
Monday, November 16, 2009

Your Super Power

It's time for the good old poll results again! This time you were asked the question, "Which super power do you want?" A thrilling thought, if you ask me. Most of us want to be super, don't we? You were given six answers to choose from. Let's see which one you picked!

#6 X-Ray Vision - 2 votes (5%) :  Only two of you chose this one. I can't judge why anyone else would want this one, but there used to be ads in the back of comic books where they used to sell glasses that granted this very power.What they advertised was that you could see through many things, including clothing. They didn't work, of course. But what teenage boy wouldn't want that power, even knowing the risks of the glasses being fake? Well this power is not fake. There's one catch though. You can see through everything! That's right, now everyone you see loos like a walking skeleton, and you're stuck like that forever!

#5 None - 3 votes (7%) :  There were five other reasonable choices here! You played this game, but still chose none! You ruined the entire game, so you get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir! (Willy Wonka)

#4 Great Strength - 3 votes (7%) :  Steroids. That's what you need. Just give yourself a shot right in the behind with that stuff, and you'll end up looking like the most muscular professional wrestlers (or baseball players). You'll enjoy fame for a few short years before the side effects of this drug come into play. Then your bones will begin to deteriorate as you have one injury after another. You'll end up having to retire early as your strength goes away and you find that you now have to live out the rest of your life in a wheel chair.

#3 Super Speed - 5 votes (13%) :  Super speed would be a fantastic choice... if you could slow down! You are now moving so fast that all other living things seem to be stopped! You can't talk to them. You can't get them to notice you other than your now irritating voice that is going at such a high rate of speed that it sounds like the buzzing of an insect.

#2 Flight - 11 votes (28%) :  There was once a story about a man named Henry Heinrich. Henry met a strange man in a forest who granted him one wish. Henry decided that he wanted the power of flight,  just like you. Today Henry is living out his life being able to fly wherever and whenever he wants. The strange man turned out to have a bit of a cruel sense of humor because Henry is now living out his life as a goose, just like you.

#1 Invisibility - 14 votes (36%) :  Now for the winner! Most of you chose this one, and you won't leave disappointed! Let's see, how could somebody become invisible? I know of a way! You could become a ghost. A walking spirit stuck on this plane of existence forever. You will see everyone else as the years pass by, but nobody else will ever see you. Oh sure, they might be able to hear your tired and helpless moans of loneliness when there is nobody else around, but they'll never see you. Your only human contact will be when you eavesdrop on random conversations whenever a group of people come anywhere near. That's kind of like when you read a blog without commenting! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh, how I love happy endings...

I guess this is what happens with my post when I consult the same strange guy that Henry Heinrich talked to. I asked him for good answers for these choices, but this is the crazy stuff he gave me. I would never give out evil wishes such as these. So you see, it's all his fault. Yup, all his fault.


  1. We tend to blame people. I blame politicians for my shortcomings, and Henry Heinrich is made a scapegoat by you.

  2. Hey mistor (my verification word)-

    I changed my choice and posted it on my blog. I want the ability to stay awake indefinitely! But I want to also be able to sleep when I choose that so that I can escape the world the same as everyone else for X hours a day. I want a slice of moon cheese on my sandwich too.

  3. Mmmm it seems no appropriate choice, I prefer to be normal human with super power heart :P

  4. Ratty, I think I just saw a steroid enhanced evil squirrel behind you...

  5. I'm wondering since I chose invisibility if my comment will ever be see or is it also

  6. Yikes, I have just been GOOSED then!
    Ratty, you are a bad boy!

  7. Uh oh, I think I'd better comment today, I got the hint, Ratty. :) I'd like to be invisible so nobody bothers me when I want to just relax. Nothing sinister about that, right?

  8. I think you should have added the option of being a squirrel. Then we would all be famous and posing on your blog :) BTW these path shots are gorgeous.

  9. But Ratty, the poll asked what kind of Super Power, as in super hero.

    BTW, which one would you have chosen?

  10. You always seem to have so much fun with your polls Ratty, good for you. I would like the super power of knowing everyone will be okay when they die.

  11. @Rainfield
    Ah, but I didn't blame poor old Henry. I blamed the strange man in the white suit that Henry met in the forest. He's really a bad man. A very bad man. All his fault. ;)

    It looks like you've got it all covered. I'm sure the strange man that gave me all these answers could come up with something for you.

    Normal human would probably be the best choice even though the answer to that one was also negative. But there were no evil consequences to that one. But your super power heart might be translated as high blood pressure. If you meet a man in the woods who says he can grant that wish, don't make a deal with him.

    I have to watch out for muscled up steroid squirrels. One wrong move and it might set off what they call roid rage.

    Your comment is what sets you free from the curse of invisibility. Now you are free!

    @The Retired One
    I can say in all honesty that the devil made me do it.

    Normal invisibility is a good thing sometimes, but the quick fix of super powers can sometimes come with a horrible catch, just as I've demonstrated.

    @Poetic Shutterbug
    That's an excellent idea. Maybe that will be the subject of another poll. I won't be so evil with the results of that one though. My path shots are from a place I consider to be my own botanical gardens. Mine are a little more on the wild side though, and not always as pretty.

    Technically I never said super hero. I was being evilly deceptive this time.

    The one I would choose? I've had bad luck with invisibility, and I demonstrated bad luck with flight before. I might just choose great strength because the consequences might take longer than the others.

    @The Ancient Digger
    Actually they all kind of lost. It was an inexcusably evil joke that I played on everyone. But as I said, the devil made me do it.

    These polls are indeed very fun for me. Be careful when wishing for any super power. The strange guy that can grant them always likes to turn them into a curse.

  12. Whew, that quite a list and I managed to miss your poll BUT I think flying would still be the best. In fact, for many years as a child, I could picture it so perfectly that I would fall asleep looking down at the earth; I know, I was a little weird.

  13. I'm such a dork! I thought the choice was INVINCIBILITY not INVISIBILITY....LOL....I wanna re-try :)

  14. @WillOaks Studio
    If you concentrate hard enough you can fly in your dreams. Think about it before you go to sleep every night until it happens. It works for me.

    Invincibility would have been an excellent choice for the poll. I wish I would have thought to put it there.

    Thank you very much.
