this guy should see my

  11. Aw, poor little guy, I can understand why he would act angry. The first thought that crossed my mind was the same as Ginnymo, it could have been a hawk. Squirrels are tough little critters so hopefully he will be ok. Maybe you will see him again Ratty and can give us an update.

  12. glad that he is fine, hope he gets his fur back soon. i saw a black squirrel in my hike saturday and he was climbing the tree, but then, i was too late since my camera was in my backpack :(

  13. What a curious thing to see...poor little guy because it's a heck of a time of year to have a hole in the old fur coat!!

  14. Next time bring along hair tonic for him to soothe his anger Ratty :) I love his pose on the first picture, looks like he is ready to kungfu attack you any moment :D

  15. First, those are great shots though he looks like he's coming right after you. He may have felt threatened as a result of whatever it was that happened to his back. He didn't know you are the paparazzi of the forest. I learned from you today however not to run from an animal. I always have that initial reaction when getting too close but I will take your advice during future treks.
