
Thursday, November 26, 2009


I'm back again with one last look at this deer of the foggy day. It's a very busy day for those of us here in the United States because we're celebrating Thanksgiving today. I'm still not going to disappoint any of you who might want to look in and see what I might have for you though.

In this top picture there is something strange. I didn't see it while I was out in that thick fog, but there is another deer to the right and behind the deer that wanted to be my friend. It was wandering around back there, and I only saw it when I looked at these pictures. I have said before that the camera saw through that fog better than I did, and it is very true.

This second picture shows the deer raising its head up in the air. What she was doing was sniffing in my direction. She was trying to determine what I was and what my intentions were. She must have thought I didn't smell too bad because she moved closer every time she did that.

Every time she made that sniffing motion, I would copy her exactly. She seemed to take that as a gesture of friendship too, because that also brought her a little bit closer. I did my best to coax this deer ever closer, but I didn't really need to because she seemed to be trying to get me to come closer. This was a very curious deer. I almost expected her to begin taking pictures of me.

This third picture was after I decided that it would be best if I moved away from the deer. I could hear the male making those aggressive noises, so I put some distance between me and them. The picture shows another reason that I don't touch the animals.

She probably just had a normal itch, but she also might have had fleas or ticks. I like animals but I really don't want parasites passed on to me because I felt the need to pet a deer. That's just asking for trouble.

Finally we come to the last photo I took of the deer. It's also the last I saw of her. Goodbye my animal friend. Goodbye.

And to all of you who are reading today I hope you have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! If you don't quite understand what Thanksgiving is, it is just a day where we as Americans give thanks for what we have. It was originally a day of thanks for food by a small group of Pilgrims here who had been having trouble getting any. They were given the food they needed by a friendly group of natives. And they all ate together to show their thanks and their friendship.

On this very busy day for me I'd like to thank all of you for visiting, your kind comments, and your friendship. Thank you!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Ratty :) Nice photos of deer in the fog

  2. The first shot has the look I really like. Very misty with a touch of mystery

  3. Hey Ratty- Happy Thanksgiving to you!
    I haven't been by much lately, been a bit busy but I do get your posts everyday by email so I've not missed anything.
    The post and the photographs yesterday and today are amazing! I bet it felt amazing to have that deer come so close to you and not feel scared of you or threatened. You are a very lucky man!

  4. I thankfully had time to visit my favorite blogs before the days activities start. Great photos again and even though I said it yesterday, that had to have been an incredible experience.
    Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Dont blame you for caution Ratty, especially since were still in the rut. Nothing more dangerous than a large animal with harp pointy antlers, looking for L'amour, and seeing a strange animal getting between him and his intended. Fantastic shots though!

  6. wow, wild life in the forest, so cool. happy thanksgiving for you :D

  7. Happy Thanksgiving, such a meaningful day.

    And thanks you, for a lovely post.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

    Thanks, I'll have something special tomorrow that doesn't involve fog.

    It was a very amazing morning that day. It really did have a touch of mystery for me too.

    It was an amazing experience because the deer not only didn't feel scared, it was trying to keep me from feeling scared too.

    Yes, I agree it was an incredible experience. That's the fun of doing what I do; these experiences happen often enough to make me keep going back for plenty more.

    That's exactly the sense I was getting from the situation. That male was out there, and he was sharpening his antlers only a short distance behind me.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving, Ratty!

    A wonderful post to celebrate the day.

  10. @Beauty
    There's plenty more where that came from. I have some amazing sights in my archive.

    Thanksgiving is one of the few special days where we celebrate peace with nothing else to make it too complicated. I hope your day is happy as well.

  11. @Icy BC
    Happy Thanksgiving celebration to you too, Icy, my closest neighbor.

  12. You sure got some awesome photos of those deer Ratty. By now your day is over and you are probably lying on the couch full of turkey..Ha! Hope you had a good day!

  13. Wish you a Happy Thanksgiving day. The deer photos in a natural setting are nice. Your description of the encounter makes it alive.

  14. Great shots of the deer in each of your posts Ratty, don't you love it when they get curious as well?

    Hope you have had a great day and a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  15. @Ginnymo
    I hope you had a good day too. I skipped the couch and went straight to bed. This kind of day puts me right out.

    The description of an encounter like this almost tells itself. The deer really did most of the work. :)

    Yeah, the deer are usually afraid until they get curious. Then that fear goes right out the window. I thought this one would have stayed away after dealing with the guy and his dog that were there before me.

    I hope all of you had a happy Thanksgiving.

  16. I really like the one of her sniffing! Such a natural thing to do, but one doesn't see many pictures of it.

  17. I am reading this a day or two I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, Ratty.
    I am grateful for your blog and for you visiting mine, too!

  18. @Sharkbytes
    I like that one with her sniffing too. That's the kind of thing I like to show, more than a picture that most people would consider a perfect pose.

    @The Retired One
    I'm a little late on all of my blog stuff too. My Thanksgiving was wonderful, but I'm glad it's over. I'm not used to all that commotion. I'm grateful for your blog too, and your visits.
